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The Return of Christ Within

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We differ on a couple of points right there Tom. I believe Jesus DID put some people on the 'spot' at various times and he most certainly DID show 'disregard' for what was going on in SOME peoples hearts, most often the religious leaders and even at times his own disciples when they were being carnal and/or unbelieving.

And I cannot really fathom why putting your original question on the other thread 'shook' Todd up so much ?

Was it more your 'insubordination' towards him that 'shook him so badly' ?

(I think it was really because you 'put him on the spot') !!

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'shook him so badly'

you are mistaken

and the only one saying that allan

Was it more your 'insubordination' towards him that 'shook him so badly' ?

This is totally absurd and has no basis whatsoever.

Except that possibly you think this is how things that are godly work, which it is not.

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...he [Jesus Christ] most certainly DID show 'disregard' for what was going on in SOME peoples hearts, most often the religious leaders and even at times his own disciples when they were being carnal and/or unbelieving.

Allan, when I say that "Jesus never showed disregard for what was going on in the hearts of people," that doesn't mean he agreed with everything that was in everyone's heart. He worked in the heart. You have to know the heart to work in the heart. To know the heart, you have to take time to learn it. Jesus amazed people because he spoke as one who had authority in the hearts of men, not authoritarian bullying. Matters of the heart - that's "the spot" Jesus worked in compassionately to heal people.

And I cannot really fathom why putting your original question on the other thread 'shook' Todd up so much ?

It didn't shake him. A lesser man it might have. I tried to communicate how it is that, contrary to being shaken, he handled it with courage knowing that some - like you - would find occasion to misinterpret his steadines of mind, his meekness, for weakness.

Suffice it to say that posting what I did on that thread was off topic.

Was it more your 'insubordination' towards him that 'shook him so badly' ?

I say that what Clay said is what I say.

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Roy, I like your post. :) Makes you think, and simple.

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wow. hi all. :spy:

interesting developments here....much thanks to you guys

i just wanted to say hi real quick and let you know that i am absorbed into quite a pile of many other things at the moment...and i wouldn't want anyone to think i am somehow shaken



i do hope to respond soon when i can give my (more) full attention to what's been added to this and the other related "inward paths" thread

i'm aiming for this weekend

grace and space,


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Is it a *crime* to swap *cyber-space time* for family time?? Not in my book. :)

Allan -- I've seen the pics you posted of your and your wife, and your kids, back on the old forum.

Great family!! You are probably proud! (Rightfully so).

Did you NEVER quit cyber-space for them?? Hmmm?

Shucks -- even Mike has left here for a while to go to work.

And all he ever said was *It's not raining here*.

And you can agree with that,

but not with Sir G who mentions he has a *lot on his plate*?

I'm surprised you don't offer to help in prayer. :)

It would be much more becoming of ---- ohhhhhh. Never mind. [/color]

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Hmmm, if you can't find anything negative to jump some one about--but you really want to jump them-- then just make stuff up! Let you imagination rove freely. Truth, heart, intent--all those mean nothing when compared to the thoughts in a leader's brain, which come straight from gawd. Follow LCM's example.

It was an often used leadership tactic in the nineties. Tom and Dave, you must have missed leadership training in the nineties! Then it would all be clear to you.

Allan, on the other hand, was a good student.

The important thing is to continue to put the heat on someone. That's how men o' gawd defend PFAL, LCM style.


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Trying to take over threads with off topic stuff and allan says I'm like Mike or Todd is like Mike. I'd say allan is looking backwards or in a mirror.

And my apologies to you Mike for using your name again. But it seems both me and Todd are being accused of being like you. I know you are changing as every one should. I don't think allan knows you or anyone it seems.

Back to the topic-

Why is it that the scriptures say that Christ is in us?

Is there any place that says that he isn't?

The scriptures declare we are seated in the heavenlies.

Is it true?

And when the scriptures say the spirit left someone, where did it go?

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Clay, you ask some good questions. One of the things that always bothered me about TWI's version of being born again - Christ in you - was that if the "holy spirit" we receive is somehow an entity separate from ourselves and if it is that separate entity that will rise again, then there is no essence of "me" left and in a sense death is a permanent state of being.

Todd's understanding of the return of Christ within is very akin to what Judaism teaches, though of course Judaism does not recognize holy spirit in the sense that Christianity teaches it, but rather teaches that it is the soul that continues to live even after the body has died.

Some of you might find the entire article interesting, it is HERE

But here is the part I thought might be most pertinent to this thread:

"But it is the human soul that is both the most complex and the most lofty of souls. Our sages have said: "She is called by five names: Nefesh (soul), Ruach (spirit), Neshamah (breath), Chayah (life) and Yechidah (singularity)."2 The Chassidic masters explain that the soul's five "names" actually describe five levels or dimensions of the soul. Nefesh is the soul as the engine of physical life. Ruach is the emotional self and "personality." Neshamah is the intellectual self. Chayah is the supra-rational self--the seat of will, desire, commitment and faith. Yechidah connotes the essence of the soul--its unity with its source, the singular essence of G-d. For the essence of the soul of man is "literally a part of G-d above"3--a piece of G-d in us, so to speak."

From "What is a Soul" by Yanki Tauber

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:offtopic: Take it to the Just Plain Silly Forum & start topics on

"I can't Remember Any Documentation, But I Post Anyway, "


"You're Fools (or something to that effect),"

"I Don't Care to Give You Much TIme or Energy,"

"I'm Better Than You,"

"Other Various Unchristian Thoughts I Do in the Name of Jesus,"

"I Miss Clay & Todd & Where Has Everyone Else in GS Gone?"

Can't remember who said it but it seems 'aprepro' for some of these threads..."where God put a 'period', a fool will put a comma in its' place" (or something to that effect)

And I really don't spend a lot of time and energy on GS, Dave, it's just that I can say in one or two sentences as opposed to some who appear to take a dozen paragraphs to only wind up at their original point !! Thanks for your concern though.

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well, crud...i think ive finally decided im just not gonna keep trying to post around all this any more

there is simply too much personally directed at me to read and write around

which has made posting here more like trying to cleaning the toilet of a seedy tavern

rather than having engaging discussions with friends at a cafe

and the pneuma that walks is not showing any sign of letting up on his obsessive crusade to cast all our evil spirits out of the gsc...particularly mine...ite been going on for 2 months now

the more i post, the more he responds

and i simply dont want to spend any more time or energy (or interest) to respond to his holiness right now

and no, i am not just going to put him on ignore, either

because i still want to keep somewhat of an eye on what he writes

especially due to the way he makes his personal attacks on un-related threads

i dunno...maybe someone could start a thread especially for his very special kind of ministry

let him get it all out of his system somehow

and, as ever...as much as i appreciate paw and the mods for what they try to do with this place...this really just plain ole sucks

and i really dont know why nothing can be done about this ongoing harrassment and graffiti

no thanks

so...waiter..check please

maybe some day when someone at the gsc finally finds a reason (or a way) to keep this guy from continuiing to vomit on all the furniture (and in the faces of the patrons)...i'll come back and order another cup of coffee (and i hope that happens sooner than later)...

til then...i've got better things to do with my typing fingers

cuz i think this has been quite beyond the usual gsc forum conflicts

though i might try and hang around a bit to respond to responses to this

but not much...that's fer sure

i can only imagine what kind of divine revelations this post might draw out of him


peace, friends


p.s....Tom, or whomever...PM me if you like. maybe we can swap phone numbers and chat some day soon

btw...im 'this close' to spending a few days in the Cleveland area this fall...and i'd love to meet f2f over a cup of java with some of you i've met here...if it works out

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