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It's summer. (Duh)

And as a homeowner, I don't own my home, it owns me.

Ever hear the expression that in Minnesota there are two seasons: winter and road construction? (replace MN with the state of your choice)

Around the house, there are two seasons...indoor project season and outdoor project season.

My current project is a pond:



About 75% done in the pics above...but already planning on the next project.

(What's left? pour a walkway, mortar up the border stones, and mulch around the plants)

And it's running about 93 degrees with a humidity of 99% (step outside and get drenched with sweat)

Anybody else have any projects to talk about?

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post-548-1154293234_thumb.jpgIm renting my daughter's house and I have ton's of little projects going on...its one at a time..

My younger daughter has a lab and has made it her project to find places to bury bones and make huge holes to cool off in...so im busy backfilling her holes in the ground..fortunately, I dont have to cut the grass or use the trimmer, I have someone who cuts and trims for $25.......this is a big lot.

Mark- are there any fish in the pond?...its very pretty..I love the sound of tinkling water.

Edited by likeaneagle
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Absolutely Beautiful, Mark!! I love it! Looks like you have a great treed lot that is absolutely peaceful and pleasant.

LAE, I LOVE the trees and red brick! I really miss brick down here in FL. It's so rare to see it and I think it's just loverly. :love3:

I'm in the process of digging out some huge, old, straggly azalea bushes in the back yard and having a patio put in. A co-worker gave me a whole mess of really nice pavers and a neighbor handy-woman is going to help me prepare the yard and place them for a patio. THEN, I'ma gonna git me some kind of water feature to put out there. I'll be able to hear it in my bedroom when it's cool enough to sleep with the windows open. I can hardly wait!

I'm also landscaping the front yard. It's a small yard that is mostly dominated and shaded by a huge oak tree. Nothing with any kind of root system can be planted under the oak because of all the intricacies of the oak's roots, so I'm planting a mass of ferns under it and will line the ferns with caladiums and/or monkey grass when I'm done.

Here's the front yard. I don't have back-yard pictures yet, but it's a totally blank slate now and I'm excited about making it into "my" little piece of heaven. It's so much fun and so rewarding! Pity the TWIts who have to rent are missing out on all the fun of homeownership. :(

I also painted and redecorated my guest bathroom. I love it, but I'm not finished with a few additional minor things I want to do. (It used to be that awful blue us girls wore as eyeshadow when we first started wearing make-up. )

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And as a homeowner, I don't own my home, it owns me

Well Mark see what you get for not listening to Loy Boy, you brought this on yourself. If you would have just done what was best for you then you would not be possesed by your house, now would we? You could be working at your HFC house getting blessed building a pond for them. Now what were you thinking? Sell that house and send the money in right away it's your only chance for freedom.......

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Thanks everybody for the nice words. Sounds like we have a few others who aren't satisfied watching HGTV or TLC and want to do it for themselves.

WhiteDove: the funny thing is that, in a way, LCM was right. A house does tie you down. A house does consume a batch of time. A house sometimes can be an expensive, time consuming money pit. And if your personal goal in life is to be on some missionary vocation, a house is exactly the WRONG thing to have.

But where he got it wrong was that only a few are called to be on that full-time vagabond circuit riding missionary thing. Most are called to be Christians in their communities and workplaces. After all...in the book of Acts, St. Paul's epistles, and elsewhere in the New Testament, there was mention of only a small percentage of folk going out and doing the travelling apostle thing. Most people lived and died in their cities and went to their churches and lived with their fellow believers. Trying to treat life so that EVERYBODY was able to do so, whether called to do so or not, was just another example of a misinterpretation of a perfectly good Biblical principle...one that resulted in yet another perversion of the Faith.

But, don't get me wrong...there WAS a little truth in what he said. Just not applied (in ANY way whatsoever) like how he said it.

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my yard is turning to desert... we can only (legally) water once a week... when the temp is at 100 or above every day your lawn needs more water than that... you can tell who is cheating, their lawns are only partly brown... I prefer to tell folks that my lawn has gotten a good tan this summer...

your pond thing looks neat Mark and I have some projects in mind as well... but I think I'll wait until the fall...

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