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New Law in Ohio


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Received this prayer request and thought it was a good example of the abuse that can happen when there is a public sentiment that can easily outweigh the justice our system is supposed to uphold:

Special Prayer Request: Pray for Ron & Cathy ...

Please pray especially for them over the next 3 weeks... Because Ron has been incarcerated for 15 years unjustly (minus 6 months in 2002 that he was home) and was called back to prison in 2002 on a techn icality. He walked back in on his own accord with hopes that the Lord would vindicate him, and he would surely be released soon after that. It's been 4 years more now, and his parole date has been set for Sept. 14 - to be released... Complications are now coming forth that he has still not admitted guilt (which he won't do - he says his integrity is too important for him to lie now because he has claimed his innocence from the beginning!) and as a convicted sexual predator, he won't be allowed to live at home with their 3 1/2 year old daughter, Bria, nor will he be able to be anyplace where there are minors like ball games, etc. This is very devastating to them after hoping for so long, that somehow the Lord would have allowed a re-trial because his accuser had recanted 13 years ago - and also that some evidence was kept from the earlier trial which would have vindicated Ron back then. I found out that the first time he was charged, the court dismissed the case for lack of evidence! Shortly after that, the victim's mother took the case to another county where he was convicted! There are so many dishonest things that were done or covered up, that we find it hard to believe the justice system has not called for a re-trial. They have also applied for clemency to the governor of Ohio which would clear his record. They have not had any response from the Governor to date. He goes out of office after the November election, and has not been a very effective governor for Ohio, although there could be worse candidates for governor, one of which we hope is kept out of office this next term because our whole abstinence education program would be in jeopardy! That's another prayer request but not the purpose of this message! All in all, they are trusting God - Cathy has been taught by the Lord to be very effective as a single parent of 2 sons now teenagers (with daily contact with Ron by phone), and the three are a loving, protective family for Bria- almost 4 years old. Ro n has been a model Christian in prison, leading many men to the Lord, and they have both remained steadfast and faithful in their marriage with only a few supervised visits each month for this long. Ron has also been working on an innovative program he personally wrote (teaching prisoners to relate better with their spouse & kids) and has implemented "Fatherhood from Behind Bars," which has been well-received amongst the men around him. Now we must lift their arms at this time. They need encouragement and some glimmer of hope to hang in there until the end of this horrible situation

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I do agree, however, that this rule is idiotic. The present attorney general was supposed to be the candidate of choice by his party for gubernatorial candidate this time around. My husband was helping cater a party in 2001 and he was introduced as Ohio's next governor! He is a wannabe carbon copy of the pathetic, dishonest offensive excuse for a governor we have now.

Too many times an angry youngster will shrill out lying accusations to teach the offending caregiver a lession. It actually happened with a WOW family we knew when we lived in Charleston. The stepdad smacked the girl upside the head for cursing her mother and sent the little hellion to her room, where she climbed out a window and ran to a friend's house. The friend's mom was an investigator for social services, and the dad got hauled off to jail that very night! Nothing came of it, except as I recall the child was sent off to live with her dad, much to her delight and his eventual dismay.

Some kids do lie, in spite of what DSS will tell you.


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I'm a city redneck and Ohio hick, and I am damn proud of it.

Fry the child molesters. I understand the law especially when dealing with moral certainty, and I suppose "proof" can be established in a civil court. But civil courts still are not criminal courts and I wonder if we skate the guilt or innocence issue. Those not guilty, and I suppose those that are, will sue. There has to be some way of stopping child molesters other than this...though I agree with the spirit of the law. I sense that it will be challenged by the ACLU and Ohio may lose, though kudos to Ohio for trying to protect children.

On a related kind of thing, so politically correct are the Armed Forces today that even if one is ACCUSED (not convicted) of domestic violence, the service will not let you in as a volunteer. My step son was falsely accused of domestic violence when it was his girlfriend that threw a phone at him once for having an old picture in his shoebox of his promdate, a high school momento. He was trying to leave the apartment and neighbors saw her jump on his back trying to bite him and beat on his head. He could have destroyed her (he was a weightlifter and high school wrestler) but did not believe in hitting women back. He had several bruises. He did grab her arms and pull her off him, bruising her arms. Neighbors called the police over the noise, they came, she showed them her arms, and he was arrested for domestic violence.

He went to jail for a few days under the charge but when the hearing came up for the trial, his attorney got her to admit she lied about the charge. I believe the attorney had witnesses outside the apartment that said the women jumped him as he was trying to leave and he had a tought time getting her off.

She was not arrested for filing a false report. He could not get the domestic violence CHARGE expunged because he had priors (though not related to domestic violence). He tried joining the service...and he was turned down.

I wonder how the new law in Ohio will come out?


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Kit I see your point

I had a friend who had a daughter. The daughter was about 14 years old and had her little friend spend the night.

Anyway, the girls cut school the following day and the school notified the father. He sat down with the girls and yelled at them, then called the friend's mother and said "our girls cut shcool"

The little friend was so upset and wanted to shift the focus that she told her mother, "Well HE touched my breast"

The mother took her to the police and they pressed charges. Well, my friend ran a store within the courthouse in New York. He lost his job on an accusation, because he had a pending child-molestation case no one would hire him. So, he lost his home and a friend let him sleep on his couch. HE also could not see his daughter without another person present.

After a year+, finally the case came up. My friend won as they found the girl had been accusing people of this her whole life. AND they found a hand written note to one her friends that she was going to GET him and how.

His life was ruined because of this kid

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