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Yes, that's right.

Even Jesus is almost totally absent from history.

...so much for history!

History is defined as a chronological record of significant events (as affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes. As such the Bible is a historical document -- howbeit one which isn't given much credence by secular historians because the events recorded therein cannot be collaborated by sources outside those who wrote the history recorded in it. However, I find it interesting to note that two different versions can be given of the same event by "historians" -- for example -- has anyone checked out the differences between the Japanese and U.S. version of WWII?

So, you're right Mike -- "so much for history!"

Edited by Larry N Moore
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You're the one who brought up the "conspicuous absence from history", not me. You're the one who saw significance in Timothy's absence from it, not me.


You make a good point about historical documents. As such, not every document that dates from a particular time period can be taken as "truth" about that time period. A good example from the biblical era is an inscription by the King of Moab detailing how he obliterated Israel (King Omri maybe) and wiped them from the face of the earth. This statement is demonstrably false, not only from biblical evidence, but from other sources as well. Moab employed a hyperbolic public relations man to pump up the king and the kingdom (I think his name was Tony Snow :biglaugh: ).

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The main point I was making was that the fall of the church in Timothy's time was very extreme, and very much like TWI's fall. Both went from very intensely good, to very confused and irrelevant, and very quickly.

The church in Timothy's time went down so fast so much so that history almost entirely missed it.

It was only a minor point of mine that history can not be relied on to be complete.

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