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The trinity?


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Kit - it is a web comic from a site frequented by geeks - nothing more. It was a spoof on "Ghostbusters" I have no problems if someone believes in the trinity - that is their ethical and (in this country) constitutional right - but humor often disregards someones' personal beliefs (witness political editorial humor).

And BTW since it was a comment by the author of XKCD please do not assign to me that I am making disparaging remarks. I simply re-posted a comic.

There are plenty of threads on this site where people VEHEMENTLY disagree on doctrine - be it Biblical, political or what you eat. A humorous cartoon post should not be considered a disparaging remark.

If we have decided on that level of censorship, condescension, accusation and condemnation then there is no need to have open minds any more and there is no need for open discussion on GSC.

Take it easy.



In my opinion this is a blatant violation of Greasespot forum rule, "making disparaging remarks about fellow posters' character, motives, intelligence, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), or life outside these forums."
Edited by RumRunner
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