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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. New question, probably easy. The original Olympics, of course, were in Greece. The modern Olympics were first held in what country?
  2. "Could you whisper in my ear, the things you wanna feel? I'd give you anything to feel it coming. Do you wake up on your own, and wonder where you are? You live with all your faults."
  3. In later seasons, the primary cast for this show went to work for the FBI, which allowed for a new direction for the show as well as a new setting. A pair of the characters went into the private sector as security consultants instead, and settled down to raise a family. One character who didn't, had previously been shown to be at risk of getting punched in the nose possibly once per season (justifiably.) One character was especially fond of traveling- and being ready to travel, 24/7. The early seasons set the action primarily in Sacramento.
  4. I doubt ALL of that was true about "Alias." It's not the show I'm referring to.
  5. In later seasons, the primary cast for this show went to work for the FBI, which allowed for a new direction for the show as well as a new setting. A pair of the characters went into the private sector as security consultants instead, and settled down to raise a family. One character who didn't, had previously been shown to be at risk of getting punched in the nose possibly once per season (justifiably.)
  6. Recycling aluminum is important because separating aluminum from ore is a costly, difficult process, compared to the other metals. So recycling aluminum cans is a LOT more cost-effective than recycling other metals, which is why it's done a lot more than other metals. (Although recycling metals in general is a good idea.) I suspect aluminum was chosen because of its properties concerning rust. It actually rusts so efficiently that the rust on the surface acts as a barrier to rusting farther down. If steel beams rust, they can collapse a bridge, but aluminum rusts on the surface and doesn't affect its structure. Further, to the casual eye, rusted aluminum looks the same as non-rusted aluminum.
  7. There are many correct answers, and I'll accept that as one of them. The Bugs Bunny Show (or Bugs Bunny-Roadrunner Show.)
  8. OK, I COULD have gotten the Blondie song, I just didn't think of it. I other news, this was John Cougar Mellencamp 's song about "JACK AND DIANE."
  9. *stares* Oh! David Bowie's "STARMAN!" They're not showing that commercial now, and I don't know the song THAT well. It doesn't exactly jump to mind, unless I hear about the fat-skinny people or the short-tall people. (Or the chorus, obviously.)
  10. In Disney's Aladdin (the cartoon), Aladdin's first official wish was for the genie to make him a prince. The genie agrees, and checks his cookbook. He flips past Chicken a la King, and Caesar Salad to stop at "to make a prince." When he reached Caesar Salad, we got a hand and a knife coming out of the cookbook. The Genie shut the book saying "E tu, Brute?" Most people who saw the scene wouldn't remember it.
  11. Christ Pratt Avengers-Infinity War Mark Ruffalo
  12. "He used to be a caveman, but now he's a lawyer... "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer"." An amazingly unfunny character that was brought back several times. Mary Catherine Gallagher was far more recognizable, because she got her own movie. It bombed, but she got one, It was one of a number of bombs. After the success of "the Blues Brothers" and "Wayne's World," the Powers-That-Be at SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE thought they could get a successful movie out of ALL their regular characters. So, we had a bomb with "the Coneheads", we had a bomb with "Leon Phelps the Ladies Man", a bomb with Mary Catherine Gallagher ("Superstar"), we had one with Daily Affirmation's Stuart Smalley ("Stuart Saves His Family") and I forget if there were more bombs before they stopped cranking out bomb after bomb. They released more bombs in a row than an Iraqi weapons factory. *checks* I forgot "It's Pat" and "Night at the Roxbury" (with the Butaki brothers.) Supposedly, "Stuart Saves His Family" was pretty good, but it arrived almost at the end of a chain of bombs, all based on SNL sketches. So, the public was already primed to expect it to be just another bomb in a series of bombs. As it was, I thought almost all of them were dreadful ideas for a movie from the first time I heard of each, but back then, they didn't exactly ask the public what they thought before going ahead with a movie.
  13. Any chance this is the Russell Brand remake of "ARTHUR"????
  14. Although this line was spoken in Disney's Aladdin, ("let's see... Caesar Salad...et tu Brute?...") this line is famous because it's from Shakespeare's play, of which there's been movies, "JULIUS CAESAR."
  15. How about M Night Shamalyan's version of "War of the Worlds", which was called...something... wait, I think it was called "SIGNS"????
  16. Sounds vaguely familiar, but it's just not clicking. The "let the children" lines definitely sound familiar.
  17. I think it's copper, but I'm neither sure it is, nor clear why this would matter.
  18. *checks* Yes, there's an obelisk there, and it's inside the city, so that counts. Actually, there's a LOT of obelisks out there, and Cairo and Rome each are cities with several. The ones I was thinking of originally were the ones called "Cleopatra's Needle" (despite having no connection to her), in the Vatican, London, and New York City. I was also thinking of "The Obelisk" (El Obelisco) in downtown Buenos Aires. It's around 1/2 the height of the Washington Monument. As it's in the middle of a city, it looks taller than it might if it was surrounded by empty space like the WM. There's plenty of other obelisks I had no idea existed, but I knew those 4 in particular. (I've seen the ones in DC and BA, Benny Hill sometimes mentioned the one in London, and "Babylon Mystery Religion", IIRC, made a big deal about the one in St Peter's Square. So, having named 2 cities, George had the right answer, and George is up.
  19. Something with a LOT of news broadcasts.... "War of the Worlds"???
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