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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. OK, that's plenty to work with! Tom Petty's "Mary Jane's Last Dance." "Last dance with Mary Jane, one more time to kill the pain." Probably his weirdest video, too, was even weirder than the Alice in Wonderland one.
  2. This movie is pretty lean for prospects. Dietrich Bader No, still trying to de-geek a bit and leave some space for the non-geeks. Ron Livingston The Flash Tenuera Morrison Jeremy Irons
  3. Statistically, the odds are in favor of Michael Caine being in this movie. (If not him, then Gene Hackman, but I think I might recognize it if it was.) So, Michael Caine plus these quotes means "THE DARK KNIGHT."
  4. Can we get another quote? If I can't hear the tune in my head, I can't get the rest of the lyrics to show up, which means I can't figure out the song. "You Wreck Me"????
  5. So, Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy are out, let's see..... I'm going to skip all the other obvious guesses and go with my gut. "DANNY TREJO" in the title role for "MACHETE KILLS". He's a LOT older than he looks.
  6. I'm wondering if the kid was playing a banjo and... no, lead actor and a lead actress in an antagonistic relationship. And a kid was in the movie. *thinks* Oh! How about "KRAMER VS KRAMER"?
  7. Raf: Every Best Picture winner of the 1970s has been selected by the Library of Congress for inclusion in the National Film Registry for preservation: except this one. The two main adult characters were supposed to have an antagonistic relationship, so to get his scene partner in character, the lead actor would occasionally drop the name of the lead actress' recently deceased fiance, himself an Oscar nominated actor. The lead actress won an Oscar for her role. Later that night, she left it in the bathroom at an after party. The lead actor also won an Oscar. He thanked his ex-wife for preparing him for the role. One non-winner was for Best Supporting Actor. The child who was nominated was 8. He remains the youngest nominee in any category. ========================================== Moving the clue to this page.
  8. I'm not posting from inside the US, which is why I expect I was asked. In my search, it's clearly "Gulf of Mexico." When I do a search specifically for "Gulf of America", I get the exact same image, which includes the name "Gulf of Mexico" right on the map, and the description says "Gulf of Mexico." Here's what Google said on the subject- Gulf of America name change in the U.S. — what you’ll see in Maps
  9. Really young actor, 1970s, main characters antagonistic to each other.... any chance this was "THE SHINING???"
  10. Then how about "THE QUICK AND THE DEAD"?????
  11. Hm. I've seen these lyrics before, but I can't hear the music. I think I hear Tom Petty's voice matching them, but that could be a vivid imagination.
  12. In this case, it's the "classic" version, with what looks like an actual factory in at least some of the scenes. So, you know 2 roles, and can probably picture the actor.
  13. No idea what movie had a grandfather accompany a grandson to a FACTORY? What kind of factory could the grandson possibly WANT to visit, and have to actually WIN a tour of?
  14. Wild guess. "The Fast and the Furious"????
  15. It's unfortunate you don't remember his name. How about the movie role?
  16. Ed Brown was on a TV show where was a grouchy old man who ran a garage and auto shop, who was interrupted when this Latino ended up having misadventures with him. Grandpa Joe Bucket is a character from a famous book and movie (and its remake), who was retired, but accompanied his grandson to the factory where he used to work, when his grandson managed to get a guided tour of the now-restricted factory.
  17. "So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!' I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!... You've got to say, 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: "I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" "
  18. So, it was the right answer, but translated directly into English. "Casablanca" isn't an English word. However, it IS a proper noun, and often proper nouns are not translated from one language to another, but simply transliterated.
  19. "White" in Spanish is "blanca" or "blanco", depending on the gender of the noun it describes. "House" in Spanish is "casa." In Spanish, the noun often precedes the adjective describing it. Example- "Living 'la vida loca.'" In the song, Ricky Martin also translated it once- "She'll make you live 'the crazy life'.." "Living 'la vida loca' is "Living 'the crazy life.'" Rendering it word-for-word rather than translating it would be "living 'the life crazy.'" When translating, you may need to shuffle the word order to make it work properly in the target language. So, I wrote "WHITEHOUSE". That's not grammatical, but if it's translated directly into Spanish, complete with the words mashed together, you get "CASABLANCA." "The white house" would be "la casa blanca." (In the news, The White House is 'La Casa Blanca' and The Pink House is 'La Casa Rosada.'
  20. The cross out was because it would have recursed. I'm not supposed to repeat an actor from the post immediately preceding it, and shouldn't repeat one from the same page. She had been in the post immediately preceding that one. But 2 posts ended in "Emma Thompson" and "13 Going on 30" and neither is particularly geeky. So, I know we're not currently just burying you in geekdom. But we're up to Michael Cera, and he's not exclusively geeky either. (In other words, if I link from him, it won't be to a geeky movie.)
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