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Checking In


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Hey guys & gals, your old buddy Oakspear popping in for my periodic “hey”

Life continues well:

  • My wife & I will soon officiate our 900th wedding; 17 years marrying folks
  • I gave up alcohol in 2022; too many bad decisions & the hangovers got to be too high a price to pay
  • I got out of retail grocery 8 1/2 years ago & have been working as an analyst in the department of revenue, also training new hires & will be retiring in one year 
  • I do a lot of concert photography & sold a photo to Alligator Records 

I enjoy seeing some of you on Facebook or Twitter, and occasionally I get nostalgic for the days of yore on Grease Spot, including Weenie Roasts and weddings, but don’t really have the desire to be here as much as I used to. 

My tablet remembered my password, so I interpreted it as a sign to interact for a bit

Love you guys!

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