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Yankee or Dixie?


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I guess that I'm going to have to give some of yall some help.

Its not a pop, or a coke, or a soda, ITS A soda water.

Pecan is pronounced PA-CON.

That thing you push around in the grocery store is a basket. Not a bugy.

The thing that many women carry around is a purse.

Rodeo is pronounced ro-d-o. There just ain't no day to it.

That small body of water in a pasture is called a tank. Not a pond.

Texas is not a part of Dixie or the southwest. Texas is Texas. It is not only a state, its a state of mind. We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in a pick-up truck.

Last but not least the best soda water there ever was or will be is "Dr Pepper".

The best beers were Lone Star and Pearl. I don't even know if they are brewed anymore. Quit drinkin.

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76% Dixie! Damn! But I grew up in Maryland, which was neutral during the War..

Funny thing though. Once when I lived in Dyke, Virginia near Charlottesville, a couple of good old boys told me that I wasn't "that bad a guy for a damned Yankee". To which I responded; "I am neither Yankee nor a Southerner. I grew up in Maryland which was neutral during the Civil War". To which Junior Schlifflett replied; "Ah! Now we know you a Yankee Keb'm! Cuz there was nothin civil about that war! That was The Woah (War) of Nawthen (Northern) Aggression! Nothin civil about it!" And they laughed as they clinked their beer cans..

Oh, if only they could see my score from this test today!

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I warsh my hands. I pronounce a lot of things adding an R.

Thankyamuch. That got beat of of me by a boss I had in Houston. Spent 10 years there and it almost took the Texas out of me.

I was getting my lunch in the lunch room and talking with the secrateries aand they found out that I was from Texas. They were shocked. Seems that most of the sales engineers they employed were hired in New York and they figured the same with me. I was greatly disturbed. Calling a Texan and accusing him of being from New York will start a fight quick.

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