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The Rest of the Story...


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It seems like all we're seeing on the news is death and destruction and looters and people blaming the government for all of it.

Here's a look at the other side

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (August 31) -- Volunteers from across the country began heading south even before Hurricane Katrina made landfall. But officials say there are ways to help hurricane victims without traveling to the affected storm areas.

For almost two days, there has been a traffic jam outside the main office of KISS 95.1 FM. Local residents have been lining up there to donate food and supplies.

“It’s been crazy -- just car after car,” employee Katie O’Brien said Tuesday. “We’ve been out here the last two days loading up our station vehicles and going out to random places all over Charlotte.”

Organizers and donors are convinced that every dollar and donation counts.

“I think if people could bring just a little bit, over time it will fill up and help people in the Gulf,” donor Kathryn Wills said.

Donor Josh Handy said: “Some people need it more than I do right now. They’re going through a tough time where they might not have anything. I just felt like I needed to help.”

Organizers say the generosity they have seen is not surprising at all. They say this type of disaster always brings people together to help. In fact, some say they want to do more than just donate supplies.

Supplies could be donated through Tuesday, but only cash and checks will be accepted from now on.

“I’d love to go down there to help people and help rebuild, but I can’t realistically," John Alexander said. "So this is the best way for me to be able to help."

Supplies could be donated through Wednesday, but only cash and checks will be accepted from now on.

The KISS offices are located off the Clanton Road exit of Interstate 77.


Yesterday, the folks from KISS 95.1 left for Louisiana with 15 tractor-trailer loads of supplies and more than $250,000 in cash from a city that has no ties to New Orleans at all.

Except that a lot of us remember getting help during Hugo and wanted to give back.

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There are not enough of these stories being written, although it is going on in a wider scale than readily known....People are doing more than sending cash, I know that there are already at least a hand full here in my town, way up in Massachusetts

I know of churches that are opening up to house people, all sorts of fundraisers are being done, it is sad that it is not being coordinated better and no one seems to be in charge

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There are not enough of these stories being written

Please don't mistake television for newspapers. There are not enough of these stories being aired, maybe, but plenty of these stories are being written.

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There's way more than just New Orleans affected by all of this and there is way more relief and support than you see on TV. Good news does not sell in their view, that's why you never hear good news from Iraq, either. There's plenty of good news, it's just not profitable. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

My favorite local radio station raised over $200K for the Red Cross in just four hours yesterday.

XL 106.7's Doc & Johnny Listeners Raise over $200K!

Listeners of XL 106.7's Doc & Johnny Morning Show really came through for Katrina victims!

XL 106.7’s morning show, “The Doc & Johnny Show” held two live broadcasts at Orlando-area malls Thursday (09/01), collecting donations for the American Red Cross Hurricane Relief Efforts. During the 4 hour broadcast, over $102,000 was raised. Lowe’s Home Improvement promised to match every donation dollar for dollar, which brought the grand total to over $204,000!

The people in Florida have been helped by the Red Cross and know what the survivors are going through is even worse than what we experienced. There is an outpouring of people wanting to help and contribute in any way we can.

You just have to look further than the television to hear of these things.

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