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Mother accused of death of infant in dryer

Ron G.

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Some stuff in this world leaves this ol' hillbilly witn a triple dog .... dipped "HUH???".

Here is one of them:


Mother accused of death of infant in dryer

Infant suffers third-degree burns, head trauma

BOGALUSA, La. - A mother was booked on a charge of first-degree murder for allegedly placing her 3-month-old son in a clothes dryer and turning it on.

The infant had third-degree burns over 50 percent of his body and suffered blunt force trauma to the head, the St. Tammany Parish coroner said.

Police Sgt. Darryl Darden said Lakeisha Adams, 18, called police to her home on Monday to report that someone had killed her child. When officers arrived, they found Jailand Adams on a sofa. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Darden said Adams admitted during questioning to putting the infant in the dryer and turning it on, but did not say why.

Adams also has a 1-year-old child who was placed in state custody, police said.

If convicted, Adams faces death by injection or a life sentence. The first-degree murder charge is mandatory under Louisiana law because the victim was under age 12.

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Ex70's - That was my first thought when I read Ron's post. Then when I saw the report on the 5:00 news, I thought since she lives in Louisiana that maybe there were some extenuating circumstances and was thinking out loud about what could possibly make it less horrific when my friend said that the mom was most likely mad at the dad. That's when it dawned on me that no matter what, this really is just unacceptable.

Maybe 5 or even 10 minutes a day in a dryer for that mother would be appropriate.

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I would be willing to bet that this is a case of severe postpartum depression given the age of the infant. It is very sad but I don't think the woman is by nature totally deranged or out of the circle we usually call "normal" when NOT in such a depressive and emotionally charged state of mind.

I'm not saying it's OK to do things like this, but I think we rush into blaming people before we know the whole story. IF it was severe postpartum depression, the family needs help...medically and with counseling too. IF not, then I agree about removing the other child. I just don't like jumping to conclusions.

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I'm a very new paralegal student and I'm hearing more and more stuff I couldn't imagine people doing to one another. I agree that this lady needs help. I'd be looking for the father and other family members to help them through this horrific trauma before I'd want to try to understand why and how she did this.

She was able to call the police and lie about what happened, then admitted the truth to the police after they arrived. Sounds to me like she knew what she was doing.

No matter how angry I got at my exhusband, or WHATEVER, I have never even considered harming one of my children. Taking the child and leaving the situation, yes.

I'll be following this one to see what happens.

I'm impressed with your compassion and ability to see past what she did, krys. I'm not, at this point, with the information presented here. But I'm glad you are. No doubt I'd not be chosen to be part of the jury that hears this case (if there is one) and that's okay with me.

My thoughts go to the sibling. How in the hell can you process the knowlege that your mommy killed your baby brother and live normally?

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Bowtwi, I said it was a "bet"...and I don't know for sure. I guess the compassion and resistance to jump to possibly false conclusions comes from living as long as I have. It's something that comes with more time on the planet dealing with stuff myself as watching friends of mine do the same thing.

Also, all those years teaching taught me many things about people and life in general...one of them is that things are sometimes not what they seem to be.

I never thought about going hunting for the father and or other family to get a better picture of what was going on.

Just because I don't like to rush to judgement doesn't mean I don't think the truly guilty should get off easily. If this was a deliberate premeditated attack on the infant I would throw the book at her.

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YES that lady NEEDS HELP right into the burning pits of hell

that's all the help she would get from me.

how many times have we read about mom's hurting thier kids.going to jail being released to do it all over again!?

if she needs a little push into hell i would be more than happy to assist.

poor little child

can you imagine what he went through? and i don't care what kind of post this or post that or bipolar that she is suffering from

if she is indeed guilty of this awful crime she shoud be eradicated


Edited by coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
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As a student of psychology, I have to think about this behavior often, address it, consider how I'll respond when this kind of mad woman might be my client.

I'm a mother, a grandmother. I'm a mother by choice and I love my babies, they've never ever ever ever made me so angry, frustrated, exasperated as to consider doing such harm to them. When my second child was a baby, she cried for almost 4 months. I had to step outside alot, hand her to daddy or big sister and take a drive alot, sat right down and cried with her alot. But never considered doing her harm.

When my first born was in her late teens, she made me crazy; it was her job and she did it really well. I had to step outside alot, take her little sister and take a drive alot, sat down and cried alot. Again I never considered doing her harm.

It comes with the territory.

When Andrea Yates drowned her five babies it started, as it should have, a clusterphuck of anger, confusion and horror, struck in the hearts of alot of mothers, especially.

Now, think about this for just a moment. The oldest one was murdered last, he was I think seven years old, he got it, he was trying to get away from his mama who had just drowned his four siblings; he fought really hard according to the court transcripts.

Ok, the first child she killed...............having a chemical imbalance already, coupled with postpartum depression I can maybe! understand how a mama might have a psychotic episode and something in her mind would pop loose and she'd take out one child.

But the love of a mother is more powerful than anything I've ever known. Most would kill an animal, lift a tractor trailer off their baby and clearly harm another human being that was hurting their child.

But she went on to drown a second child and still didn't stop. And a third and a fourth, without much incident, according to the same transcripts I've read. The fifth one, her oldest and largest fought, ran from her. His screams and pleadings STILL didn't stop this woman.

She killed him too.

A mama that puts her tiny infant in the dryer has to pop her brain cork, ok. Then she has to go to that baby, carry it to the laundry area, open the door, put the child inside, shut the door, operate the controls to the machine. THEN if his/her screams are not enough, assuming in her rage she threw the child in, she can hear her baby's body banging against the drum of the dryer as it circles.

And still she didn't stop.

She has carried this child within her body for 9 months, felt the movements, taken on the experience of giving birth, held this child. Even the most psychotic women interviewed has stated that at differant times in this process, she held tenderness and love and desire for that child. Most, in face, really wanted the child, anticipated with excitement and fully expected to be a good mama, for alot of reasons.

As I said, I never considered harming my child, but lets, for arguements sake, say I did. Wouldn't I, clearly when I heard my child's screams, heard her body slamming against the dryer drum, fought her while I chased her to drown her, seen her face while I slammed a huge rock over her face, pick one, wouldn't I have a moment of clarity and stop myself?

Insanity, postpartum depression, psychotic breaks. All very real problems in our society.

If a mother's love and guardianship is as strong as the powers that be conclude, she would have been able to stop after the first attack, the first, ok even the second, kill, the first realization of what she was doing.

Does our society excuse it?

Does a mother, exhausted from her duties, marriage, life, health problems, whatever, find it easier to get three hots and a cot for the rest of her life?

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I'm pretty much with Shell on this one. And yet, psychotic episodes can last for days and who knows how the brain perceives the screams and other noises - does it recognizes them for what they really are or does it process them as something entirely different?

Either way makes little difference to the child that is dead and the sibling still living. The mother is not sane, then she is not fit to take care of the other child.

Unless and until we can cure such illnesses, such people are not fit to be unleashed upon society. If/when they are cured, they still need to make restitution of some sort for the heinous things they have done.

Sympathize and empathize, I can. But that does not mean I want these people running free to do more harm.

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Now I'm kind of sorry I opened my mouth. Maybe it would have been better if I just kept my trap shut this time.

I feel the same way you do Shell, honestly I do. It's not always good, but I do seem to have the ability to detach and look at things mechanically and with no emotion. Maybe that comes from my intense training, I don't know.

But I do know that postpartum depression, various biological imbalances, and even heavy metal poisoning can influence human behavior in ways I can accept, but not understand. I never felt my children's movement before birth - that was someone else's privilege as our kids are adopted (as very young infants). Even so, I also had one child who screamed non-stop with colic for 6 or more months. Briefly, I did consider relinquishing him back to the agency before I knew that it was colic and at some point, would end. Not one time would I intentionally harm them and I'm not their biological mother.

I really hope you understand that I do agree with you. I just want to make certain that the woman had the full capacity to act normally. If she did...bingo - "off with her head"...but if she didn't, who am I to destroy her life for something that is not her fault? This is NOT the deranged man who was shot yesterday by air marshals in Miami. That man was asking for trouble. He knew he was bipolar and refused to take his medications. He should have been taking care of himself in order to live in our society - but he didn't - and it got him killed. That man is 100% guilty for his own death. The air Marshall's did just what they were supposed to do.

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I think it is always good to see all the way around the issue. Likewise, I think it is never wrong to empathize with people, even those who have done heinous things.

For example - your example of the bipolar man. The single most difficult aspect to treating people with mental illnesses is getting them to take their medication. For some, once on medication and "feeling well" they convince themselves they no longer need it. For some, such as often happens with bi-polar people - once on medication they miss the "highs" of the manic stages.

These people I can also empathize with. But like you, I agree that the air marshall acted appropriately. It is sad that someone died, but he couldn't risk the lives of so many people.

I guess, I wasn't trying to say we can't or shouldn't empathize, I'm just saying we have to keep that empathy within boundaries when making decisions that have the potential to effect so many lives. Like that mother, who may have been suffering post partum depression. Until it is certain that she is not a danger to herself or others (and obviously at this point she is) she cannot be left in charge of other children.

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Thanks Shell. I feel the same way - I really do. At the time I wrote that, I was concerned that this discussion could turn into a nasty fight because this is such an emotionally charged issue. Sometimes, when fierce discussions happen people lose control. But, vigorous discussion of opposing views does not mean personal feelings get hurt....necesarily. Discussions such as this thread may cause everybody to think about situations more carefully.

[from Morgan] I guess, I wasn't trying to say we can't or shouldn't empathize, I'm just saying we have to keep that empathy within boundaries when making decisions that have the potential to effect so many lives. Like that mother, who may have been suffering post partum depression. Until it is certain that she is not a danger to herself or others (and obviously at this point she is) she cannot be left in charge of other children.

Absolutely! I completely agree. Of course the depression idea is pure supposition on my part. But knowing the cause helps determine the best solution for the woman and society as a whole.

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Coolchief: you made reference to excuses. I don't believe there are any excuses for this kind of thing. There is a world of difference between "excuses" and "reasons". I don't accept excuses. But I examine reasons to see if there's a better way to handle things.

Your remarks about sexual abuses by various clergy (not only Catholics) are callus and make me think there is something very bitter about life stuck in your craw.

I wonder what you would think and how you would react if you son was found guilty of molesting a younger child (supposing you had children). I don't think you can extend your imagination to that degree.Your remarks remind me of those of a few Corpse Nazi's who tried to control every minute of my existence for a time - and those other twi "leadership" who tried to maneuver me into decorating my house according to their tastes because modern style furnishings and non-earth tones are devilish. You don't really know what you're talking about.

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so you don't like my opinions

so don't read them :mellow: i may stand corrected about my post about the priest thing after reading all the post about it

but i will not back down on my opinion about the mom who threw her baby into the dryer

she is unfit to roam in our world


and ex by the way

because you do not agree with my thoughts on things. in your opinion should i stop praying for little joey?

well i'm not gonna


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I'm a mother by choice and I love my babies, they've never ever ever ever made me so angry, frustrated, exasperated as to consider doing such harm to them. When my second child was a baby, she cried for almost 4 months. I had to step outside alot, ....

I had this same exerience with my second child and only daughter, she had cholic for the first four months of her life and I had another child at home who was only 2 1/2 years of age, my eldest son. I was on my own at this time, because my first huband was a bum and we were going through a divorce.

It was very hard to see my daughter suffer with cholic, several times by docs orders I put a pad out on the living room floor and her blankies on top, it was summer time so she would stay warm. Laid her down and I stepped outside on the porch where I could see her through the window and let her have her cry for about 15 minutes to wear her down, and then would put her in her stroller and walk her until she fell asleep, sometimes this would take hours of walking and stopping along the way to feed and change her diaper but it did help. Mind you I had a double stroller because I had her 2 1/2 yr brother with us. This went on for 4 months.

Never once did I think of killing my baby or putting her in a dryer or any such thing. I suffered and hurt for her right along with her. If she didn't sleep I didn't sleep, If she was up crying, I eventually would cry. It really sent me through the ringer as well. But if we elect to have children we have the responsibility of taking care of them no matter what the circumstances are and when we find ourselves over our heads, we seek help or advice that will make an impact for the better.

I tried every type of milk there was on the market to help her, seeing as my own milk never came in. Finally I called my grandmother and she told me to use powdered milk and to dilute it a bit with distilled water and I tried it and it worked. The doctors gave me some vitamin drops to add in it and the cholic stopped... She is Today 5' 10' tall with a 23" waistline .......... makes me sick LOL she is beautiful.

I am glad that is suffered with my daughter instead of hurting her. I can understand the frustration level, but I can not understand harming a defensless infant or child.

This mom who put her child in the dryer is dreadful .......... now one child dead and another left without a home .......... truly sad.


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Some of you might get mad at me here ........... but I do agree with coolchef as far as that woman is not fit to roam our world.

Put her in some assylum they let her out .......... if she is capable of killing her own child, her own flesh and blood, she is capable of killing anyone in my opinion. I prefer I not live anywhere near her.

I own and live on 5 acres, we just moved into our cabin this summer and my neighbor who has 23 acres we recently found out is a fellon, a convicted criminal who stabbed another man and is so called rehabilitated ........ he is an a$$ehole, another neighbor witnessed him shooting my dog with a bb gun but will not come forward and testify because he is scared to. I didn't witness it so I can't make a complaint against him directly. This is a man who stabbed another man many years ago, served his time and is so called rehabilitated. He up until two months ago beat his handicapped brother who paid his fellon brothers way by means of his social security check for years .... until his handicapped brother wised up and moved out.

Now the man is striking out at my family and the family who owns the land on the other side of him. Most criminals don't change even when they say they are rehabilitated they are most likely not.

My husband worked with teens with issues for 14 years ......... kids who were believed to be rehabilitated. We read about them in the papers all the time, being murdered or murdering someone or injuring other humans over petty stuff.

I really believe that once someones pysche is screwed up enough to murder there is virtually no chance that this civilized world can give them that will truly help them.

There help is God and if they truly seek God is between them and God.

I would seek to rid the world of murderers of children in a heartbeat I would vote yes on it.

Just my opinion,


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