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  3. I don't have a clue. I've never seen any of those.
  4. Cool Hand Luke "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right".
  5. "What we have here is a failure to communicate."
  6. I was lost until the short letters. I once read that they were 2 telegrams. Since telegrams don't contain characters, that can't possibly be the original form of the story. Was this VICTOR HUGO asking about how sales were for the book "LES MISERABLES"?
  7. Life is a mystery Everyone must stand alone I hear you call my name And it feels like home.
  8. It was Under the Boardwalk Followed by Me and Bobby McGee
  9. You surprised me George, I didn't make it that easy. "Up On the Roof" "Busted flat in Baton Rough, and headin' for the trains"
  10. Yesterday
  11. He often wrote in the nude. After his death, it is said that 2 million people lined the streets of the city. The population of the city was around 2.5 million. Cheated on his wife with his mistress. Cheated on his mistress with another mistress. Cheated on all of them with a woman in a relationship with his son. On completion of his best known work (maybe a tie for first place on that), he sent his publisher a letter asking for feedback. The letter read, in its entirety: ? The publisher responded: ! Who is this author? [Extra credit, name either the book or the OTHER famous book he wrote].
  12. "Will you marry me?" "Maybe." "You call that an answer?" "You want another answer? Ask another girl." ***
  13. Last week
  14. Those of us who left in the Geer expulsion came to the conclusion that loyalty was no virtue 35 years ago. I guess what I was hinting at was that no one who is on the board now would consider his/her history of loyalty to be a personal attack on their character. They think their loyalty is a good thing, and why wouldn't it be? As opposed to calling someone a sex predator or a con artist or intellectual property thief. You know, what we say about the current BOD is practically non-existent compared to what has been disclosed on this board and its predecessor of VPW, LCM and the people who served with them. Now, if we made it all up, if it was all lies by disgruntled ex-members, where are the lies against the current BOD? Where are the ex-members accusing them of playing fast and loose with marriage vows and purse strings? Are we no longer disgruntled? I don't know about you, but I still feel gruntled. Not enough to make stuff up against people we don't know, though. Interesting to me.
  15. 59th Street Bridge Song "When the sun beats down and burns the tar upon the roof," George
  16. "Age of Aquarius" "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day" "Hello lamppost, what'cha knowin'? I've come to watch your flowers growin'
  17. Thanks Rocky. Your post falls in line with another thought I've been having - have I been too judgmental and/or opinionated with my posts. Each of our realities about God and the bible is uniquely personal although we might connect with the thoughts and feelings of others. I've reviewed what the Socratic Dialog Method is and how it's used which has been helpful. The trip I mentioned earlier will not happen for at least two more months so there's time to think on the reality of living life without relying on a non-existent god for his protection. I've ordered the two books I referred to in my previous post and am now reading the available sample of "The Illusion of God's Presence" on Amazon. The author begins by giving a few interesting anecdotes to explain where he's going with the contents of his book, and so far I find it pretty relatable. I've posted it below if you or anyone else is curious about this topic. https://www.amazon.ca/Illusion-Gods-Presence-Biological-Spiritual/dp/1633880745 https://www.amazon.ca/Illusion-Gods-Presence-Biological-Spiritual/dp/1633880745 Hopefully, one of the two above will bring up the site.
  18. It (changing one's thinking or values or understanding of spiritual matters) requires time and patience. It doesn't (and can't) happen overnight. What should one do when they lose trust and become disillusioned? 1) realize they aren't proving anything either wrong or right. Rather, they are coming to grips with reality. 2) realize the narrative on which they have built their "relationship with God" is all about stories. The stories, it appears, are not holding true under the challenges of contemporary life.
  19. This post relates to my previous one about God's protection. I'm calling this one "easier said than done." I’ve been thinking about the next time I take the 5-hour drive to visit my son and his family, this time without the comforting thought of having God’s protection while driving on very busy highways most of the way. I’m trying to think rationally to get over the nervousness, but it continues to persist. This morning I happened to listen to the YouTube video called “Belief and the Brain: a Psychiatrist and a Neuroscientist on Evolution and Religion.” Seth Andrews had two guests on his podcast: - Dr. Andy Thomson, a psychiatrist and author of "Why We Believe in God(s): A Concise Guide to the Science of Faith," and - Dr. John Wathey, a computational biologist, neuroscientist, and author of "The Illusion of God's Presence: The Biological Origins of Spiritual Longing." They discussed, among many other things, why the concept of God being a heavenly father can become such a compelling desire and need for bible-believing people. It concerns the neural circuitry which evolved to “program the infant brain to expect the presence of a loving being who responds to the child's needs.” That innate feeling is triggered again in adulthood through religion because of the Father-son relationship that is fundamental to biblical teachings. The strength of these adult feelings is quite similar to the strength one had as an infant. IOW, there’s not just a psychological reason for a believer connecting with an all-loving and ever-present Father but a strong biological one as well. This explains why Christians are so unwilling to let go of this concept, and why it can also be difficult for one who has deconverted to let go in certain scenarios even though they know it's just wishful thinking. Replacing illogical thinking with rational thinking requires some concentrated work to be done.
  20. Not a SCRIPTED TV show Correct. From Wikipedia: Number of seasons Series Network First air date Last air date Number of episodes 35 The Simpsons Fox December 17, 1989 present 768 25 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NBC September 20, 1999 present 551 23 Law & Order NBC September 13, 1990 present 501 22 Family Guy Fox January 31, 1999 present 424[1] 21 NCIS CBS September 23, 2003 present 467 20 Gunsmoke CBS September 10, 1955 March 31, 1975 635 20 American Dad! Fox (2005–2014) TBS (2014–present)[2] February 6, 2005 present 366 20 Grey's Anatomy ABC March 27, 2005 present 429 I'm a bit confused. I don't watch the L&O shows, but was original L&O off for a few seasons and then came back? How did it start 9 years before SVU but have two fewer seasons? (Or is "present" for the last air date incorrect?) George
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