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  1. Past hour
  2. Maybe someday I'll watch it. Along with Pulp Fiction. “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” George
  3. Today
  4. Honestly can't find anything else remotely interesting. Lol. Still looking
  5. The Secret of My Success Helen Slater City Slickers George
  6. I might have gone with "You got some 'splainin' to do!" I Love Lucy "Missed it by THAT much!" George
  7. Cats comes in at #5 (7485 performances), but Les Miserables is #6 (6680 performances). Still need one other show. George
  8. Paul Reubens/Pee Wee Herman Midnight Madness Michael J. Fox
  9. "Aw, come on Joe, you can always change your name Thanks a lot son, just the same" ~America~ Ventura Highway
  10. No, I gave one. I used it before and nobody got it then either. Shawshank Redemption was voted the #1 movie by fans on IMDB Top 250 movies. In my opinion it's not a random movie line. Rocky Four "I got no fight with any man who does what he's told, but when he don't, the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down, we break down. And I ain't gonna allow that in any of you. Not one".
  11. Yesterday
  12. There are five Broadway shows with at least 7000 performances (three are currently running). Name two of them. George
  13. The Chase Kristy Swanson Buffy the Vampire Killer George
  14. Name the actor Senor Love Daddy Madlock Stacks Edwards George
  15. My dad had lupus. Fortunately, it was the external kind, not attacking his organs. "Holy [pretty much anything]!" George
  16. The rusted chains of prison moons are shattered by the sun I walk a road, horizons change, the tournament's begun The purple piper plays his tune, the choir softly sing Three lullabies in an ancient tongue for ..........
  17. Ok, as per the first post in the thread, I'm posting clues about a movie. This movie has the odd distinction of winning the MTV Movie Award for "Best Fight" despite not being an action movie. That's not especially odd, but this movie is a COMEDY.
  18. Jeffrey Jones Ferris Buehler's Day Off Charlie Sheen
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