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  1. Today
  2. Ok, as per the first post in the thread, I'm posting clues about a movie. This movie has the odd distinction of winning the MTV Movie Award for "Best Fight" despite not being an action movie. That's not especially odd, but this movie is a COMEDY.
  3. Jeffrey Jones Ferris Buehler's Day Off Charlie Sheen
  4. "Oh, see, I made Louis a bet here. See, Louis bet me that we couldn't both get rich and put y'all in the poor house at the same time. He didn't think we could do it. I won." "I lost... One dollar."
  5. 8 days with no new clue means I'm calling this one abandoned. "Shawshank Redemption." Moving on...
  6. That's them. Chalamet is in the new movie with the classic costume, Depp did the Burton version in the ridiculous black outfit, and Glover spoofed that in "Epic Movie" but the character was still called "Willy Wonka." For the record, the character made more sense to me in "Epic Movie" because he was a type of villain who was playing nice. (The Golden Tickets weren't really a prize, they were a lure to get the people in the factory....) That fit the all-black costume much better. I'm not sure what it says about your movie when the SPOOF makes more sense than your actual movie, but I have an idea.... Even putting Christopher Lee in there couldn't save it. (The only thing I liked better about C&tCF over the original WW&tCF with WIlder is that the situation with the family was more believable. In the original, 4 elderly people, on tiny pensions, were living in a hovel, and Charlie's mom was working full-time. Between them, they couldn't afford both rent and a healthy diet. I'm sure the 4 pensions alone could have paid the rent on the hovel and the level of food they were eating in the movie. With Charlie's mom working, they could have eaten healthy food and afforded decent clothes and some minimal comforts. In the later movie, they didn't look like they were on the verge of starving, at least by comparison.)
  7. That's it. And once, it WAS 'lupus.' BTW, the people who treat lupus thanked the writers for that show for getting the public to talk about lupus and start looking into it.
  8. That was John "Hannibal" Smith from "THE A-TEAM."
  9. Interesting thought, but no. Nothing so grim. Try for something sweeter.
  10. Yesterday
  11. The Addams Family "I love it when a plan comes together!" George
  12. That part of this line is really the most memorable quote.
  13. In case that's unclear, I'm looking for a role, and those are actors.
  14. I have trouble remembering Michael Rosenbaum in that role. So, who's turn....oh, it's mine. Hang on.
  15. Last week
  16. Raf


    But I take issue with the point you made. I do not believe it is accurate about any more than a few people. I guess I just would have phrased it differently.
  17. I was thinking Blood, Sweat and Tears, but she did it too, so you're up. George
  18. “…only sharks swim at midnight” Reminds me of that charlatan.
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