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  2. I've only recently become aware of the "Christian" doctrine of purity culture from some of the people sharing their deconversion stories. Both males and females speak of the harmful impact it has on them as the topic of sexuality is very sin/shame based. It would be interesting to read Cait's story and see how she was able to heal from such an upbringing. Thanks for recommending it.
  3. I'm guessing there weren't any Eagle fans (and will make a note of it) so, it was the second song on album "Hotel California". Another one then. It's an election year so without getting political I'm thinking were about to witness some shenanigans the like never before seen in this country, or possibly not. Which US president lost both the popular and the electoral vote and still won the election?
  4. Today
  5. The Sharpton debate is my least favorite, because, well, Sharpton. If you can tolerate William Lane Craig's grating tone, that one is decent. Hitch always said Dinesh D'Souza was his most formidable opponent - those debates are good and lively. There are many more worth watching, but the one with Frank Turek is the most fun for me.
  6. Use the original definitions as they were intended. Don't let context distort your understanding.
  7. I watched the whole debate, and Sharpton repeatedly criticized Hitchens for talking about horrendous deeds done by those who believe in God (while not addressing Hitchens biblical references of God doing much the same). Instead, he wanted Hitchens to talk about God Himself, apart from the bible, whom Sharpton believes exists because of intelligent design and his personal experiences with Him. IMO, Sharpton's dismissal of the bible shows he has a "Build-a-God" mindset. I guess I am late to the party on recognizing how acceptable this has become.
  8. Define glove. And fits. I should be able to use whatever definition of fits I want. Shoes don't have epileptic seizures. Therefore faith makes no sense.
  9. Sorry for the confusion. I assure you, we are on the same page. As the saying goes, if the shoe fits, wear a glove. Mmmph.
  10. I took your question to mean there is no difference - a duck is a duck; and an atheist is no different from a made-up god because there is no "real" god in either case. Now if you and Waysider would like to stop communicating in a way that one has to guess what you're getting at (much like Jesus did when he used parables ), that would be honky-dory (satisfactory, first-rate, excellent) .
  11. This streaming show is based on a series of novels. Two movies have also been based on the novels. The actor playing the title character in the series is about twice the size of the actor playing him in the movies. Although the movie actor is a well-known action star, I find the TV actor more believable in this role. George
  12. The question is: What is the difference between a duck? Most people say, between a duck and what? Those people don’t understand the question. Waysider understands perfectly. He answered with a mathematical accuracy and a scientific precision not know since…
  13. The video is a great example of the deconstruction that leads to deconversion. And although the emotions she displays are part of her comedic monologue, they are nonetheless a real part of the process of letting go of God. Ex: @ 51:30 - 53:40
  14. Build-A-Bear Workshop is a fun-filled store where you will make a new best friend. Choose from more than 25 different animals priced from $12 to $27. Stuff your furry friend, make a wish and give it a heart. Dress it in over 250 outfits and accessories. Name it and make a personalized birth certificate or storybook. What is the difference between an atheist (who believes neither in a god or in the bible) and a non-fundamentalist (who "builds" a god through a subjective selection of which scriptures they interpret favorably)? IOW, what is the difference between a non-existent god and a made-up god?
  15. Oh, those words are attributed to Jesus? (I admit to not reading The Apocalypse of John of Patmos carefully enough.) Who says the Nazarene said? John of Patmos? Let me guess, he had a vision. Riiiiight…
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