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  1. Words matter. Oftentimes, here at GS, I reference twi's use of wayspeak, or buzzspeak, in my posts. Words are powerful little items in a cult's arsenal. Words have a way of attaching themselves to associations, ideology, groups, situations, etc..... and then, nestle into one's brain. Good or evil, these little words are powerful. Ho Ho Re-Lo is one such word-phrase that incites all kinds of imagery in my mind. It reminds me of my in-residence years at Emporia, KS and the drudgery of sitting cross-legged on the floor for hours when wierwille came to the campus. The buzzspeak behind it was......at Christmas break, the corps were given 12-14 days break from the corps program and many would re-locate to a different campus in January, hence Ho Ho Re-Lo. See, ain't that just so clever? And, that *clever* little wayspeak trickled down into way society to others who NEVER WERE CORPS. Did they not realize that the term had in-house nomenclature only to corps? Don't know. But there it was.....grafting itself into the WHOLE of twi. And, it was taboo to say 'Merry Christmas' because of the connotation involving Roman Catholics and it wasn't a mass for Christ. Besides, he [JC] wasn't born on that day anyways.....so just spout the generic 'Happy Holidays' and be done with it. Right? Wrong. Someone got the clever idea to add 'household' to make it MORE "accurate"......so, it evolved into Happy Household Holidays. SEE....words DO matter. Now, don't ya feel more spiritual, twi? {Sigh} So....its been a long journey in reclaiming my own identity. Me. What I believe. What I deem important. How I view the world around me. My family and our traditions. Our moments of memory-building. What we value. Why we sing....or don't sing. For many, its that time of year when THINGS THAT MATTER ARE EMBRACED....the love of a spouse, children, traditions, memories, etc. For some, its a very lonely and depressing time....and I attempt to keep this in mind, and pray accordingly. So, the words in cards, letters, greetings, around the table, and throughout the holiday season matter greatly. I hold dear those words that convey love, joy, peace and hope. Little words are the building blocks of relationships, of memories. They are the mortar that constructs our dearest of all possessions.....precious relationships. Make sure that, with loved ones, you 'spend these words' wisely. With these little words from the heart, I am reclaiming my identity. My soul is sovereign and I eschew things from a cult-foreign past. Enjoy the holidays and family. Keep it real....every word of it.
    1 point
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