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  1. According to vpw, twi was the best thing available in the early 70s. The House of Acts had been doing better, and BG Leonard had taught what vpw ripped off as the pfal classes, and vpw claimed twi was the best thing available. That was despite ripping off Leonard, and despite vpw effectively destroying the House of Acts to co-opt the Christians there to be his recruiting arm. As for "many of us wouldn't even be alive," that's pure vpw propaganda. It was invented by vpw to cause sincere Christians to transfer loyalty from God Almighty to vpw and twi. vpw's extended campaign to subvert worship from God Almighty and Jesus Christ to vpw HIMSELF and twi was so effective that decades later, there as STILL people repeating his phrases like some unthinking parrots. It was sad back then, but somewhat understandable. There's no excuse for it now.[/b] "Even if drs teachings were plagiarized he did put it all together for us." Incorrect. vpw said that, but he lied about that like he lied about everything else. vpw took BG Leonard's class and retaught it in its entirety as his first "Receiving the Holy Spirit Today" class, and lied and said it was his unique class. He later filled it out to make 3 levels of pfal, which made more money. He plagiarized EW Bullinger for pfal Sessions 5-8 largely, and other times. As for Sessions 9-12, anything that wasn't straight Leonard was straight Stiles- vpw RETYPED JE Stiles' book on the holy spirit and put his own name on it. Later versions of that book and the classes attempted to change the terminology and definitions- more to hide his sources than anything else. As for "putting it all together for us", no. He "put it all together" (plagiarized it all) to have a steady income- tuition for the classes, shoving the tithe down everyone's throat (mandatory reading for pfal), and selling all twi materials at retail prices. EVERYTHING in twi was designed to run at a PROFIT. Want to go spread the Word for twi? Ok, they will tell you where to go. You must get there on your own, you must find housing on your own, you must work to support yourself. Oh, and when applying, you have to pay $200 for the privilege of going out there and providing them all that free labor. All classes ran at a profit. Materials were printed cheaply in-house and sold retail- for a tidy profit. Weekly teachings were available- pay to have weekly tapes delivered to your home (BTW, the tapes they used were the worst quality available- because they were cheaper for twi.) vpw did all that to serve HIMSELF. "I left in 1988. Couldn’t take the carnage being wrought by LCM." lcm made an understandable mistake. vpw knew all along that he himself was a FRAUD. He KNEW he had a public persona, a MASK, for the public, and privately was a petty, venal, alcoholic, a plagiarizing rapist, a simonist. So, he knew to keep up the ACT in public, to never let the public see he was a fraud. He pulled the same snow job on lcm- who really believed vpw was something special, "the greatest man of God in 2000 years" rather than just another con man and sinner. So, when lcm had the office, lcm thought that HE was now supernatural, that he'd get Divine Revelation for every fool thought that went through his head. Further, vpw taught lcm to have sex outside of marriage, that he had to "loosen up in that respect if he wanted to serve God's people." vpw KNEW it was wrong and covered his own tracks no matter what he told others - mainly to cover his tracks. lcm really thought extramarital sex in different forms (raping and drugging like vpw did included) was ok with God Almighty- so he did it and saw no need to cover his tracks as if it was both sinful and a felony. So, he got caught. "I CANT understand and never will why dr W picked him. Was he being blackmailed? Or was he just failing in his decision making." vpw's PhD came from a degree mill. It was an unaccredited institution. It had no more authority to grant a PhD than Schlotsky's Deli has. But calling him "doctor" was de rigeur. Interesting how he denigrated all the institutions that granted REAL degrees and said they didn't count, but he INSISTED on his "degree" as if it was the equal of theirs, an accredited Doctorate. So, a fake Dr. Why did the fake Dr pick lcm? To hear vpw himself say it, lcm always just followed his orders and never questioned him. That was vpw's FIRST AND LAST words on the subject. vpw PLANNED it that way, he was NOT being leaned on. Everyone else recommended Walter C. vpw overruled everyone and stuck to his long-term plan and installed lcm. Did he fail in his decision-making? I would say, "Yes" to a great degree. His reasons were unsound, he ignored "a multitude of counselors" which is not "safe", and he gave lcm a completely unrealistic expectation of how the job worked. On paper, lcm should have failed. Add to that the one thing vpw wanted in picking lcm- that vpw could still tell him what to do and lcm would do it- that decision backfired majorly. Now that lcm was in charge, his misinformation that God Almighty kept giving vpw continuous revelation led him to think that every fool thought that went through his head was either Divine Revelation or otherwise endorsed by God Almighty. He had no interest in hearing from vpw anymore, and neither did anyone who had worked directly with vpw, especially the higher-ups who had seen parts of his fake persona slip and had a sense of how unreasonable he was, how difficult he was, how capricious he was, how he wasted everyone's time. Now that a lot of hidden information has come to light, it's easy to see what happened. Hindsight is 20/20. We were hoodwinked, scammed, fooled. Can we move on from there? Yes, but not if we PREFER the scam to real Christian living.
    2 points
  2. Memory does NOT serve. vpw, in public, said (my wording) that he was throwing open the list of candidates for his successor, and it could be any graduate of (IIRC, Advanced) the Advanced Class. (It could have been the Foundational.) He wanted people to submit their choices for candidates, and there would be a vote after that, similar to what happened when the Apostles chose to replace Judas with Matthias. All of that was a smokescreen. He PRETENDED other people's opinions mattered. Long before he said this, he'd already had a short list of 2 guys, and the criteria for that list was "would follow vpw off a freaking cliff if he said to, or would jump to their death on his say-so." lcm was, far and away, the heir apparent in vpw's mind. He'd told Donna as much when lcm wanted to start dating her. vpw went to her and told her how far lcm was going to go in twi. After that, she was willing to date lcm. Did they know each other well? AFTER they married, there was discussion about them having some time alone to get to know each other better. That was a marriage based on vpw's promise that lcm would be the next Grand Poobah, and 2 people willing to go along with that. lcm has often claimed that any 2 believers could make a marriage work- "it's called 'commitment.'" Well, HIS marriage was largely a failure from the beginning. It was founded on SAND, and there were no sparks between Donna and lcm. She'd said before that she was going to marry some important guy in twi, so that's what she did. That's a political marriage, a marriage of convenience. That's NOT the basis for a marriage according to the New Testament or any healthy Christians. As for the inner circle, the cadre, and who they wanted, they didn't get who they wanted. They told vpw that the best candidate was WALTER CUMMINS, the head of the research department. vpw overruled all of them, and chose lcm. When asked afterwards why he picked lcm, he even told someone outright that lcm never once questioned him, he just followed vpw's orders. THAT was his STATED reason for choosing lcm unilaterally, and all evidence supports that. He'd been planning that for years before he did it, and he did it. vpw expected that this would allow him to still be the object of worship in twi, and the last word on all decisions. He thought he'd still be in charge whenever he wanted. Imagine his surprise when, not long after that, ALL of vpw's sycophants were ignoring vpw (who was never a nice person and was never actually LIKED as much as ADMIRED for the FAKE image he INVENTED) for lcm, who NOW had all the unilateral authority vpw had invested in the Presidency of twi. Small wonder he went to the OTHER man who effectively worshipped him- geer- and spent time there while geer smooched his behind and told him how special he was. As for the idea that the trustees could pick vpw's successor, or the Regional Directors or Limb Coordinators, or anything else, all of that was a smokescreen. vpw picked lcm by himself and that was it- even though everyone else said that was a bad idea.
    2 points
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