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Everything posted by diazbro

  1. This is incredible. The above paragraph is so "right on" with what WaySpeak is all about. You've convinced me of one thing - that you were in TWI. No one could say those things without a thorough immersion in The Way experience. Then you are speaking for yourself. If it was "the Word" then there would be universal acceptance of PFAL as that. But lots of people take different views of PFAL. Some like myself think very dimly of it and how it was accomplished. A rouge preacher booted out of his primary denomination tries to get back on his feet by stealing the works of others and claiming a vision of God ? Sorry I don't respect that. Furthermore what he stole doesn't represent "god breathed word". Its just something someone wrote. Again, PFAL is NOT "the word of god". The material was taken from a variety of sources without permission. All of these sources were the works of man. To worhsip them is idolatry just as worshipping VPW is also idolatry. Additionally the so called "LAw of Believeing" doesn't work. It failed the mighty "Teacher" who couldn't "believe enough" to deliver himself from illness. This was at a time when people in the field were dumped on for not having "enough believing" for a large variety of things. Besides if VPW was "The Teacher" then what did he do to let the "adversary" get through that "hedge of protection" and cause cancer ? Guess PFAL didn't help him except to line his pockets with all those "donations" people made to take the class.
  2. Err Lorna I think you misunderstood my comments. My quote of: was entirely sarcastic. Hawkers of PFAL used to routinely call any last minute student signups as "miracles of god". Many Way people cheapened the meaning of the word miracle by proclaiming normal things as miracles. Please re read my post to see what I meant by that. I find nothing in PFAL to be indicative of God's particular blessing on VPW, TWI, or any one who took it. If someone derived goodness from it then thats their choice. I think it was assembled from a varity of sources most of whom were people who were not contacted for their permission. I think God very much cares about things like plagiarism and people getting their due credit. VPW felt that it was okay to steal ? I don't. Additionally, I don't even think all that was taught in PFAL (stolen or not) was necessarily "Right On" so its not like, for me, that PFAL even contains the so called "god breathed word" or some such substitute. It was a shoddily assembled seminar series put together by a man who was desperate for academic credibility and the adulation of people. HAving said all this I think that the power of healing can "manifest" though it certainly does not need TWI or any of its adherents to occur. TWI always wanted to *own* the concept of healing and deliverance as if it was only "available" through them. Thats was and is a lie.
  3. The Way saw devil spirits everywhere because it was a nice smoke and mirrors routine to keep your mind off how much time, energy, and money you were giving TWI with nothing to show in return. Some people really got off on "Kicking devil spirit butt" but there was no way by which to measure success. It gave people something to do. The concept of devil spirits gave leaders a psychological advantage over people. If someone could convince you that you had devil spirits then they could easily manipulate you then and in the future. Its like witch doctors in tribal societies going up to people saying "you aren't sick now but you will be unless you do what I say to avoid it". Same thing in TWI. They would approach you and say things like "well those albums you have could be tainted with devil spirits. you need to toss them, sign up for the advanced class, and ABS more regularly". Same thing as the witch doctor scam. One of my all time low moments in TWI was when I saw two guys arguing over some bible verses. It escalated into a shouting match with both eventually claiming that the other was possessed. They screamed back and forth "No. You're the one who is possessed". And then they starting trying to cast out the spirits that each allegedly had. They were fully aware they had an audience and neither would back down since to do so would be a tacit admission of possession. I just got up and left them to the shouting. At that point it hit home that the whole devil spirit thing was merely a tool of control in TWI. Still. The way's teachings on devil spirits is a major source of influence for those still in and even those long out of TWI. You can encounter many former Way who still get the heebie-jeebies when this topic emerges or when they encounter some odd behavior they can't quickly characterize. And alot of this is just fear of the unknown or a simple lack of basic science education that was put on hold in favor of way teachings on various topics.
  4. diazbro

    Caption Contest

    Why did Dad bring the electric blanket ?
  5. Actually Keith I find your post to be interesting because its rare that I see this type of post because most tales of healing are related in the third person and beyond. Someone knew somone who got healed of cancer or blindness. Its always so difficult , if not impossible, to verify and many times the person relating the story heard it from somoene else making it even more doubtful. and TWI cheapened the definition of deliverance and miracles by calling almost anything a "miracle". Your car made it a few extra miles and the fuel guage was empty ? Thats a miracle ! You had a minor sore throat and your WOW brother prayed for you and 3 days later you were healed ? Thats a miracle. Someone gave you $35 to take PFAL. Thats a *Real* miracle ! God delivers.. Seriously if you say your broken bone slipped back in and healed then way to go. You get points in my book for even talking about it and for being one of the few who has reported a significant healing in the first person.
  6. Thanks Jardinero for that post. It does help when people post details like this. quite useful. I do wish to point out that while VPW's illness might have been "no secret" to those who might have had occasion to interact with VPW it was a different situation in the field. This information was not distributed and when questions relative to VPW's health did emerge there was a total lack of real straight forward information. The types of responses I received were defensive and vague. Those of us who were persistent about it were dealt with in more direct ways such as being told explicitly that VPW's health was no one's concern but his and we should be grateful that we have the opportunity to learn from his example. Whether or not there were deliberate mandates for people to sit on this info I don't know. But it was difficult to get straight info about the nature of VPW's health problems. And the higher up I went in the chain to get this info the harder it was to get straight answers. I learned about his cancer from someone who had left the Corps.
  7. Linda Z posted: I've heard this before also though no such distinction was made towards those in the field who had cancer. They were considered as being possessed. I know of no exceptions to this. Now. Even if one believed that VPW was somehow exempt from this - that he had a disease caused by a devil spirit yet he was not possessed (his personality was not impaired or influenced by satan) its still a mystery as to why this could happen to "The Teacher". What did he do to let the "adversary invade that hedge of protection" ? He must have been "out of fellowship" so what did he do ? My point is that believers in the field were berated for far less significant health problems yet VPW wasn't for having something as serious as cancer ? Sure there was a coverup. After his eye replacement I and many people in my area asked pointed questions to our leadership about the change in VPW's appearance. The MOST we could get from anyone were comments to the effect that he had "exhausted himself in service to the Body" and additional questions were met with a change of subject. Later on MORE people had questions and we were reproved for being "too concerned" with things that "didn't really matter" (i.e. VPW's appearance). When he died it was entirely natural that questions would emerge relative to the cause of his death. He was the so called "Father In The Word" so why woudln't people want to know ? This is when it became apparent to me that people were sitting on this truth. Whether or not it was a mandate to conceal it I don't know. BUT in my area we were lied to by several people who were "up there" in terms of leadership. One explanation was that VPW had "fought the good fight" and it was time to for him to "Rest". Another well worn response was "what does it matter how he died ? Didn't he teach you the Word ? " Total evasive BS ! They just didn't want to have to explain to people why they applied a different standard to VPW. So this came at a time when a fellow died who had been WOW twice passed away and these same leaders talked about how he had "let the adversary tear his believing down" and how he had done something to "let satan through the headge of protection". But did they apply the same statements to VPW ? Hell no !!! He was still considered as a valid substitute for the "absent christ". I left TWI around 84 and I NEVER encountered one leader who would come out openly and say that VP died of cancer ! There were people who knew this and would talk about it but no one would discuss this at Twig or at meetings. Once I had heard that VPW had cancer I asked several people about it and all I heard were totally defensive remarks like "well so what ? Everyone dies of something". TWI could have come clean - hell VPW could have come clean when he was diagnosed and openly admitted that the so called law of believing was flawed. but NO. He didn't !See he could have been up front about it but he wasn't. Why not ? Maybe because he would have to admit that he was WRONG ? Good Lord... This man lied by keeping silent ? This was when believers in the field were being torn new ones for having less significant illnesses yet VPW was still held up as "The Teacher" ? This is whacked in SO many ways... Its sick.... The most odd thing here is that had he been open about having cancer people would have prayed for him ! They wouldn't have been mad at him or even applied the same derision towards the ill that his suck-up yes men did. People would have been supportive. But NO. He wanted to keep TWI money-making machine moving ahead at full steam. This is the ultimate crime.
  8. How about ever ? I remember the so called attempted overthrow of the US government back in 76. we had prayer vigils to prevent this from happening and when nothing happened we were asked to offer a prayer of thanks to god for being under the guidance of a man like VPW. This really happened and its sickening just how messed up TWI was even back in the so called "good ole days".
  9. I got in in the early 70s, hung with it for about 4 years , and then came and went until around 83 or 84 when I hung it up for good. I had lots of friends who were active so I think I got some slack when I would disappear for a few months and return later but then there were corps who didn't know me so they didn't approve of my "wavering committment" - I didn't approve of their attitude. It wasn't a problem for me to walk away from it. I had things I wanted to do and couldn't see how being in TWI could help me get there. I will say this. there was a guy who was known for being a real hardass , (many here know him), and I was avoiding him since because I was leaving I thought he would be wanting to yell at me. But he didn't. He pulled me aside and told me that as long as I was doing what I *really* wanted then he was in full support. It was a mindblower because any other day of the week this guy was known for screaming at everyone. Make no mistake. I was going no matter what he said but it was a bizarre situation.
  10. I think the trend is and has been for some time for people to seek enlightenment on an individudal basis and they will seek it from a variety of sources. Some of this begain with the the explosive (in terms of marketing ) "new-age" movement of the 80s employed videos and CDs to promote everything from tai-chi, yoga, meditation, crystals, feng-shui, to vegetarian cooking and better sex. Questions of quality aside it became clear that the public wanted stuff like this and more importantly they wanted to deal with this privately. Many wish to deal with issues on their own terms and not through the filters of some larger organziation. For many personal change became personal and lots of people ,even those who weren't in cults, wanted to puruse a spiritual life without being part of a larger organization. Lots of "cults" and boutique religions sufferred losses during this time not just TWI. One of the things that bugs me about many former Way is their undying devotion to the home fellowship concept as if its somehow they *only* form of worhsip which is acceptable to God. for those diehards if a person isn't going to a home fellowship then you can't get anything from God. For me the whole Twig thing was just a cost saving measure for the way - they could hold "services" without paying rent on a building. Additionally it was a method for people to size you up and see where you were going. Basically a tracking system. Well all that aside its clear that the "cult" system of the 60s and 70s doesn't work today (to the extent that it once did). At least back then you had lots of idealist youth looking to find some community or locale so picking up and dropping out was cool - at least until you got older and realized that sleeping 4 stacked in a two bedroom apt really sucks. today people want to deal with things in privacy and technology makes that possible. I know plenty of people who listen to sermons or positive thinking tapes on their MP3 players as they are working out at the gym. They don't have the inclination to go to some obscure religious meeting at someone's home. Who would ? I don't know if these people supplement their spirtual life with regular attendance at an established church but its really none of my business. Just like it none of their business if I worhsip as they do or not. Lots of people are tired of the concept that you have to go to one church or listen to one pastor in order to have a real, vital spiritual life. Sure we might like to hear a particular person speak or might like to listen to some tapes from the past but that should not lock us in to some rigid path that requires exclusivity. For me thats a sign that something is VERY wrong. Any church or pastor that demands your undivided attention is not what I'm into.
  11. Using Way computers would be dangerous I would think as its quite likely that they have spyware and keystroke monitors so even if you clear your browser history and dump the cache they still have your keystrokes and app history. If you are in the field then its far more easier but if you are living with some suckup then they might rat you out should you surf here. Best bet is an internet cafe though this assumes that corps person is not "on the leash". Is it permissible for people to go out alone or do they still want you to be with someone else at all times ?
  12. Sure. Actually people in the field were berated for having health problems though VPW was spared a similar treatment once he fell ill. A different standard was applied to VPW than to the average Way believer that is for sure. I'm sure many of us have heard way leaders analyze someone's health problems in terms of their "state" (in fellowship or not) and whether or not they were abundantly sharing. The inconsideration and lack of compassion towards people was mind blowing. You got sick then it was YOUR fault and you some how had failed God for letting the devil get to you ! VPW gets sick, they lie about it, and then never admit to the circumstances.
  13. VPW's cancer was not reported because those remaining in leadership would have to then explain to the rest of the TWI community why "the teacher" had a devil spirit acting in his body. No one wanted to touch that topic. They also would have had to explain how and why VPw's believing could not deliver him from the illness. This is why you have CG mentioning in POP that he thought VPW basically willed himself to die. In this fashion the VPW loyalists can at least rationalize that aspect of it though any clear thinking person recognizes it as total escapist BS. Edited to add the following: If the Weirwille loyalist still believes that cancer is caused by a devil spirit then he or she *must* deal with the issue of VPW having one. How long did he have it ? What did he do to get out of fellowship so the "adversary" could drive a hole into that "hedge of protection" ? And given that he had a devil spirit perhaps some of his decisions were influenced by satan. And which ones ? LCM's appointment maybe ?
  14. I never got anyone signed up for PFAL but I got a few to twig though not just by myself. I was going to twig withs friends of mine so we might all mention it to people at different times so its hard to tell who was "the one" who got someone to come to twig. But I didn't care. I really didn't. If someone else got credit for it then so be it. In my first twig there was a guy who never took PFAL yet got more people to come to twig than anyone who had taken PFAL ! He really liked hanging out at twig and thats all he really wanted. Of course once the corps types started trying to tell us how to run a twig they made it clear that people who weren't interested in PFAL should not be welcomed back. I agree with the assessment that the women tended to bring alot more people to twig (almost always guys) most of whom showed up for a couple of twigs before they realized that the women weren't interested in them for dating. OBviously people did come,stayed, and took the class but there was a prety high turnover rate in the early to mid 70s. I visited one twig wherein the TC suggested to the guys that they invite more women to twig but it was so sqaure and uncool to chat up women about religion and church. I mean it was easy to talk to women at the mall but once you started talking about "fellowship" most of them started looking at their watches. Besides some of those women were pretty cute so I stopped mentioning the twig thing and would just ask them out on dates ! I figured if I liked them and they liked me I could always introduce them to that aspect of my life.
  15. VPW's cancer was not reported because those remaining in leadership would have to then explain to the rest of the TWI community why "the teacher" had a devil spirit acting in his body. No one wanted to touch that topic. They also would have had to explain how and why VPw's believing could not deliver him from the illness. This is why you have CG mentioning in POP that he thought VPW basically willed himself to die. In this fashion the VPW loyalists can at least rationalize that aspect of it though any clear thinking person recognizes it as total escapist BS.
  16. diazbro

    Gay Teenagers

    No one has been denied the opportunity to say that that they reject the Way assertion that homosexuals are possessed. I've disclaimed my posts liberally with the idea that its a Way concept that homosexuality is the product of possession (as is alcholism) though no one has once said "well I don't believe that gay people are possessed". If they do then the thread might take another turn. However I know many former Way people who still hold strongly the idea that gay people are the worst of the worst and have "devil spirits" so it wouldn't at all surpise me to encounter that on line. But perhaps those who wish to state that now, that TWI teaching is wrong or was never right, will do that now.. lets hear it explicitly. I won't mind. Get it out there. But hopefully they would do that because they really believed its as opposed to trying to get out of corner they might have painted themselves into by considering gay people as bieng possessed whereas alcoholics are just regular guys with a regular problem which would be a massive inconsistency. They would be keeping that part of Way teaching that accomodated their personal tastes and rejecting that which was distasteful. Thats not cool....
  17. diazbro

    Gay Teenagers

    Galen, Once again. Its a double standard. If someone is possessed then by Way "logic" one MUST treat anyone thus afflicted with the same approach regardless of the "type" of spirit they have. Yet TWI let those with substance abuse problems off the hook (e.g. VPW) while choosing to heap scorn and hatred upon those who are gay. But , according to Way teachings, the cause is a devil spirit so why hate one group and embrace another ? Its not right, logical, or fair in any context. Either hold all those possessed in contempt or minister to them. It can't be a selective enforcement. Another way to put is why is TWI so accepting of those possessed with the so called Leviathan spirit ? They are supposedly possessed with satan's minions so why let it slide ? Lastly, I've met Way people who have told me that serial killers who get born again while in prison will be more honorable before God than the most well behaved homosexual even if that person is born again. Where is that in the bible ?
  18. diazbro

    Gay Teenagers

    That TWI selectively deals with "devil spirit" induced problems choosing to magnify the abominations of one (being gay) while downplaying the significance of another (being an alcholic - i.e. having the spirit of "Leviathan"). Its selective enforcement though if a person is "possessed" then why treat one better than another who is also "possessed" alebit with a different type of spirit. One cannot have it both ways (no pun intended). Either treat all who are "possessed" with an equal amount of contempt or treat them all with compassion. There are many,many alcholics in denial about their problem and will refuse to acknowledge the damage they have caused themselves and others or accept responsibility for it. Its very common and ,unfortunately, many of these people never own up to their problem choosing to minimize it or rationalize it. Rehab clinics are chock full of people who are there only because the terms of their sentencing require it yet they still maintain they don't have a problem.
  19. diazbro

    Gay Teenagers

    Actually John given TWI's interest in "logic" then the arugement is very strong. If one wishes to discuss maladies/problems that are presumably the result of "devil spirit affliction" then that peson must be willing to deal with *all* of them and not selectively examine one above all the rest and ,worse, let others off the hook for having a so called devil spirit when they don't extend the same courtesy to all who are similarly afflicted. Within TWI the reactions to those with undeniable substance problems were very mild as if it was something that "just happened" to us all (which of course isnt true). But Way teaching demands that alcholism be considered as the result of devil spirits so why was TWI , in its typical view of alcholics, very forgiving (and in some cases indifferent) whereas gays were represented as the enemy ? And even those suspected of being gay or those who might sympathize with gays were equally as bad. Yet the boozers got the wink and as along as they didn't really mess up (I mean really) then they were left alone. Again if being gay is the result of a devil spirit as is alcholism then we must deal with both similarly and not excuse the behavior of the latter (which TWI has done routinely and even for VPW) while vilifying the former. Its simply not "logical" by Way or general standards. Worse. There are those christians who feel that because gay people exist then their bad behavior will be forgiven since God will surely focus all his wrath on the gay people while leaving the straights alone.
  20. diazbro

    Gay Teenagers

    Reminds me of my first marriage.....
  21. diazbro

    Gay Teenagers

    But why then aren't people talking about alcoholics with an equal level of intensity and disdain as they are gay people ? By Way teaching they are both caused by demonic possession so one must be willing to address both categories ( as well as *all* those afflicted with so called "devil spirits) without distinction. In TWI lifestyle the alcoholic and drug addict is tolerated whereas the gay person is not. And the typical rationale behind that is that the bible has more to say about homosexuals than other types of demon induced maladies. In many cases some have used this as a way to direct the focus to "gay people and their abomination" and away from their own personal problems. But its a frequency issue. We encounter many more alcoholics than we do gay people (at least to the best of our knowledge) so this leads to some familiarity with the situation. We might even have a substance problem ourselves and because of that we don't want to be judged so harshly by others. I've heard Way trained people say things like "well I have my problems but at least I'm not gay so I won't have that to deal with at the bema" ? They wrongly rationalize that (at least in my opinion) , because they aren't gay, then God will cut them slack. Like a "get out of jail free" card. Imagine this conversation at the "bema" (where in Way teaching one receive rewards though only if Craig has approved them :> ). "Hi God... Sure I had my problems with the bottle and I was a miserable parent and chased evey skirt I could but hey... I'm a guy and besides I knew lots of guys like that. And come on.. you MADE me like that.. you know what its like for us... And HEY ! At least I wasn't gay so give me my rewards !" Its like such a person thinks that God grades on a curve. Like He would average human behavior and judge on that. Why would he ? He is omniscient and absolute so its only reasonable to assume he would deal with each person on their own terms *not* in relation to someone else. I don't now why people are gay or how they wind up that way BUT if a person believes it is the result of demonic possession then that person should also be prepared to deal with the other types of so called "devil spirit" problems. We cannot arbitraily decide that its okay for us to disparage a particular group and let others off the hook just because one set of behaviors is more common.
  22. diazbro

    Gay Teenagers

    One of the greater inconsistencies of TWI was in its characterization of those who were "homos" as being particularly worthy of scorn because they were "possessed". However there were many,many, ( I mean alot of ) alcoholics in TWI - so many so that it was "winked at" yet by Way teaching alcoholism was caused by the "Leviathan" spirit. But somehow being a drunk (and consequently possessed) wasn't so bad since there were so many of thoses types around. "hey . you got mad at your wife and maybe hit her ? So what. you can get back in fellowship". Thats TOTAL BS yet I heard stuff like that. Alcoholics and their corresponding behavior have done more to wreck lives, families, business, and mental health than any gay person of which I know. I guess Liberace was an abomination in the eyes of God yet the typical boozer was cool ?. Sure. Its cool for liquor heads to fight, lose jobs on a continual basis, disappoint their children but for someone to be gay is worse ? Different standard. Guess having an alky devil spirit is cool with God ? Sure. Its being a "good ole boy" huh ? I know Way devotees who have lost their jobs, families, and their productive years to booze yet they think that because they weren't gay that god is somehow more respectful of them ? Get real....
  23. Well LCM was not a professional speaker (maybe a professional screamer or spitter) and his presentation skills , such as they were, lacked polish and he did not know how to work a crowd. He knew this and the way he dealt with was to cop the angry,athelete of the spirit thing as some type of defense mechanism. As we know LCM didn't have the opportunity to make wild claims as to his biblical research career having spent much time with people he wound up screaming at a lot. So while he could have said he did this and studied that and had a religious epiphany ( as did VPW) many would have known it was a lie. VPW was so much older than most people and did have experience in the preaching gig so it wasn't a stretch to see him in that role. LCM was clumsy, inarticulate, and uneducated in any theology except that offerred by TWI. He had "expert" knowledge of the VPW stuff and perhaps felt he had to somehow top that. The odd thing is that I though his anti-homosexual thing was just a fad for him. I never expected for him to make it the primary aspect of himself and his presidency. He simply could not let go of that concept and it seemed to fascinate him. He seemed obssessed with men being with men. Interesting slant for a preacher who is supposedly there to promote the abundant life. How does constantly bashing homosexuals teach anyone anything about living abundantly ? Well not having WAP I cannot say where it fails or how it compares. Can anyone tell me how long WAP as ? Was it 12 sessions , 3 hrs each ? PFAL was tough to sit through it could have EASILY been edited down significantly and it would have been better. "Better" in the sense of presentation as opposed to being "better" in its so called "message". The only class I ever enjoyed with TWI was the Dealing With The Adversary class. For whatever reason I found it to be entertaining and somewhat interesting (though I know others who thought it was a complete snore). Maybe it was the first time I saw someone other than VPW teach and Walter was less heavy handed). I like the section in the class where he has someone demonstrating how "the word" can be changed to suit one's purpose. And the guy comes on set, steals something, and the rationalization is well it says in the bible "let him that stole, steal [no more]". Of course he leaves off the last two words. Corny ? Yes. maybe I was just tired and easily amused.
  24. LLP said: The reason there is no new "news" is because there is no new "news". Those predicting TWI's imminent demise were premature. Those who shout about declining numbers use information that is outdated by at least the number of years they have been out of TWI. >> I'm not surprised that you were attracted to this thread LLP. In the past you have posted several times pointing to the lack of insider info , even going so far as to suggest that Gspot has stagnated and outlived its ustility since there is no longer choice gossip. So its no wonder , at least to me, that you would show up here. Also I distinctly recall you saying quite a while ago that "numbers were up" in TWI though you never produced any information to back up your assertion except to say that you got this info from some leaders. Wow. What a good source they are for the truth. Its well known that TWI has been countng the children of members are "new recruits" though they have not been honest about this since they desperately need to inflate numbers to act like something is going on. The burden is on you LLP to prove that TWI is growing and flourishing. Those of us who do have contact with innies know that there is not increase and growth. If anything they are patting their own backs for being "the salt of the salt" and all that jazz. Once again I say that you describe a Way that few here have ever experienced. What you describe simply doesn't reflect the typical Way experience. I've allowed that you might be one of those people whom the Way likes to cater to. For example we had a doctor in our area and he was exempt from all expectations and obligations. They named dropped him all the time as they were seeking credibility in the community but the guy showed up whenever he wanted to and they kissed his rear. On the other hand as I've also said, I seriously question whether you are really in or ever have been. You always are so vague about your descriptions and never put any kind of detail behind your statements. Seems to me if you , as an insider, want to see more inside info at Gspot then why don't you post it ? Who is stopping you ? you've said that you post here freely and your leaders know it and don't care so why not take the next step and tell us who is saying what ? I mean if TWI is so great and open then they won't care would they ?
  25. Yes well the demands of a controlled shift can drastically impact one's eating habits - no doubt. There have been plenty of times when burning the midnight oil or dealing with a life situation have completely edged out any thoughts of nutrition and exercise and its only natural that this occurs. But I think the key is to keep "going back" to the healthy lifestyle in an attempt to make it the default. Once that habit is formed its far more easier to get back into shape after periods of imposed inactivity or highy demanding work that leaves little opportunity for exercise or sane food choices. People in institutional settings suffer because of a food quality issue. Its not like they can complain to the chef and expect something better but hopefully this situation is temporary and the person can do the best they can until they arrive into a setting where they have more control over their food choices and can find more time to exercise. I had to travel a great deal last year and I found myself gravitating towards calisthenic routines that are very effective and can be accomplished in hotel rooms without the need for equipment. They weren't as good as a normal gym based workout but they did the job while I was waiting for my schedule to lighten up. I wouldn't have wanted to go 6 months without doing something so I did what I could. Part of the reason I take this all so seriously is because some years ago I was out of commission for a long time. I was really ill so its the classic realization that one shouldn't take health for granted. Well I can't say that I don't. After all. We don't want to walk around fearing what might happen to us next and we do want to enjoy good eating and some fine wine or beer or whatever it might be that one likes. But I really don't think I want to suffer like I did before when I was sick. Being physically able and vital is important because it provides confidence. Sure. Your esteem and confidence should also come from other sources (spiritual, relationship, intellect) but as I've said before - being fit is a gift and the person is the recipient. Its a good feeling. After all we have to live in the body we were born into so might as well make it a nice place to live.
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