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Everything posted by topoftheworld

  1. Jonny- May God's blessings shower on all of you-you all are special in your own unique way. And for that I am truly thankful.
  2. topoftheworld

    Black Friday

    hahahahahahahaha Excie, you are a funny, funny woman-which I'm sure Cynic agrees. Maybe he can just avoid peeping into shop windows instead........
  3. Sometimes I have to step back from myself and look around at what I do have to be thankful for. This little poem reminds me to be grateful for that, and I hope you enjoy it. If you wish, share whatever you have to be thankful for (besides not being in TWI, which should go without saying ) Have a Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!! EVERYDAY IS THANKSGIVING Even though I clutch my blanket and growl when the alarm rings, thank you, Lord, that I can hear. There are many who are deaf. Even though I keep my eyes closed against the morning light as long as possible, thank you, Lord, that I can see. Many are blind. Even though I huddle in my bed and put off rising, thank you Lord, that I have the strength to rise. There are many who are bedridden. Even though the first hour of my day is hectic, when socks are lost, toast is burned and tempers are short, my children are so loud-thank you, Lord, for my family. There are many who are lonely. Even though our breakfast table never looks like the pictures in magazines and the menu is at times unbalanced, thank you, Lord, for the food we have. There are many who are hungry. Even though the routine of my job is often monotonous, thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to work. There are many who have no job. Thank you, Lord for the friends and special times that touch my life in so many ways. There are many who are not so lucky. Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my circumstances were not so modest, thank you, Lord, for life. written by unknown author
  4. I've missed being here, too, Kathy. It's hard to fit my little offerings inbetween cartoons and football, since I'm not up on either, so I have to leave those to the experts. Plus my computer is beginning to experience some problems, so I can't jump on and stay on as long as I would like. But...in case some of you don't hang out on the kitchen thread, here's my Thanksgiving offering. A great little TV moment if you are familiar with the show. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Thanksgiving Cheers
  5. Maybe there's hope out there after all........
  6. Good to hear from you, Oilfield-and great news about your wife. :) Maybe you can find a bunch of catnip growers-some grass is better than none! Take care-prays for a speedy return home!
  7. Ah, the good ol days! Grace takes a dim view of "old rockers" still performing at their age, which is why she's never even attempted a comeback. Glad to see she's still expressing art in her way. Thanks, Pirate.
  8. Now this is a REAL food fight (or, the proper way to spend Thanksgiving with your loved ones... ) Thanksgiving Cheers
  9. I'm getting a mind picture here....of a wet sloppy dog licking someone's ear. Some people may like that slurping sound--may like hot, wet, sticky saliva dripping down their ear canal. I guess if you like that stuff leaking into your brain--more power too ya. Me-I prefer keeping my ear canals clean, thank you.
  10. And the sad part is....it'll be like a car wreck-cranning necks to see what happened. We don't want to see anything, but we can't help but look. And I'm sure the a-hole is counting on that. It is unbearably depraved that not only is he offering this bit of "tillilation", but that Fox is airing it-and, of course, during sweeps week. I recall seeing a clip, years ago, of him being accosted by some giggly tourists who asked to shake his hand, and then said "Oh, I never shook hands with a murderer before!" His response? "Well, thank you!"-with that self-serving laugh he has. I wanted to barf. I feel awful for the wreck he made of the familys. Guess we can only hope his reward is an eternity of pain.
  11. After picking myself up off the floor from laughing at this thread, I truly just have one question.....? Ex10, did you catch your dog before he made babies with the neighbors pooch, or are you a Granddoggie???
  12. What I thought was interesting was the report I heard this morning. There are at least 10 more trials scheduled, but if and when he gets hung, the trials will proceed without him. Brings new meaning to "in absentia".
  13. In case you did not see the service held today at the New Life Church, here is a link to the letter read to the congregation by Haggard and his wife. As I listened to the letters being read, and listened to the statements by the church elders, I couldn't help think what a different Way International there might be if VP or Craig had done the same. Nobody has to believe what New Life believes any more than believing what (or where) the teaches of TWI originated. It's the idea that it and many other lives got destroyed so easily because of the actions of these men and the BOT. Oh, well. water well under the bridge. Here's the link if you want to see them. Haggard letter
  14. topoftheworld

    Texas BBQ

    Rummy's sounds very tasty, but I do love lemon-and chocalate! Oh, the agony!!! You all look great. Krys-how sweet of you!! Those are precious!
  15. topoftheworld

    Texas BBQ

    So is it official-or do we need to see the ballots??? You were just trying it on, right? I'd like to have seen Rum in that boa!!!
  16. topoftheworld

    Texas BBQ

    A lot of us are in chat drooling-waft some BBQ smells in there, would ya? LOL
  17. Ha-no wonder I didn't remember-always had plenty going on myself!
  18. You know, I'd have to look to see when VP's BD was-sure don't remember having to celebrate it officially! What an ego-maniac! Wouldn't be surprised if a policy memo was circulated on HOW to properly observe that particular day. Just another example of what happens when a man becomes more important than the "ministry". Blech!
  19. topoftheworld

    Texas BBQ

    OMG this is too much fun-I can tell where I'm going to be the next few hours-GLUED to this thread! Glad everyone's made there safely-keep the laughs and pictures coming! Love to all........
  20. topoftheworld

    Texas BBQ

    David-ROFLMAO!!! Perfect. You Texas folks and adopted Texas folks have a great time! Paw-what a GREAT idea! Hugs to all!
  21. Thanks, Bluze-another great oldie from JC. He always seemed so shy, didn't he? Guess that's part of what I liked about him: he didn't take himself too seriously, but he took the music seriously. Great quality clip, too.
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