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Everything posted by jkboehme

  1. In another thread {Wierwille, Jonestown, & "cults"} I mentioned how VPW & LCM, in ~ December 1978, endeavored to 'explain away' the existence of cults, & insisted that twi itself just couldn't be a cult. Interestingly, also in 1978, VPW & LCM once again tried to explain away the psychological dangers of "snapping." Conway & Siegelman released the book, SNAPPING: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change, in 1978. During a noon mealtime 'sharing' by VPW at Emporia ~ late Fall 1978, when the 7th & 9th Way Corps were in residence there, VPW began a hyperemotional tirade about how there is no psychological danger in abrupt personality change such as many if not most members of twi experience early in their involvement with twi, the more common scenarios for this change being: the 12th session of foundational pfal; the final session of the intermediate pfal; or, after 2 weeks in residence during an advanced class on pfal. One purposeful strategy of twi's coordinated programs of psychosocial packaged persuasion was/is the purposeful induction of a sudden change in self-image and one's true historical personality. This abrupt, non-consented change facilitates and enhances the development of twi's cultic, synthetic pseudo-self and pseudo-personality. Therefore VPW's proclivity for use of the phrase, "…this will just blow your mind…" For additional perspective on this harmful & injurious change, see Catcup's, "The Destruction of Self." Also see Karl Kahler's, The Cult that Snapped, & Jimmy Doop's, When the Hippies Found Jesus. With the advent of PET {positron emission tomographic} scans of the brain, one can even observe the physical, anatomic changes that result from this type of cultic abuse. With the advent of functional MRI {magnetic resonance imaging} scans, one can observe the biochemical & physiologic changes induced by cultic packaged persuasion, such as changes in the amount of certain neurotransmitters & neuroendocrine modulators. So, not only did VPW & LCM blatantly lie in order to endeavor to disparage the veracity of the existence of injurious cults, they also blatantly lied in order to endeavor to hide the strategic production of twi-induced abrupt self-image & personality change, as though it was nothing to be concerned about, when in fact it IS detrimental, injurious, & harmful to the individual & thus her or his family. The development of this twi cultic synthetic pseudo-self & pseudo-personality are the very essence of twi's strategic exploitative mental manipulations, aka thought reform, packaged persuasion, that lead to the development of the 'Waybot' individual, replete with corrupt, perverse way-brain group-think. Even though the new twi recruit typically was experiencing a transient vulnerability to cultic baiting, once the bait & switch hook was deeply set, even though this person initially was altruistic with dreams of helping those in the valley of human need, this individual paradoxically becomes, not a savior to those in need, but rather an oppressive jailer of humankind, not granting hurting people release from their prisons, but rather making sure nobody escapes twi's version of 'hotel california,' ("...you can check out, but you can never leave..."). Is TWI criminal or what!?
  2. My opinionated redux of martinpuke's VP & Me: The multifaceted, multivariegated adolescent musings, rage-oholic rantings, stupid observations, narcissistic sociopathic megalomaniacal tyrannical tirades, of a humanoid Oakie of below average IQ, but an unfortunate nack for deceptive, manipulative oratory Speaking of IQ, it would appear that the largest massing of neural tissue was not intracranial {in his head), but rather prevailed in the promised land of his pelvic pudendal nerve (which innervates the male member), so that he could altruistically bless the well-endowed estrogenic compatriots of twi with his erect stance in practice for the bema, as a true Athlete of the Scrotum The consummate twi yes-man relative to vpw, our original Hierophant of the hermetic mysteries of twi {yes, twi's so-called 'Mystery' & its bizarre 'Christ' have their origins in pagan mythology: a hybridization of Osirus-Horus, Dionysius, Hermes, Mithra, etc. pagan mythology} A coward who felt inadequate as a person, yet by way of (over-)compensation, demanded mindless unquestioning loyalty, commitment, dedication to him as the first derivative Heirophant MOG For Our day & time Turned sour A humanoid with a large sense of personal sexual inadequacy, who paradoxically vented his frustrations via sublimated rage into a bonafide addiction of an insatiable sexual appetite with continual female sexual conquests, along with a fist full of male conquests. Yet, he & his lesbian former wife taught twi's, The Believer's Family, which replaced Christian Family & Sex, produced by our father in the word, VPW: our father, who art in fountain, hollow be thy name. Lamblasted homosexuality, not because he thought it spiritually wrong, but because of his own personally repressed desires & his anger with his ex-wife's lesbian relationship with rivenbarf As per John Juedes, LCM was just a VPW wannabe; LCM's numersous atrocities were just following the lead of the original lying deceiver, VPW: our father, who art a heathen, sallowed be thy name. What miniscule amount of good done by him or vpw is phenomenally overshadowed by the preponderance of the corruption as manifested by their continuous abuses Hopefully the demise martinpuke suffers will be cruel, unusual, excruciating, & extremely prolonged (years). The same delightful fate could be wished upon any nonrepentant & living BOT/BOD, cabinet member, & top leadership.
  3. I hear martinpuke teach it at either an AC or AC Special.
  4. OM, If this is the documentary either on the Hx channel or A&E, then I have seen it, perhaps several times. I still don't know if Davidians were victims of an ATF/FBI mistake or if they were murdered. The main reason I tend to doubt the homocide scenario is that version was propounded by lcmartinpoop, once again as a mechanism to explain away cultic conduct. So my redux is that lcm was spinning to conveniently subserve the covert real point of his argument, which is that the Branch Davidians (as in the case with Jonestown) are not an abusive cult, and even more importantly, neither is twi. But, we all ginosko much better, do we not, OM? Nevertheless, Tim McVeigh would have agreed with you.
  5. Regarding Donna Martindale: _________________________ Innies have reported that Donna's salary as Director of Guest Services was significantly higher than that of BOT member, John Reynolds, when he was on on the BOT as Sec-Treas. Her salary may have also exceeded that of the then VP. Only rosie's salary was higher. When Reynolds discovered this, he was less than pleased. Did this favoratism of Donna by rivenbarf, with Reynolds criticism of the same, lead to his banishment from the BOTs? By the way, when was the divorce between Donna & lcm finalized? ]
  6. WW Is the tape, "The Current Psychological Hoax," a tape produced or made available by twi? BB, Yes, this was a horrible trajedy, and totally preventable, just as other similar trajedies were avoidable: David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, Marshall Applewhite & Heaven's Gate, as well as numerous others. In the midst of the Jonestown mass homocides, the late Congressman from California, Leo Ryan, went to Guyana to investigate, but was murdered as well. Then Senator Bob Dole chaired a congressional committee on cultic abuses. Unfortunately the committee was ultimately disbanded, ostensibly due to pressure from cults and other religious groups. If it weren't for this congressional cowardice, many cultic abuses since 1979 could have been obviated. Our laws could have been upgraded to prevent such cultic abuses, bringing honor and law into alignment and harmony, nevertheless... "La loi admet souvent ce que l'honneur interdit / The law often allows what honor forbids." Saurin, Spartacus
  7. I thought it would be interesting to see various opinions regarding how VPW/LCM/TWI endeavored to 'explain away' the fact that twi could ever be considered to be a "cult." I mentioned this topic in passing on another thread {VP & me in Wonderland}, but thought it was deserving of its own discussion. The Jim Jones / People's Temple cult massacre hit the news around Thanksgiving time in 1978. At a Corps Night teaching in late 1978 or early 1979 at Uncle Harry Hall on the Emporia campus, VPW played an audio tape (for the 7th & 9th Corps & guests) by Dr. Peter Beter. Beter was a former U.S. diplomat with connections to Zaire. Beter's ideological proclivities are to the far right extreme. Dr Beter produced a monthly audo tape series, #80 tapes in total. Tape # 40 relates how, according to Beter, the 900 plus dead bodies in Guyana were not of the mass homicide/suicide of members of The People's Temple at Jonestown, but rather were dead Russian soldiers killed by US military covert operations. Wierwille's convenient point was, that not only is the People's Temple not a cult, more importantly TWI was not a cult either!! In fact, per vpw, there's no such thing as a cult, no such thing as intense indoctrination, or non-physically coersive persuasion, etc. {such as twi routinely utilized in the process of exploitative manipulation of its members}. This Corps Night teaching was designed to disparage, denigrate, & 'explain away' any concern about twi being a cult which routinely utilized harmful and abusive practices leading in many cases to permanent physical & psychological injuries, and the potential for plaintiffs to legitimately claim legal damages. This is the Dr. Beter Audioletter, Box 16428, Ft. Worth, Texas 76133 Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is November 30, 1978, and this is my Audioletter No. 40. "On November 24, 1978, the day after Thanksgiving, the Washington Post here in Washington, D.C. published a full-page memorial to the late Congressman Leo J. Ryan of California. A sketch of Ryan in tones of gray took up the entire page, and against that background a brief eulogy was printed in bold type. It began, "In Memoriam, to our good friend Leo J. Ryan, Congressman from California. We will miss him. He saw hope that right would prevail." The timing of this memorial page was ironic. Congressman Ryan had been killed in Guyana nearly one week earlier, and his funeral had taken place two days earlier. But Congressman Ryan had been deliberately sacrificed in order to launch a covert military operation in Guyana; and as it turned out, the Washington Post memorial to Ryan was printed immediately after the successful completion of this military operation. In a display of courage that is practically unknown today in the United States Congress, Ryan had gone to Guyana knowing that it might be dangerous. But what he did not know was that he had been lured into making a trip whose tragic outcome was planned well ahead of time. Congressman Ryan and those who died with him at Port Kaituma Airport were casualties in the secret war that is leading to NUCLEAR WAR ONE. And so were the hundreds of other American civilians who died in the so-called 'mass suicide' at Jonestown, Guyana..." Topic #1--THE MILITARY PURPOSE OF THE JONESTOWN TRAGEDY "...but the Jonestown disaster was actually spawned by a military situation in Guyana which I first made public over four years ago. And then, as now, the only response of the Government was cover-up. As my older listeners all know, I am referring to the Russian nuclear missile base in Guyana. Beginning in June 1974..." "... For a number of years, Russian military activity in Guyana was heavily concentrated around the vicinity of the Temehri Airfield. In fact, when I first reported the Russian missiles in Guyana in 1974, they were emplaced in sites that ringed the Airfield. Within the past two years, however, the missiles were pulled out from these locations and moved to a separate missile complex west of Georgetown. In this new complex, the missiles were deployed at sites scattered over an area some 30 miles across. In the approximate center was a Command and Control installation commanded by Russian personnel. After this missile base relocation was completed, the missile complex was centered at a point about 70 miles northwest of Temehri Airfield; and roughly another 70 miles to the northwest lay the Peoples Temple Commune at Jonestown, an Israeli-type kibbutz. So the missile base ended up about midway between the Jonestown commune and Temehri Airfield. It was no accident, my friends, that the Peoples Temple kibbutz was located so close to the missile base. But the origins of the Peoples Temple in the 1950s had nothing to do with government intrigue. It was not until about 1970 that certain elements of the United States Intelligence community began to infiltrate and subvert the Peoples Temple. As I have explained in the past, it's always been standard practice by the Rockefeller brothers to support not only the faction in power but also spies and opponents to that faction. In this way they are always in a position, at least in theory, to cut down anyone who tries to break free of their control. In the case of Guyana, the Rockefellers wanted to have such a tool in Guyana as a check on Forbes Burnham, the Prime Minister, whom they had put in power with their money. Certain elements within the United States Intelligence community under general coordination by the CIA were given the task of finding ways of accomplishing this. In the course of evaluating various options, it was concluded that the Peoples Temple would prove ideal..." "...The planners of Operation Guyana were given a difficult problem to solve. The objective was to wipe out the Russian missile base in Guyana thereby removing the threat it posed to the Panama Canal and southern American cities; but this was to be a pre-war operation carried out covertly and with complete surprise. It had to be covert, because neither the United States nor Russia could afford to have it known that the base ever existed..." "...It was a very big order, but the Jonestown kibbutz proved to be the answer. All that was necessary was to arrange for many hundreds of American citizens to die suddenly in Guyana and under conditions guaranteeing instant massive publicity..." "...When it was decided to use mass deaths at Jonestown as a cover for the missile-base attack, Jonestown was functioning only as an outpost of the Peoples Temple..." "...There were not enough people there to provide a sufficiently major incident to serve the intended purpose, and so through both direct and indirect means Jim Jones was persuaded to go to the Guyana kibbutz himself, taking as many of his flock as would follow him. That turned out to be about 25 to 30%, and by following him they automatically identified themselves as the group most highly dependent upon Jones personally. They were also most susceptible to the combined influences of exhaustion, intimidation, and isolation from outside help--in other words, right for brainwashing. And ever since the days of the Korean war, it's been known conclusively that brainwashing techniques can force many people to do all kinds of things. Even hardened American GI's in Korea fell victim to brainwashing in surprising numbers because they did not understand what they were up against. But of course the Jonestown victims were anything but hardened soldiers.
  8. Per lindyhopper & GreasyTech: "That is 11 million in total assets. That does not mean 11M in deposits. The average shareholder has about $9500 in the credit union-again that is not deposits. What I found interesting was that there appear to be about 4 people working for the Credit Union each with a total pay and benefit compensation of an average of 18K for FY'05. That is for full time employment. That is more than 25K less than the average Credit Union employee. Talk about abundantly sharing. Given they loan no money to anyone, I'd have to say the majority of their money is basically a clearing house for TWI's payroll (outside of the few TWIts who actually keep a savings account there)…" I wonder what the chances are that the WCU if primarily a vehicle for money laundering, via European &/or Caribbean accounts, for TWI BOD's & other top leadership? The Lilly Beter Capital Group has significant international banking ties. VPW was enamored of Ms. Beter's deceased husband, Dr. Peter Beter....... (1921-1987) Dr. Beter was General Counsel for the Export-Import Bank of Washington; a candidate for the governorship of West Virginia; cofounded SODESMIR, a mineral exploration company in Zaire; represented American gas utilities building a pipeline the length of Argentina; represented mining interests in underwater manganese nodule exploration in the Pacific; was featured at financial seminars in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Geneva, and other international financial centers. As a political and economic commentator, Dr. Beter worked with Wall Street luminaries including Franz Pick, Edward Durell, Colonel Curtis Dall, Norman Dodd, Emmanuel Josephson, and many others. He wrote prolifically, including Conspiracy Against the Dollar (Braziller New York). Lilly Beter Capital Group, Ltd.,provides professional financial services globally, performing as an intermediary between clients and investment banking houses. Our guiding philosophy is to provide our clients with innovative, relationship-based services of the highest quality. General Background Lilly Beter Capital Group, Ltd. specializes in federal government regulations representations. Our practice puts us in close and frequent contact with major Congressional Committees and many federal agencies. We offer a blend of political, communications and other skills to help clients successfully manage their Washington issues. The firm was founded thirty years ago. Since 1965, Lilly Beter has worked extensively with her husband, Dr. Peter David Beter, providing legal and government representation to their international clientele. Dr. Beter was General Counsel for the Export-Import Bank of Washington; a candidate for the governorship of West Virginia; cofounded SODESMIR, a mineral exploration company in Zaire; represented American gas utilities building a pipeline the length of Argentina; represented mining interests in underwater manganese nodule exploration in the Pacific; was featured at financial seminars in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Geneva, and other international financial centers. As a political and economic commentator, Dr. Beter worked with Wall Street luminaries including Franz Pick, Edward Durell, Colonel Curtis Dall, Norman Dodd, Emmanuel Josephson, and many others. He wrote prolifically, including Conspiracy Against the Dollar (Braziller New York). The firm did consulting with Saudi Petroleum Minister A. Yamani at the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington and at meetings held in Vienna. After Dr. Beter's death in 1987, Lilly Beter continued the philosophical approach of the firm and expanded its mission to include the FINANCIAL DIVISION. Financial Division Lilly Beter Capital Group, Ltd., a subsidiary of Prometheus Trust, was created for the financial activities of the Company. Many of our clients require financial services and prefer to deal with in-house financial executives because of their previous association with our firm. Lilly Beter Capital Group, Ltd. takes great pride in its stability and longevity in the business arena. Our goal is to work with clients through dedicated attention to their needs. We emphasize relationships over transactions, offering a high level of personal service, expertise, professionalism and responsiveness. By carefully considering our client's needs, goals and objectives, we are able to respond with advice and plans designed to meet their unique requirements. We focus on the opportunities available in specific situations and offer innovative solutions. We work with our clients to arrive at financial plans that are both innovative and consistent with the risk tolerance, time frames and goals discussed with us. By doing so, we offer a full complement of solutions to a vast array of financial needs. From start-up to mature companies, we make long term commitments to our clients and remain partners throughout the varying stages of our client's business life. Cash Management - Our firm will advise in maximizing profitability and minimizing taxes without incurring any unnecessary risks through creative cash flow management. Contact us at our corporate headquarters and one of our Account Representatives will be pleased to consult with you. (561) 361-1030(952) 920-5585 E-mail@lillybetercapitalgroup.com Lilly Beter Capital Group, Ltd. A private, independent investment banker Not SEC registered or affiliated with any member firm Florida Office: 2424 N. Federal Hwy. Suite 150, Boca Raton, FL 33431 561/361-1030 Fax 561/361-8997Minneapolis Office: 3925 Excelsior Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55416 952/920-5585 Fax 952/924-4179 Century City Office: 1800 Century Park East, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90067 310/229-5714 Fax 310/229-5799 Washington, D.C. Office: 601 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 900 South Building, Washington D.C. 20004 202/638-6948 Fax 202/639-8238 Washington, D.C. New York California Florida Minnesota Illinois Gibraltar Turks Caicos Islands (British West Indies) __________________________________________________________________________
  9. Per WW a few posts back: QUOTE "A corps girl escapes from the deprogrammers and makes it back on campus. As she was brought into the meeting (as Dr had requested) where Dr was teaching, he stopped and opened his arms for her. It was a very emotional moment." ----------------------------- Of course it was very emotional. It was STAGED to be emotional. He was right in the middle of the teaching, she's brought right up to the stage to him, he makes a compassionate gesture. (Of course, if she has a mental breakdown next month, it's off on a bus like the rest of them...) QUOTE Everyone was crying. Dr had her accompany him everywhere he went for the next few weeks, to help her heart heal. He made her a part of his life." ----------------------------- And it was a fantastic "photo op", and re-inforced her loyalty. And was a nice visible illustration. "Look how much he cares for his people!" Of course, we don't even know her name, because she really WASN'T a part of his life. When the photo-op was done, it's the bus and obscurity for you. You're being wished away into a cornfield. While we are passing by this theme of vpw's more so obviously staged events, strategically designed by vpw for covert & deceptive "mystical manipulation," I thought it might be timely to recall another major scam involving staged events. The Jim Jones / People's Temple cult massacre hit the news around Thanksgiving time in 1978. At a Corps Night teaching in late 1978 or early 1979 at Uncle Harry Hall on the Emporia campus, VPW played an audio tape (for the 7th & 9th Corps & guests) by Dr. Peter Beter. Beter was a former U.S. diplomat with connections to Zaire. Beter's ideological proclivities are to the far right extreme. Dr Beter produced a monthly audo tape series, #80 tapes in total. Tapes # 40 & 41 relate how, according to Beter, the 900 plus dead bodies in Guyana were not of the mass homicide/suicide of members of The People's Temple at Jonestown, but rather were dead Russian soldiers killed by US military covert operations. Wierwille's convenient point was, that not only is the People's Temple not a cult, more importantly TWI was not a cult either!! In fact, per vpw, there's no such thing as a cult, no such thing as intense indoctrination, or non-physically coersive persuasion, etc. {such as twi routinely utilized in the process of exploitative manipulation of its members}. This Corps Night teaching was designed to disparage, denigrate, & 'explain away' any concern about twi being a cult which routinely utilized harmful and abusive practices leading in many cases to permanent physical & psychological injuries, and the potential for plaintiffs to legitimately claim legal damages. Another situation that comes to mind is the newspaper series by vpw, 'By the Way.' In one of the latter issues, where vpw is lamblasting deprogramming, he exhibits a profound degree of knowledge of the 'thought reform' literature {aka, coersive persuasion, intense indoctrination, mind control, etc.}. He even quotes or mentions Stalin's chief of the Soviet Secret Police {NKVD, later KGB}, Lavrenti Beria. In the article he is describing how deprogramming works on a psychological level. But, by virtue of his most interesting diatribe, he unknowingly reveals that he completely understands how to utilize intense indoctrination to suit his own selfish & greedy purposes. This is the essence of all of twi. The spectrum of covert manipulation proceeds from the lower level manipulative persuasion (e.g., Twig, Household Fellowhip, Foundational PFAL, etc.), to the intermediate levels (Intermediate and Advanced Classes PFAL, WOW, FellowLaborer homes, Way Homes, etc.), and on to the extreme level (in residence programs, most notably the Way Corps, but also the College Division, etc.). Therefore, in this instance, the staged element (a description of mind control by vpw) slips in a Freudian way, revealing vpw's command of the indoctrination process.
  10. I thought Bo & Stanley Rearhard contributed a significant amount of funds to the building of the 'corps chalet.' In fact, as long-time staffers, I thought they were building this house for themselves, & yet it was 'stolen' from them?
  11. Take heart WW, there IS currently litigation underway alleging not only negligence on the part of twi (defendants) but also: (1) The Actions of Defendants amount to negligent misrepresentation, intentional misrepresentation, fraud, & deceit; (2) The actions of Defendants amount to malicious and intentional infliction of psychological and emotional distress; (3) TWI's conduct constitutes a false and deceptive practice in violation of the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act; (4) TWI, Stephen Roberts, John Stinson, Caryn Stinson, and John Lee held a fiduciary relationship with Plaintiffs due to the relation of confidence between them which gave them dominion or influence over the Plaintiffs; &, (5) All Defendants were acting together in a common purpose to defraud Plaintiffs and other followers through TWI's systematic, covert program of harmful psychological conditioning, fraudulent representations, and promoted pseudo-spiritual practices for followers of TWI {undue influence).
  12. Was participation in the WOW or Way Disciple programs genuinely "voluntary" & of "free will?" What role did covert, manipulative exploitation of twi members have to do with this supposed "voluntary" 'service?' I say 'covert' because twi appeared to use the DTA C.S.A.P. principles extremely well: C = the value and delusion of the twi counterfeit 'ministry' was & is increased by the nearness of the likeness to a genuine ministry; S = the secret of twi's success was the deceptive secrecy of its actions/deeds/behaviors/practices; A = twi adapted its methods of deception over time; &, P = twi was & is parasitic of the altruism of the people it exploited. In my opinion, following are some of the methods, wiles, and strategies of mental manipulation covertly utilized by twi, not only for manipulation of members to 'go WOW,' but also in essentially all of their conduct: Coercive persuasion that is by design covert, subtle, fluid, & insidious Thought reform without informed consent Psychological coercion Thought struggle Debility, dependency, & dread Unfreezing, changing, & refreezing of one's mind Exploitative mental manipulation Mind control Unethical influence via manipulation of normal automatic responding Manipulation of human responses of consistency, reciprocity, social proof, authority, liking, & scarcity Inducing cognitive dissonance & then exploiting via manipulation of behavior / information / thought /emotional control Manipulation of transient vulnerabilities Manipulation of guilt Manipulation of exit phobia Exploitative persuasion Exploitative manipulation of psychosocial group dynamics Systematic manipulation of psychological and social influence Coordinated programs of coercive influence and behavioral control Naturalistic conversational trance induction via anchoring, indirection, implication, & implantation of "suggestions" Packaged persuasion Manipulative calculated persuasion procedures to induce "commitment" Destruction of the true, historical self-identity & replacing it with a cult-originated pseudo-self & pseudo-identity, "sogwap" Destabilization of a person's general reality orientation Covert strategies and techniques to keep recruits & members unaware of the cult's double agenda : terrorism core glazed on the surface with fake love; bait (apparent grace and love) & switch (rule & control by the "teeth" of legalism and fear) Promoting mind-numbing techniques such as the supposed "renewing of the mind," & confabulated "speaking in tongues" Exploitative persuasion via "proof through reframing," a counterfeit process of positive reinterpretation to validate twi's conduct Relaxation-induced anxiety via continual glossolalia ("SIT much in your private prayer life") Guided imagery Indirect directives Personal historical revision under cult pressure Peer pressure & modeling Many others too numerous to mention...................................
  13. WW, Who was the Federal Judge that took the class ~ 1982? In which city was he based? What was his judicial district or circuit #?
  14. LCM did address his (or lack thereof, as the case be) at his depositions in both the Allen & Parker cases, as well as in the Peeler v. TWI et. al. depositions, the latter taking place in September 2004 in Toledo, OH. When the Peeler case is remanded back to the TN State Circuit Court in Chattanooga, & the jury trial subsequently begins in 2006, I am told that your ears will burn as you hear an extensive litany of sordid details.
  15. This has been a very insightful analysis by WW of TWI's early 70's marketing tool, Whitesides' TWLIL.All that follows is my personal opinions on these matters.The foregoing analysis of Whitesides' TWLIL, demonstrates the numerous deceptive inconsistencies, haughty exaggerations, slimy half-truths, wanton plagarism, & blatant lies of narcissistic megalomaniacal sociopathic VP Wierwille. In a rare instance of internal consistency, TWI now continues in their time-honored covert strategy of exploitative manipulations of its rank and file members.VPW & LCM would say that Way Corps leadership in top positions are men & women of a ‘ special mould.’ TWI everywhere sets out to ‘produce’ [indoctrinate] men & women of this so-called special mould. To a large degree, an observer of the TWI cultic scene can see that TWI frequently succeeds in this covert, exploitative endeavor to the detriment of many rank & file adherents. The man or woman [‘Waybot’] molded by TWI, the new 'leader,' is a formidable man indeed. He is cast in the opposite mould to the traditional 'New Man in Christ,' because TWI’s ‘christ’ is a recycled hybridized pagan god, with characteristics of Osirus, Dionysis, Mithra, Adonis, Pan, Hermes, & other demigods. Even though a person’s original motivation, upon being deceived into joining TWI, may have been altruistic, even though this person retains much of his or her initial youthful idealism and sense of oneness with suffering humanity in the valley of human need, still, because that person has been indoctrinated to adhere to TWI’s contaminated pseudo-spiritual deeds. that person’s life tends to become contaminated with TWI's oppresive mindset. Therefore the mould into which the TWI leader is pressed is one that ultimately debases him or her as a person.Part of the tragedy of TWI is that it takes good men & women, with good intentions, and exploitatively uses & abuses them for the corrupt cause of fallacious pseudo-spiritual practices. The tragic consequence of these TWI enforced practices is that the idealistic leaders, who join or adhere to TWI, set out to be the saviours of humanity and become instead men’s jailers. TWI stands condemned, not only for the problems it has caused the societies of the USA and other nations around the world, but also for the phenomenal psychological damages it has caused in the non-consenting, individual TWI adherents themselves. The WAY “MINISTRY” in actuality is nothing more than a cultic, multi-level marketing- racketeering scam at best with a thin veneer of Hermitically oriented, ‘ white-washed’ & ‘ redefined’ biblical terms. NO genuine, lasting virtue has come about due to the existence of TWI. It did in fact between ~1967 to ~1972 attract some people who had a desire to serve God, but a critical mass of these people had been witnessed to by non-TWI people such as Jimmy Doop, Steve Heefner, & Ted Wise. These movements were later invaded by avaricious power-hungry Wierwille. Wierwille-TWI essentially stole these people from those simple, grassroots ministries. In significant part due to the presence of Doop, Heefner, Wise & their followers, as well as the exuberance of their unmistakable presence, many of the PFAL classes of this time period generated a great excitement, more so in spite of Wierwille than due to him & to his supposed original “research” (but in actuality it was almost entirely plagiarized). Certain honest individuals, comprised of the Doop/Heefner/Wise derivatives, as well as many who became involved directly by Wierwille’s PFAL series, were the pure-hearted people in our local areas that created the positive environment that appealed to the transient vulnerabilities of so many of us. Then TWI, primarily via Wierwille & later Martindale, those despicable wolves in sheep’s clothing, surreptitiously ‘ taught & trained’ us by way of various exploitative programs {via VPW's PFAL series, the WOW program, the Fellowlaborers’ program, the Way Corps & College Division programs, LCM's WAP series, TWI-II, & many other scenarios} which were ALL disguised TWI indoctrination. The proceeds & benefits of these clandestine programs & MLM operations went not to the TWI-claimed beneficiaries, the rank-and-file affiliates of TWI, but rather went to the TWI Board of Trustees & other high level TWI leadership for their own selfish interests. TWI ‘redefined’ & hence contaminated the supposed 'grace of God' as a hook of vulnerability on the front side, only to later bait & switch it to oppressive hyper-legalism replete with TWI-exit phobia on the far side of this despicable victimization. This oppressive legalism (the supposed ‘teeth’ Wierwille began speaking of around 1967 to 1972) was originally most visible in the Way Corps in the 1970’s, but after the 1989 LCM loyalty demand, & in/after the Fall of 1995, when LCM began his ‘mark & avoid’- enforced extreme obedience demands (among many other abusive & harmful practices), the end result for those of us who in good faith held out to the bitter end, is that we have essentially nothing to show for our TWI servitude except for the psychological & emotional wounds (damages) with which TWI has so disgracefully left us. This does not even begin to account for all of our good-faith financial contributions (tithing & abundant sharing) & our irreversibly lost time (both economic & emotional equivalents implied) stolen from us during our affiliation with The Way International, Inc.One can now easily determine this cult’s supposed “spiritual” benevolence is not altruistic at all, but is rather strategically rigged cons and scams to make a financial profit off of an unaware one, without one’s informed consent. Further, if JUSTICE is to be done, exploitation attempts by TWI should be, and must be met with equilibrating RECIPROCAL CONFRONTATION & REPROOF, preferably of the legal remedy variety. One could perceive that it was her or his delightful duty to society to pounce on these cultic degenerate scum with the vengeance of an aggressive legal counterattack.
  16. Per WW: "...Actually, I'd say the growth of the ministry was due to 3 factors: A) the class itself-which was Leonard's B) the taping of the class-which was just filming Leonard's work C) the Christians on the field-without which fewer people would have taken that class. They were the "advertising" and Leonard provided the substance. vpw himself was purely in Marketing there..." ____________________ It seems to me that the "marketing" done by VPW/LCM/TWI was of the multi-level marketing scam variety, aka pyramid or ponzai scheme. Compare TWI's unethical income via AB$ & the selling of classes to the typical pyramid scheme. Heavy at the bottom of the pyramid with newbies recruiting ever more newer newbies, with the fund$ proceeding to the top of the pyramid, the top being the BOT/BOD/Top leadership. Probably ~ 90-95% of the funds were used for the self-aggrandizement of the top leadership, with the remainder going for additional window dressing for the ever increasing bait (grace on the surface) & switch (a core & Corps of hyper-legalism with exploitative manipulation and control via FEAR).
  17. Rascal asks, “How can we help promote and support this [litigation]?” Some of the avenues to assist would include, but not be limited to: • Willingness to serve as a fact witness for the Plaintiffs {Peelers} in the trial & share your personal accounts of undue influence under the auspices of TWI • Providing the Peeler’s attorneys, Mike Anderson & Larry Levy, with written evidence revealing the destructive practices/actions/behaviors/deeds/polices/procedures of TWI {e.g, written correspondence from TWI top leadership to lower level leadership, especially to Way Corps, Limb/Region/Trunk leaders; copies of medical bills relating to your TWI-coerced abortion(s); if fetal tissue was medically stored at the time of abortion & is still stored, to run DNA testing to determine paternity status; copies of records relating to your TWI-promoted divorce; copies of records relating to the TWI-coerced selling of your mortgaged home; copies of faxes from LCs & BCs to TCs/HHFs; copies of correspondence from LCs & BCs relating to mark and avoid; copies of correspondence from TWI leadership relating to instances of lying, deception, fraud, blackmail, extortion, etc.; copies of your ABS records showing the pattern of TWI-coerced annually increasing amounts of financial contributions; revealing photographs; journals; diaries; etc.; etc.; you get the picture} • When various threads are begun on the Greasespot Forum, when applicable, keep in mind how it relates to TWI’s destructive practices & explain in your postings how TWI’s actions functioned as proximate causes of destructive effects that you either personally experienced or witnessed • Copies of your medical and psychiatric records that relate to harm/injury that you experienced as a result of TWI’s practices • Provide emotional support to the Peelers, who might just be somewhat tired after ~ 4 years of legal wrangling with TWI • Etc.; etc.; etc………………………………………………
  18. Great insights by rascal, mr hamm, WW, many others... Another thought re TWI's practices/actions/behaviors/deeds.... This thread gets to the heart of the Peeler v. The Way International litigation. Whether exit-phobia induction such that almost everyone was afraid to leave TWI, sexual abuse of Way followers by VPW or LCM, child abuse & pedophilia by TWI twig/branch/limb leaders, or a host of other TWI destructive behaviors, essentially all fall under the TWI-formalized practices of covert Undue Influence, known by many other terms,under which all of us ex-twi have suffered: Coercive persuasion that is by design covert, subtle, fluid, & insidious Thought reform without informed consent Psychological coercion Thought struggle Debility, dependency, & dread Unfreezing, changing, & refreezing of one’s mind Exploitative mental manipulation Mind control Unethical influence via manipulation of normal automatic responding Manipulation of human responses of consistency, reciprocity, social proof, authority, liking, & scarcity Inducing cognitive dissonance & then exploiting via manipulation of behavior / information / thought /emotional control Manipulation of transient vulnerabilities Manipulation of guilt Manipulation of exit phobia Exploitative persuasion Post-cultic PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) Exploitative manipulation of psychosocial group dynamics Systematic manipulation of psychological and social influence Coordinated programs of coercive influence and behavioral control Naturalistic conversational trance induction via anchoring, indirection, implication, & implantation of ‘suggestions’ Packaged persuasion Manipulative calculated persuasion procedures to induce ‘commitment’ Destruction of the true, historical self-identity & replacing it with a cult-originated pseudo-self & pseudo-identity, sogwap Destabilization of a person’s general reality orientation Covert strategies and techniques to keep recruits & members unaware of the cult’s double agenda : terrorism core glazed w/ fake love Promoting mind-numbing techniques such as the supposed ‘renewing of the mind,’ & confabulated ‘speaking in tongues’ Exploitative persuasion via ‘proof through reframing,’ a counterfeit process of positive reinterpretation to validate twi’s practices Relaxation-induced anxiety via continual glossolalia (SIT much in your private prayer life) Guided imagery Indirect directives Personal historical revision under cult pressure Peer pressure & modeling Many others too numerous to mention The Greasespot forum hopefully confers some healing & hope for those irreversibly harmed by TWI. This thread, among other forum expositions, gets to the heart of the Peeler v. The Way International litigation. It is always encouraging when ex-twi's take personal initiative to promote & support this litigation which will hopefully rid the world of the contamination which is TWI. Let's not allow TWI to continue to hide behind the false issue of First Amendment religioius beliefs when the real issue is their destructive practices/behaviors/actions/deeds! Why allow cowardly TWI to contine to cower under the skirts of Lady Liberty, with the assistance of $1,000/hour defense attorneys?
  19. For those who want to know that they know that they know: TimeLine of sources of V.P. Wierwille’s PLAGARISM in ADAN: St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Joachim Abbas of Fiore (1135-1202) Jesuits { Riberia (1580), Alcazar (1614), & Lacunza (1701)} Edward Irving (1792-1834) & the Irvingites, including Margaret MacDonald John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) & the Plymouth Brethren Hiram Edson (1806-1882) & the Seventh Day Adventists F.W. Grant (Facts & Theories as to a Future State) 1879 E.W. Bullinger (1837-1913) Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899) & the Moody Bible Institute
  20. _____________________________________________ Thanks, Belle, the danish sounds great!!
  21. Quote: “I'm sorry to say, your recommendations, useful though they may be for other threads on other topics, will NOT be particularly useful here. The subject here is PLAGIARISM, most specifically, plagiarism from Bullinger for ADAN.” // WW WW, I agree that the subject of the thread is PLAGARISM. I have no interest in addressing ‘doctrine.’ I am neither pro nor con dispensationalism. The obvious point that I was endeavoring to make is that there are *multiple* potential sources for Wierwille’s plagiarism re ADAN, while including EW Bullinger, & even excluding extremist MacPherson.
  22. For additional proof of Wierwille’s plagiarism re ADAN, please see: Facts & Theories As to a Future State, by F.W. Grant; Payne Brothers (1879) The Origins of Dispensationalism: The Darby Factor, by L. Crutchfield John Nelson Darby, by W.G. Turner; McKay & Co. (1944) A Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement, by H.A. Ironside; Zondervan (1942) The Household Church: Apostolic Practice in a Modern Setting, by H.L. Ellison; Paternoster Press (1963) The Rapture Plot, by D. MacPherson Christian Millenarianism, by S. Hunt By the way, E.W. Bullinger and John Nelson Darby were contemporaries.
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