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Everything posted by bliss

  1. Well, at the moment it is a Baptist Church. It took us a llllllloooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggg time to go to a ''service''. God lead us there through a ''coincidence'' , to a Sunday school class. We went to the class every week and it drastically changed our lives. We've been studying the book of Romans for over a year! (and we didn't even have to PAY for it, imagine that!) But in a very humbling, praiseworthy way............not in a ''knowledge puffs up '' way. And, no, we were NOT taught to have a ''personal relationship'' with Jesus in the Way. We were taught to look at ''his example'' and follow that. That is how we ''make him lord''. Needless to say, I didn't know him and therefore really and truly did NOT make him LORD! I think the bottom line for you is to think about whether or not you want to hang out with the family or not. Do they live near you? What do your parents think? Just remember your idenity is in Christ, you don't need anyone to validate who you are and who you serve. (no matter how much ''bible'' they know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  2. Yes beautiful. I totally see what your talking about now................. I would like to stay in Praise mode thank you. I do journal, and try to do it every month. I go throught dry periods and plenty seasons in my journalling. I love seeing my growth.
  3. Family camp????????????? they don't do those anymore there~!!!! (weird) It's where they ''train'' the Way Corps. (leadership) Why is he so elusive? <_<
  4. Welcome Motherof 2!! So, then, your parents weren't in the Way??? How did they escape that? I am 2 years out, and I love mainstream Christianity, if that is what you call it! I actually have a relationship with Jesus Christ now...................... imagine that. 20 years of learning and memorizing the bible, and not knowing my Lord and Savior. Gives you the idea of ''what '' is missing and wrong with the Way.........(among other things) :blink:
  5. Ok, just saw this one, I guess they are the same....................................
  6. I don't know about a Richard Cremer, but there is a ''believer'' in Clearwater or Dunedin, Florida, named Mary Evans. Married to a Dan Evans. Not sure if its she is the same one or not.
  7. Beautiful Pipes, beautiful~ I too feel this same way, about my Lord, and what relationship I was missing for so long...... I love that you journal, and it is so awesome to see how you change and grow. It seems that my journal went from a ''whiney, woe is me'' diary, to a '' thankful, praise, and How great thou art" psalm! I am so happy you are finding this peace in your life. :D
  8. EXCIE~~~ We were all in the Way, at different points of time, in different situations. I am sure you can remember a time when you were ''told'' something that was true from God's Word, but it was "applied" so wrongly that it caused destruction and hurt. Was it any less that God's word? NO. But what made it bad was the intent, the ego, the pride, the elitism that caused its misuse. God says lots of things that we are to do, be, not to do , not to be..............so if I wield my sword (my love for God, His Word ) wrongly, then, it really doesn't matter if God said it, it will be used to sting and not heal someones heart. I wasn't offering an opinion or judging what Nato did either way. We all need to express ourselves. Just pointing out that our words can either help or make it worse. I still have family ""IN"". Do you know how many times in the beginning I blew off the handle at them, telling them the TRUTH about the Way Intl? It got me nowhere. If anything they saw bitterness and anger, and defensiveness.......didn't change a darn thing. They are still in. The only thing that has calmed the waters in our relationship is sharing with them the awesome things God is doing in my life. How much closer I am to Him and the relationship that I finally have with HIM! Sometimes you do catch more flies with honey.
  9. bliss

    play station 3

    Yes, thanks. I am putting them on this week. It was the first crazy thing we've ever done, aside from leaving the Way......................... oh wait, maybe that should be ''joining the Way".........................
  10. Well, we all carry a sword. We can weild it to help or to hurt. Choice is ours.
  11. My sis in law is a vetinarian student. She sees all kinds of ''weird'' stuff in the lab now. Loats and Ligers have been bread quite a few times. But, they don't reproduce well. But on a ''God'' is real note... she said just studying reproduction and all that happens, it is an absolute miracle when life begins. To me, that is proof. I just look out my window and I see God's handiwork. I don't need a scientific explanation. I look at it everyday. However God made it happen, is fine with me. Any new news yet? I'd like to find out the chromosomes count too.... they looked like dog to me....
  12. bliss

    play station 3

    What's funnier, Danteh, is Elmo is back this year, and some people are giving them away with the Playstations! My brother bought them for $90 each, and he can't sell them yet or he'll lose money. :blink: I was never much into Elmo........
  13. bliss

    play station 3

    I am guilty........................... :blink: Got 2 of them. Haven't listed them yet. I don't play them. We looked at it as a little Christmas "investment. "
  14. We are talking about this very subject in doctrinal......................except were aren't talking cats and dogs.......it's about the Nephilium that was created when angels(sons of God) cohabitated with female humans (daughters of men). It is interesting to note that in Genesis God did say, "everything after its kind"............but could it be that He was only referring to ''earthly'' creatures and not ''celestial'' beings??? To take it further, to ''establish'' the best way for all to stay pure? Obviously the Way theory cannot be used for everything! So if this caty-dog was possible, it probably would have many problems. But, animals do a pretty good job of keeping this in order. *(minus a few wacky dogs I know that love legs.....) :blink:
  15. love ya Roy. but I agree with Sunesis. I've been studying this stuff for a while. Fallen Angels are in chains for a reason. Can't be just for ''the flood'' or whatever the Way use to teach. It won't fit unless ALL of them are put in chains. Obviously, they are not, considering all the evil that still exists. "everything after its kind'' is another ''way law'' that may apply to earthly creations only..........maybe. Who says that angels couldn't reproduce? Sons of God in Old Testament always refers to the Angels. kiss kiss
  16. Templelady, I usually agree with most of your viewpoints, but I don't believe this one! Can you give me chapter and verse on that? Jesus said many times that His sheep hear his voice, and that not all have the same Father. I understand that ''human beings'' (general) started because of God. Our bodies, the way they operate, how beautiful they are, just like anything in nature, is a true work of GOD. Maybe you are saying that ''WE are all HIS, but HE is NOT their Father???" And, you are correct in saying that God can talk to anything He wants to. "His creation" though, to me, is different then saying ''His Children''.
  17. what is really sad, is that his kids (Nicole's ) are really tormented daily by this. His daughter has called police for stuff and been in trouble. Same with his son. They are totally confused. Poor things having to deal with a dead mama and a daddy that is pshyco.
  18. Yes, Lindy, that is VERBATUM! (sp?) Nothing surprising though, Craig has taught that for years. I've heard it a million times, but it just went over my head........... obviously. It all works together to keep people in line.................if you don't have spirit, then, God aint talkin to ya~ If ya ain't gettin revelation, then, ya must not be ''building up the spirit, in order to hear from HIM"~ and if something BAD happens to ya, then, ya must be doing something wrong, cuz God woulda told yer spririt! Ahhhhh the good ol days..................I am so glad they are gone!
  19. Oh, I could go down that road too George...............and I have..............but this isn't the ''FAITH" thread.
  20. You are right Oak, if FAITH is just a work or action on your part to bring something to pass. I am of the belief now that everything is in God's hands. My ''faith'' is in HIM alone to do what is best in the situation, whether "I" like it or not. His purposes are my priority now, not mine. I PRAY for HIS WILL to be done in my situations, or others as well. Therefore, my faith doesn't diasappoint me, because it rests in Who HE is, not what HE will do for me.
  21. so, thinking aloud.....................let me add............. some doctrinal proof... Genesis 41:32 "And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice: it is because the thing is established by GOD, and God will bring it to pass." So we have the Pharaoh's dream that Joseph needed to interpret, as well as the butler's and the baker's? This was not only Old Testament, but they were UNBELIEVERS without even ''spirit UPON", let alone inside. God spoke to their BRAIN CELLS somehow!!!!!
  22. Over the years of being in wayderland, I got accustomed to their lingo about what is considered ''a law''. So accustomed in fact that I never checked out these imaginary laws. For instance, believing. We've all hashed this one out many times ! But, to use the example, I would teach this to others by saying......"It's like the law of GRAVITY!!!!!!!!!" What was I ?? Insane? I am comparing a "name it and claim it " doctrine with a law of physics? Why? Because the way said so, therefore, why check? (this is me.........maybe you were the smart one...or maybe you still believe it is a law..................... :blink: ) Ok, so here's another......... from a recent Way STS quote>: "God, being Spirit, can only speak to what He is—spirit. God cannot speak to the natural, human mind. Things in the natural realm may be known by the five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. But God is Spirit and therefore, cannot speak to brain cells. God cannot speak to a person’s mind. It is a law and God never oversteps His own laws." Uhemmm, excuse me a second. It is a law? Says who? Is that written in the law book of God physics? Is there a verse that states "I the Lord thy God shall not speak to your brain cells!?" How arrogant and annoying it was to read this. God, can do whatever he darn well pleases, thank you! Whether it is to abide by HIS own laws, or to talk directly to our brain cells should not be the big deal. They make it a big deal, because they are selling this believe system, and sounding all intellectual......... therefore, folks won't check it out, and fall into the same trap. What say you about this ''law''? Anyone got anything to prove it to me? I'll listen and consider. Not swallow hook line and sinker. (and just to give you background the whole teaching was to promote capital HOLY SPIRIT and lower case holy spirit and to SIT...)
  23. Oh Ya, Vince, that is right........... gosh, I forget names so easy now, and its only been a year and a half! Rosalie the director??? weird, can't see her climbing rocks........... .
  24. Greg Bol@hak still heads up Camp G and is director there as well as one of the ''3'' vice-presidents........
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