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Everything posted by bliss

  1. happy birthday.



    whoda thunk?


  2. Which era??? <_< TWI I or II??
  3. ur welcome! I hope and pray you get a nice response from them. K I T bliss
  4. How do you ''study'' personal prophesy???? :blink:
  5. bliss

    I'm Dying

    (((((((praying))))))))((((((hugs)))))))) Great advice by all. May you find peace George.
  6. "If you want him, come and claim him!" sorry, just the very mention of LOTR and I let the middle earth in me come out! I am praying for all these folks to get it together. You all know that TWI is just salivating for CES to come crashing down don't you? That way they can brag about how ''cop-outs fail, yada yada". Makes me ill thinking about it. Yet, so does what this ''personal prophesy crappola is doing to hurt folks. Shame. I am not involved with any offshoots at all, but one of the things that helped my escape from TWI was JL's letter and John S paper on Adultery. Hopefully, this thread can shake their memories a bit........... Start making Jesus Lord people, and stop Lording over God's heritage!!!
  7. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton That might be the first step in the wrong direction. No real surrender to the Lord and His will, then you got a will to be large and in charge.......... But you are right Cool, what is the motive from the beginning? Was it to find Jesus? I know for most of us, it was. We just went were we thought he was. I am not going to judge their heart, God will though. All I know, is that the fruit smells awful, and I will not eat of it!
  8. OOHHHHHHHH, "SOCKS"arama, can I get a picture of that???????????????????? (thanks for the laugh, this thread needs them) On a serious note.......................... I 've been looking at some crystal balls to send over to KA and I couldn't decide what style she might like. So many choices.........................ok, i made my decision. think she'll like it????maybe it will tell her who she really is.
  9. Nice posts everyone. Much of Romans is about ''It is NOT OF WORKS" GRACE GRACE GRACE, NOT OF WORKS NOT OF WORKS..... (don't get me started on ''works'' based Christianity) Paul emphasizes this tremendously here. So, why then, would this verse state now YOU have to do this BIG thing, (and it is BIG) seeing that so many of us are challenged here............and DO A WORK!(Renew YOU MIND DARNIT!) It wouldn't make sense. The work we do is to ''allow'' it to happen. I know, so not TWI. That is the beauty of it. "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do HIS good pleasure'' Phill 2:13 How do you ''do God's will," if you don't allow HIM to do it? That way, HE gets the glory. He's always seeking it. Everytime we say ''I renew my mind in such and such case", who gets the credit for being such a good little Christian? That whosever is the ''best'' at ''renewing their mind'' shall be the best WAYFER moving up the tree! None of this implies we stop thinking, on the contrary. It just requires a surrendering, yeilding heart, like the one Christ had for HIS FATHER. In complete obedience to HIM, even unto death. Lindy, when I first left and went to a church, and I heard the words, ''Jesus, we just love you''. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck too. Until I took the Way glasses off. Now, I kick myself for not having said that ALL THOSE YEARS! Rmember the verse ''I can do all things...........through Christ which stregnthens me" Phill 4:13? I use to say the first part a lot. "I" can do all things. But, its through Christ, and through Him, He does the stregnthening. When? When I let him. I didn't allow that because of wrong teaching. I had the power, the control, (cuz, you don't want a devil spirit sneaking in there you know), so it was still all about ME. Even though we said with our lips, ''Christ in me", we emphasized the ME part above Christ. At least in my life. I am the first to say, I don't know much. It is a learning process for all of us. I have learned and prayed about this since leaving, and it's been the biggest blessing and ''transformation'' for Mr. Bliss and I. Never been happier, never been more peaceful and close with God. But, everyone has their own perspective and observations. I just rest on the fact that God does the teaching, not me or any of us. I just allow Him room to move through my hands and feet now.(oh, and lips, lol) Have a Merry Christmas and God bless you all! I will be gone for a little while.
  10. Ahh, you are right Belle, Bodie G....... He was Mr. Bliss' best friend in the Family Corps. We haven't talked with him in years.............prob since 97. He'd like to know where he's at also.
  11. Well, lets see what you think about this MINISTRY!!!!!!!!!! He says you are to give for all the ''feasts'' too. :blink: http://www.givingandtithing.com/
  12. Confronts???? I'd say he BASHED him on the head! No, sorry, Jesus wouldn't do that! (Act like the terrorists........ya, that'll get em to believe in the bible......) A zealous phycho Christian would....................
  13. bliss


    I don't think I read your story before Cool. So sorry. Those Bas@#$#! I have never been so blessed with love and prayer warriors since LEAVING HELL, I mean, the Way! We had 3 incidents in a week in my connect class, all life threatening, and everyone was at the hospitals, praying, visiting, meals, sending cards, encouraging, praying..........oh I said, that, and praying......... GOD IS NOT INTO MAGIC FORMULAS. Stuff happens,(oops I slipped on ice) sometimes we make mistakes too (oops I forgot to deposit my check, so one bounced)..........sometimes, things do happen that are divine in nature...........(ooopps I am pregnant, but I am still a virgin) but, either way, they all demand the same response. Love and prayer. Mother of 2~ my little one just got a horrible burn also, all I could do was run for the ice and bandaids and kisses and prayers. So, give and extra kiss to your little one from me.
  14. Remember this verse? 2 Corinthians 10:5 "Casting down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." By demanding, asking, telling, yelling at someone to ''renew their mind'', is like telling them to ''exalt their minds"above the mind of God! Yes, we have to do one thing.....................bring every thought captive to what??? The obedience of who??? Christ. So, we do something! yes. It is not to instruct laziness. It is about ''surrender'' and submiting to God. See in The Way, we would use this ''positive thinking'' statement to put a veneer of control on everything. Once we gave up negative thinking a lot of times we had nothing to hold onto, so we got angry. You are to hold onto the word of God in your mind for sure. But to be in the presence of God we put our mind on the things of God, His Majesty, His Glory, the transforming power of God then begins to work in us and we are transformed by the renewing of our minds! The actual ''transforming'' is a continuous process. We think on HIM, he works on us. NOT a ONE TIME occurance. This is all I have to offer. Here is a site I study from often. An article you might enjoy. http://preceptaustin.org/romans_1221.htm here is some excerpts: The word "transformed" there is in the present passive. In other words, I can’t really do this. I can initiate the process, but God has got to take care of the transforming. It is in the passive voice. Present tense means a constant thing. It is not a one-time thing. It is a constant, on-going thing, the mind always affects the conduct. Where your mind is directly reflects where you live and how you handle things and how you perceive things, how you discern things. How you make decisions in life depends on where your mind is I have got to learn to let the Word of God dictate to me how am I to live. If I don’t, there is a way that seems right to me but that way leads me to destruction. Proverbs 23 it says, "As a man thinks, so is he." If I am to present my body to Him, I must begin by submitting my mind to let His Word rebuild my way of thinking, to renew, to rip out the old. The word for "renewing" is anakainosis. It is the word for "renovate." It is not really a verb, in that sense I have to let my mind be affected by what God says and only what God says. Once I am willing to let my mind be renewed by the Word of God, there is a transformation in my behavior, in my character, in the way that I live. The word is present passive imperative. In other words, it is a command.
  15. Talk about scary verses that TWI is afraid of: "But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand." Isaiah 64:8 ........."behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand..........." Jeremiah 18:6 I am so over, telling God what to do! This life, yes, it really is about HIM and what brings HIM glory. NOT ME. Even Christ said, THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH as it is IN HEAVEN. My job in life is to bring HIM glory by being obedient and following HIM........ not a man, ministry, creed, or FORMULA!!!! ahhhh, thanks, had to get that out. Of course IMO, YOMV :)
  16. I second that!!! This one was a big one for me, and as soon as I learned othewise, I rejoiced!!! It's all about HIM, not me.........................as I build that relationship, HE renews me. He does the work. It's not like the Way used to teach. They were so scared to allow the Lord to be in charge.....................of anything! :blink:
  17. Went from Colorado to Arizona back in 2001??? Steve worked for Peavey. 3 children Diane is Corps Grad Anyone talk to them?
  18. I dunno...........he's a little scary to me.............. When I read his Tithes and Offerings teachings they remind me of another cult.............Church of Christ....I think.. Where you have a ''tithe'' , then, ''offerings''....................all the Feasts you have to give to. Feast of Weeks, Tabernacles, .............. :blink: By the looks of his research building and all his ''collectors'' bibles..................$$$$$$$ and Rare ones!!! correct me if I am wrong
  19. Patrick and Sarah bless your hearts.............I am sure you have some fond memories of TWI. I am sure you all are sincere in your questions. My question to you is, why don't you just go back? They still promote ''all nine all the time''. You aren't going to get too many ''TWI was great'' responses. We are all here because, well, it wasn't that great. You'll get a few positives I am sure. NOT ALL was bad......................but perspective and degrees vary greatly. Most of us, don't believe in the Way ''isms'' or cliche's anymore. Not because we don't believe in God, most still do. We just learned greater truths. I wasn't there in the 80's. I was there for the whole 90's+ Let me tell you, it wasn't great in doctrine or in practice.(for me) sorry :blink:
  20. Well, you can start by telling them you missed talking with them and about your life and family. I would stay away from anything WAY related, at least at first. If it does come up, share with them about how much you love God etc.......... and no matter what group you affiliate with you still love and miss them............... :)
  21. ohhh, nice statement! you are exactly righto my friend. What a sham. That is why it is so hard to talk to ''innies''. They aren't going to ''open their mind'' to anything else out there because it is ''of the devil!"
  22. Without horses, who wants to go there for ''Family Camp" anyway???? They sold all the horses 3-4 years ago. ((sigh)) Camp Gunnison is beautiful. The horses made it picturesque. Piercing the heart................ That is why it is so deceiving. How a place so lovely can be teaching and practicing such ugliness. I always liked riding those horsies..........
  23. Mother of 2 Are your relatives still IN or OUT???? I am a little confused with all your posts. If they are OUT, then, there is NO WAY that they taught at Gunnison for anything! If they are IN, then, they could have been brought in for a special teaching or something for the training of the Way Corps leadership. If you have, half in, half out, well, then there will be contention among your relatives too I'd say! Nobody IN, likes anybody OUT. and vice-versa. Many people that left for whatever reason have still held on to the Nostalgia and Experiences in The Way as from God and the Truth. So...................if they are in a splinter group and still worship VPW and or LCM(highly unlikely) and their teachings, then, they could still be ''full of it'' in their attitudes and ways with you.
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