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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Hmmm, me thinks we have a dentist who likes to think he sings like Mick :)
  2. My uncle is a democrat, very dedicated to his party. Even he jokes about standing outside using aerosol cans praying for that global warming we've been promised. :P
  3. hiya Bluz, I would like to be able to post songs!!! I would, I really would!!!!! You have my email addy, I believe.
  4. I loved both your links, Bluz! Right now my kids are singing themselves to sleep to the tune of "I farted on Santa's lap". It's such a shame they don't have time to learn it before their holiday concert.
  5. Morgan


    I would ask why it is acceptable in male/female scenarios and not male/male? How is it less of a health problem? How is it less conflicting with "intelligent design"? Regardless, what two consenting adults do and what an adult does with a child who is too young to understand the consequences and therefore cannot truly give consent are two very very different things, be it hetero or homo sexual in nature.
  6. Should the mother who gave the kid up for adoption have any role in this whatsoever? I don't know. It sounds as if the natural mother had some degree of an active role in her daughter's life and that the adoption may have in at least a small degree, been a result of "coersion" for lack of a better word and/or because the daughter had already been with the sister for so long that it may have seemed in the best interest of the girl to leave her where she was. Frm what I read, the natural mother and her boyfriend were eventually cleared of charges of wrongdoing. However, I do not feel I know enough about these circumstances to form a definitive opinion. Should the state have any role in this whatsoever? Absolutley. If not the state then who? The man who at least passively, if not actively paricipated in harming the girl in the first place. My only question here is whether the state should allow the natural mother a say or not, but at this point they are in agreement anyway, so the point is somewhat irrelevent. Should the father have any role in this whatsoever? (I ask the above because it seems like there should be a none-of-the-above selection here) By father, here I am assuming you mean the step-dad? Absolutely not. The bio-dad, nope, he doesn't know her at all. Should the kid's ventilator be removed? I don't know. I have mixed feelings on these issues. Should the kid's feeding tube be removed? I don't know. I have mixed feelings on these issues. I lean toward yes, turn them off. But there is apart of me that is uncertain.
  7. Cowgirl, I was trying to tell you I had it, without giving it away to everyone else. Seems no one has figured it out though so I'll just name it. If I understood you correctly, you weren't looking for a song, but a movie. An American Quilt.
  8. Oh man Ron, it's contagious! No I'm hearing it too!!! :blink:
  9. well I am way too young to remember the commercial, but I would love to have that cab driver take me where I want to go for the holidays.
  10. any of you gals up some quilting on these cold winter days?
  11. An interesting read/watch - especially if you have kids who chat on the computer . . . . . here
  12. I just wanted to get that all in one post. Being committed to God does not require eschewing your earthly family. In fact, being committed to God would require you to help take care of your earthly family. Even the marines get time off to spend with their families. I would hardly say they were weak. I think most people expected something very different than what they were faced with.
  13. I sold my house at the direction of leadership. I think I got about $43,000 for it. That same house is now worth about $110,000. If I kept that house, I could sell it now and be living in a decent house in a decent neighborhood instead of renting a crappy house in a crappy neighborhood.
  14. Here's a holiday tune you might all enjoy. here
  15. I'm having a hard time swallowing this one in so many ways. If she didn't want the baby, why did she keep her? And an "elective c-section"??? What the hell is that? I thought c-sections were only "elective" if one had previously had a c-section and was pregnant again. Then, depending on circumstances they could choose to try to go natural or have a repeat c-section. Who chooses to go under the knife???? And where is her responsibility in getting pregnant in the first place? and the father's too? yeah, it does sound like the doctor's screwed up. and IF she had given the child up for adoption and sued for the medical costs of the birth and/or pain and suffering, etc. I might understand. But she CHOSE to keep her daughter.
  16. Krys, I think it is always good to see all the way around the issue. Likewise, I think it is never wrong to empathize with people, even those who have done heinous things. For example - your example of the bipolar man. The single most difficult aspect to treating people with mental illnesses is getting them to take their medication. For some, once on medication and "feeling well" they convince themselves they no longer need it. For some, such as often happens with bi-polar people - once on medication they miss the "highs" of the manic stages. These people I can also empathize with. But like you, I agree that the air marshall acted appropriately. It is sad that someone died, but he couldn't risk the lives of so many people. I guess, I wasn't trying to say we can't or shouldn't empathize, I'm just saying we have to keep that empathy within boundaries when making decisions that have the potential to effect so many lives. Like that mother, who may have been suffering post partum depression. Until it is certain that she is not a danger to herself or others (and obviously at this point she is) she cannot be left in charge of other children.
  17. I'm pretty much with Shell on this one. And yet, psychotic episodes can last for days and who knows how the brain perceives the screams and other noises - does it recognizes them for what they really are or does it process them as something entirely different? Either way makes little difference to the child that is dead and the sibling still living. The mother is not sane, then she is not fit to take care of the other child. Unless and until we can cure such illnesses, such people are not fit to be unleashed upon society. If/when they are cured, they still need to make restitution of some sort for the heinous things they have done. Sympathize and empathize, I can. But that does not mean I want these people running free to do more harm.
  18. really Sudo? Cause I keep thinking I know it from a commercial but I sure as heck couldn't say for what.
  19. "What is true Christianity, from the perspective of the first century church, and how was that applied in twi? Were the first century church believers in the Book of Acts primarily concerned about their earthly families, home ownership, and careers? Or were they primarily concerned about moving the Word, fellowshipping with like-minded believers, moving the Word, witnessing, believing the time is short, moving the Word, getting folks born again and sharing the truth, moving the Word, etc. etc." Being concered with your earthly family (which includes having a job and providing a roof over their heads and generally means more than simply subsisting) IS the best witness for God there is. Only when your family is taken care of do you truly have room to help others and to show others how to help themselves. Did the disciples and apostles abandon their families? Leave them hungry and homeless? In the epistles we are told we are supposed to take care of our families. But the mandates of TWI made that very difficult, if not impossible in some situations. For example, requiring us to give over 10% of our income or God would not even spit in our direction. How many people faced times when they couldn't pay their bills because there wasn't enough after that 10 plus percent? How many people gave up good jobs with insurance benefits after being directed by TWI to relocate or change jobs because they couldn't attend fellowship often enough at their current job - and then ended up near bankruptcy with huge medical bills after an unexpected illness or accident? How many people had their families ripped apart because leadership directed an "innie" spouse to divorce the "outie" one? Or because leadership advised parents to ship their kids off to be raised by "unbelieving" relatives because their kids didn't want to attend fellowship? That may not be the TWI you remember or were involved with, Oldies, but it sure as hell is the TWI I walked away from.
  20. rolling on floor laughing my foot off peeing my pants
  21. " it will be a place where the customer comes first." "Bout time" ROFLMAOPMP
  22. I'd recognize that voice anywhere!!! :) But alas, I have no idea what movie it was used in. :( I'm looking forward to finding out though, as I may rent it just based on the soundtrack. :) Oh and good morning to you too CK. Would you check your PM?
  23. Funny - I was thinking Bow's song was being done by Dolly. And no offense, Sudo, but that Christmas song you posted about broke my speakers - OY - UGH. I love a lot of Christmas songs - but for some really good stuff you have to check out Da Yoopers!
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