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Everything posted by themex

  1. But to whom belongs the money? Just to Rosie and the yes boss guys?
  2. An we as stakeholder could not get rid of the board and put a new one? For example the Way Corps that are all over the world may not recover TWI for the belivers, for the grads? http://waycorps.ning.com/
  3. But andybobdy could buy it, the mark, the farm, camp Gunnison? or ther is some tipe for to invest and be the new owner? Thake out the control of the board? Yes but the now they are The Way Inc. and have copy rights and a trade mark?
  4. Hi, and God bless you all. Yes I know all belongs to the corporation but the family is not a shareholder in some for? Or some one in the family is a shareholder who recives benefits, money for the trademark and all the incomes?
  5. Hi, for the Wierwille family was its property, the family farm and TWI is making very good money. 25 million us dollars is very good money for a family. For doing nothing. Also Camp Gunison and the money from all this years. Hi JeffSjo!
  6. Why ther is no Wierwille now in the Board of Directors of TWI and why they have run, fired almost all the amily members frome the organization? It was a family business and they ended with noting trying to star all over again.
  7. I think that cheranne idea is just about the way wolves, but the problem is that the wolves are everywere. TWI had god and bad things but whit its doctrine you born again, but in other religions and cult you do not. The suffering in the world is huge. Like in Afganistan. Just to said some place. Choose one?
  8. In the World the Christian are a minority, Just 30 % of the World populatin is Christian in some form protestants. catholics, orthodox, The Wolves are more and bigger than we can imagine, John 10:10.
  9. In Argentina ther is ex TWI who has a site based on what he said is and original New Testament Text in Arameo Galileo called P-E-S-H-I-T-T-A?. The link to the site is in the Cortright home page. http://ar.geocities.com/malpana2001/ :blink:
  10. There are things that does not match, in the USA you go to jail for almost any thing, you get lawsuit for a lot of money. But VPW died ok, also LCM is ok and TWI still running. If they were like the peopleo from Waco Texas, that David something they have alredy closed the place.
  11. JesusChrist has already made us free.
  12. I have been out of TWI since 2002, also have internet since 2000. I have read this site for years, even before I get register, registed. I know all about Dr. Vic and the girls, about his death from cancer also that he stole the teachings. Tha fog years. Know than L. Craig Marindale also do many girls in "menage a trois". Way dayle. But that does not mean that the Bible is a counterfeit. And that Jesus Christ is not coming back. Or the Bible is the Word of God or it is not. VPW. LCM, Rosie and all and every one of us will have to answer to God some day.
  13. Maybe you should want to come to Taxco Mexico, very good "Fiestas" of "Semana Santa". In the World exist much, much worst things than bible fans.
  14. John W.Schenheit has a teaching called: "We can Trust the Written Word" and in it he explained some things about how the scritpures arrived up to our day and time. He also talks about a book: "The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission,Corruption and Restoration" by Bruce M. Metzger.
  15. http://www.durangomexico.com.mx/index.html
  16. I do not think I am a Victim of a cult, or a victim of the Catholic Church or the Devil because someone teach me Romans 10:9 and 10. Also to live with hope of the return of Jesus Christ.
  17. I have lerned to be more human, humanitarian. To be quiet when other believe in things that we were thought to be devilish, or from a debil spiritual source. What I may not learned is to be nice whit homosexuales, gay, lesbian.
  18. I think that all of the above are related, but the most important for me is the number of followers, of disciples in term of what LCM thought, on daily basis. Run fellowships, classes, win new ones.
  19. Many years had gone since the Fog Years, also L. Crag Martindale has many years outside TWI, many said that the size of TWI is just 10 % of what it use to be in its best years. Rosale F. Riverbark is not a good teacher like VPW or LCM. But John Lynn and John W. Schoenheit are working and producing a lot of things and CES/STFI have more than 20 years of hard work maybe they are bigger than TWI at this moment?
  20. I found this picture of the 6th corps, which one is John S. ? http://6thcorpsreunion.com/images/6thCorps.jpg
  21. Than you all and Happy New Year. During this days I been watching his Free Indeed Videos On Line and I think that he is wearing his way corps green ring. And as we know he is teaching how to be a work man of the word.
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