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Everything posted by doojable

  1. Moulin Rouge? ( moo + land + uh who knows) i see that oak - oakland?
  2. Alright here goes: ( and I won't take a turn nor will the person who gets this one take a turn - just bask in the glory of getting this one right.) " She was an underwater specialist!"
  3. So do you guys ever allow a "random" quote - you know as a freebie? I have a quote that I would love to see if anyone remebers the movie Just asking - but i'll not post it if it's out of order I would just post the quote and see who gets it - it wouldn't upset the order of the regular game - just for extra credit
  4. Ok I just can't seem to figure out what an "OLG" is please explain
  5. I knew that - but it doesn't seem that Pawnbrokers responding...soooo.... what if he doesn't post anything?
  6. Mike, I always cringe when anyone makes sweeping generalizations. Your comments about the Corps concern me deeply. Many other than corps have decided to just stop the fight with you. On the other hand, not all corps are the same. Perhaps there is a bond that unites many of us ( and yes I was corps) we shared many experiences and saw things that we can discuss with each other. There is a reason why so many are rejecting your theory. WE saw first hand a lot of what went on. Many saw and some even experienced the sins of VPW and his trusted friends. If you are equating Dr to the likes of the apostles Paul and Peter and John et al, you have a problem in that at least 2 of them wrote about being above rebuke and having self control - that is simply not the example Dr protrayed. If he wanted us to follow him he would have been like Paul and given us more to trust and something more solid to mimic. Sometimes you come across as resenting the fact that you were not in the Corps. That's just an impression and not an accusation - but it is a strong impression. As to the Pfal - God breathed thing.... Jesus Christ was the Living Word and He always pointed the way to the Father. He rarely even pointed to himself except to say that he was the way TO THE FATHER. I fail to see how PFAL does the same - at least the way you handle yourself. You seem to want us to focus on the class and see how the class points the way to itself and Dr's ministry - hmmmmmm. PFAL is a compilation of works that help make sense of the Bible. To the extent that it acccomplishes that it also points the way to the Father and his son. But the focus must be on the latter and not the former -
  7. OK so now we need a new song.... who's gonna start?
  8. sleep nap pole vault lee andy ( and the?) troll samson WTF??? got anything else?
  9. He looks like he's about to break into a rollicking version of "I Wish That I Had Jessie's Girl"
  10. Simlpe guy - you cut right to the matter again. I tried to with sarcasm - but that's not the right route. God called us and continues to call people. He calls people to accept His son as their Saviour. He called people before PFAL and he has called millions since. Millions have found their way to God without the PFAL class. Just because I (and many of us here at GSC found solice there for a time does not make that the only way. (no pun intended) Ex and Raf - to Mike's credit - he has never treated me with misogyny. Now there is ANOTHER member here that I won't mention ( Haven't "seen" him in a while) that is guilty of that - at least here on this site....
  11. You all had might as well just get a big vat of mud and sell tickets and beer! ( oh and us wimmen will have to don skimpy swimwear) This is embarassing! Mike - Saying in one book that other books were used to gather information for yet a second book - that's does NOT negate the fact that WHOLE sections of writing were lifted from the pages of those other books. ( besides - I hardly ever met anyone who read that book - so to the young person who gets handed the collaterals and signs a green card - that's it. Sources are supposed to be cited IN THE SAME WORK that they are used in ( or lifted to write.) If you're going to used the revelation theory of PFAL you really have to give that credit to GOD and the first men who wrote the information. Oh and I have heard that DR himself denied your theory. Paul the apostle never denied that he was told to write the gospels. And - there are ways to show on paper that one makes NO money at all - yet gets literally thousands. People do it all the time. so Dr making only $100 a week or month - that's not too impressive - he had much more.
  12. Yes - To Live and Die in LA is correct... I have been out teaching all day Sorry guys Your turn George
  13. Hey A Simple Guy, Here is the pics that I posted a long time ago but I deleted to make space. Let me know if you would like to see some more.
  14. "Red Eye" Or is it "Redeye" Not exactly sure of the spelling.
  15. Ok - but I think we need some lyrics..... "Rockabye Sweet Baby James" Or ... "Carolina On My Mind"
  16. "if its to be its up to me..." "See you there or in the air.." God bless you face from out of space..." It all comes across as jargon after a while. Maybe it was a sign of our enthusiasm - maybe just of our sheepish stupidity..
  17. I've gotta say that all this back and forth wears me out. I know, I know, I started this mess.... Mike, when I say things like, 'The most i would say...." or " if a certain point is conceded..." or some ilk - that does not mean that I have conceded to that point. I have taken a clue form CS Lewis's point of view and started form any point and moved from there. That is the tone of most of my posts on this thread. As far and any further discussion regarding the works of vpw being revelation - it just doesn't fit for me. Neither do I believe that God has "special" administrations for certain groups. ( My emphasis added) I have not had time to review the whole post - as I have been very busy with the classes I teach and the nearly 100 students I have. Long posts are very hard for me to focus on - since I usually have to read them late at night. I did give them the old "college try" and I just can't get to where you are. I know you are whole heartedly convinced that you are right - but I simply cannot agree. I have lots of thoughts that I do not post here at GSC. Mostly because I don't really have them thought through enough to put into words, and then because I dont' have time. I am much more an "in person" kind of gal - but that would be even more time consuming given the multitude of beings here at the cafe. Somewhere in there I feel like the cart is pulling your horse - but I cannot quite pin it down well enough for you. In any case, I thought this thread was dead - and it is now alive! Proof of resurrection!!??? ( Tongue firmly placed in my right cheek!)
  18. " To live and Die in LA"???? Movie minotaur - rees minotaur Reesman tower Oh heck I give up!
  19. Hey A Simple Guy - come over and visit me in the "Open " forum. Go to either page 3 or 4 and look over the "Divine Design" thread. It's for artists that want to converse. Even of you only "doodle," go ahead and post. BTW I've taught both my gilrs how to draw this way. Maybe this would be a better thing to do than all of us insult each other......
  20. My, my my..... xo many words and so little time. There will be no "full disclosure" discussion on my part here. You guys are better at that than I am and I don't have the time or inclination to join in the pi$$ing match. I merely will point out that any explanation of something that is intrinsically, sacredly, perfectly perfect will refelct that perfection. Dr compiled the works of many men before him - Stiles, Leonard, Bullinger, et al. Don't all these men also deserve the "revelation status" that is being ascribed to vpw? I can only give an example: I teach drawing and I use the book "Drawing on the Right side of the Brain" as my main textbook. I get absolutely amazing results. Now, I have added things and changed a few things but I get my main info from this book. (Being an artist helps because I understand what is needed.) I called the author (spoke to her assistant) a few years back and asked if I need to get some kind of training to continue. Was I in copyright trouble? I was told that the author wanted this stuff taught in every High School in America and she was glad for my excitement. Just please give credit and do not claim any of the research as my own. I do so - gladly! God asked me to teach drawing. I found the way. I dont consider what I teach to be revelation - but He does help me reach these kids. Now one only one point - I DID work for years to master the written material. I didn't come to the same conclusion as you, Mike. I dont' really know what else to say on this matter. As always I will agree to disagree with you and enjoy a written friendship. (Now all you who are rolling your eyes - be careful! I have stated to everyone here loud and clear that I simply refuse to be rude to anyone here at GSC. I also refuse to reject someone simply because I do not believe they do) Thanks for the response. dooj
  21. I'm not exactly sure - but even IF the busdriver had gotten the permission slip signed - it stinks form a legal standpoint. I for one would ask to see a name tag and have th phone number of the Church to get an "OK" before I even signed the thing - because otherwise it would be a possible scenario that a sex offender would have a permission slip with him! Now I do understand that the scenario didnt' get that far - and since my hubby did some work with prosecuting sex offenders a while back - we are naturally leary. (No pun intended) The church can find a way to make parents feel safer AND get these kids in to church - without spending lots of extra money.
  22. I'm not sure where I heard it first, but Emporia sounds about right....must have been a warning of things to come....
  23. I think the adversion went to the whole "decent and in order" concept. Problem was that while they were controlling worship they weren't controlling themselves...
  24. I took an awesome figure drawing class with Clem back in the late '70's. I t was called "artistic Anatomy" by Robert beverly Hale. In fact I heard that B*rb*ra F*ir B#tl*er also had taken that class a few years before me. Clem also got me some freelance work with DC comics back then. It was a bit frustrating but it was fun - I wasn't as into it as Clem was. Nato, Pm me and i'll give yu some info to give to Clem in case he's interested in contacting me. Since he's still in he might not be open to hearing form anyone. we were friends once - did he ever marry?
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