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Everything posted by FreeFromCults

  1. It seems in that area TWI has not kept up with the times. Still treating the wives as subservient and second-class citizens. jeez. I would hate to see my mother, sister or daughter being treated like that so I don't and am not going to even treat my girlfriend like that (of course, she'll kick my arse if I so much ever try it ). They say that the "Word" says it . OK... if that's what the "Word" says, then how about Treat unto others like you like treating unto you. If the "Word" doesn't say or imply that, then I am sorry that they are hypocrites ranting about "the Love of God" when they are not even showing it.
  2. It's kinda ironic that you mention it because on my last months at TWI, that person was always ranting that buying a house is a lousy investment and waste of money because of the high interests at the time (1996). It's funny that person desperately wants a house when it was her telling the twig that she was coordinating to not buy a house. Some people live and learn and Some just live and not learn.
  3. The same thing can be said about those who worship and still worship Craiggers.
  4. What gets Wiervillites the Angriest? That's simple. Talk bad about VPW. Show them sources that he was a plagiarizer and a philanderer who cheated on his wife. Show them sources that he didn't pass away quietly, he succumbed to a "Devil Spirit", Cancer. Is my list short? Please feel free to add my list. As for me, I feel those who suffered when he was the "MOG" are the ones who have more to say about him just like I can say bad things about TWI under LCM (the MOGFART when I was an innie). And to me, Loy Boy and all of his wannabes and worshippers can all go f**k themselves.
  5. That's not just sick, that is really f**ed up. Them leaders**t are really F**ed up anyways.
  6. What made me look was that over a year after I got out (actually escaped) was that I went ahead and look around the internet anything about the Way international. Waydale wasn't the first thing I found. It was a site called trance-net.com (I think that's the name of it) and it had an article titled NOWayOut. I read thru the stories and it shocked me quite a bit. It was then that I learn that TWI is nothing but a cult, that both VPW and LCM are nothing but crackpots and the whole leadership are the ones who pretty much contradicted the "Word". From then on (Fall of '97), I always searched the Internet on anything regarding TWI until I found WayDale. It was thru WayDale that I met up with an old friend from TWI and talked on the phone with others. After that, I just stayed quiet lurking. Even for the past 5 years that GS was running on the 'net, I just lurked and read posts. It's not until recently that I decided to come out after almost 10 years out of TWI.
  7. So much for having originality, that article sounds to be nothing more but a reprint. Kinda like those long running soap operas that rehash (or remake) something that happened in old episodes. Of course since they ran out a lot of their best researchers, they'll have to rehash articles by people still in good standing. AC in HQ now, eh? Wasn't that in another location previously? Anyways, I guess they have to do it in HQ as they sold off their other properties.
  8. Has TWI2 really changed? In the Art of War (a book written thousands of years ago), it says: All Warfare is based on Deception. So... NO, I don't think TWI2 has really changed. It is just taking one step back on their old tactics and wait for the right time they can take 2 or 3 steps forward to go at it again with the same old tactics or worse.
  9. It seems like TWI is trying sucker people that people never been taught this or that. Since their best researchers are gone, they have to re-invent the wheel and market it as a better product that you never had (when in reality, you already and still have it). It's like they try to express themselves in such a grand way. TWI is also showing their own lingo just as many Cults have their own lingo as well. It's funny how TWI condemn and criticizes other churches when it is actually the ones doing the things that they condemn (making things like classes, fellowship attendances mandatory). Keep things posted. Your posts are very interesting. Best Regards.
  10. That's OK Belle. Stories as yours are good for everyone to learn what type of evil is the TWI and getting it out of your chest several times may be good for your physical and mental health, literally getting TWI out of your system like getting snot out of your body to get over a cold. I do sympathize with you as you were more deeply involved and you stayed there a lot longer (8+ years) than me (3 years). I only took PFAL (twice), Intermediate (once), Rise and Expansion class (once) and DTA (once), never took WAP, new intermediate and AC, never went WOW nor even signed up for Leader$*@! class nor Corpse. We all lived and learned. We're better off now without them than with them.
  11. What a delusional moron. Still thinking of himself as the MOG. Yeah, he is still a MOGFOT in his own mind.
  12. What a double-standard there !!! So for the previous generation when these BOT teenagers were in grade school, it is a no-no to go to college. Speaking on how this ministry ruined a lot of people's opportunities. Let me dare to mention that VPW, his brother and even Loy Boy had gone to college. So why can they do it while other rank-n-file can't? Hypocrites!!!
  13. What brings me the most satisfaction is airing it out to everyone about the BS that one has to go thru with that ungodly ministry. I guess I am not the only one.
  14. Last I heard about 7 years ago, he moved to Maryland because of work (he graduated and found a job related to his field of studies, Good For Him!!!). Anyways, he's out of the Way. I don't know if he's with CFF as many former TWI Floridians are since Rev. Shroyer (one of the very few good/decent men ) was the LC before Moneyhands took over. All I can say about Jon is that he's maybe the only Way Corp that I know that is a good/decent fella.
  15. What made me leave after being there for 3 years? 1) The screaming confrontations. That is a big turnoff and IMHO, we are adults, you don't need to yell at me to get your point across. 2) When the Twig Coordinator (a Way Corpse) says to me: "When we tell you to jump, you don't ask why, you ask how high." 3) Getting into my personal space. So my room is not in order because of books and schoolpapers around as I was a college student then and I needed to study. For that, do I need to get reproof by every-frigging-one. 4) Always telling me to make time for the Word everyday , jeez, easy for them to say when they don't have to go to school full-time, work, make time for schoolwork plus have to make time for transportation, food and sleep. It just got too much stress and no free time for anything. They want us to be robots. 5) When same Way Corpse Twig tells me that I must tithe from any money that I get (work, help from parents and school financial aid). That's it. They just place too much hoops and obstacles so that you can receive the "Love" of God. It's like they regulate who receives God's blessing and protection. All their yadda yadda about "Salvation is by Grace, not by Works". To them, it's actually backwards:"Salvation is by Works, not by Grace". @*#( that and @*#( the Way International and @*#( the Way Corpse especially that S** Bl**m*re. F*cking hypocrites.
  16. Funny that he calls "Greasespots by midnight" those who were Kicked Out by or left the Way. I wonder now that he's one for the past 5 years if he knows how it feels. Of course, I don't think he's doing as great as us being shunned by everyone: his family, his own x-ministry and the people that he victimized. Plus trading a lazy life of luxury to work as a fitness trainer and loading trucks. Hmmm... he's more of a greasespot than any of us. My message to Loy Boy: How does it feel being a GreaseSpot now, eh?
  17. I agree and how ironic that the main and leading practitioner of "M&A" is himself "M&A".
  18. Acceptible behavior. If it's according to TWI's definition, it's nothing more than their Double Standard: "They can do whatever they want because they are more spiritually mature while you can only do as we say." What a bunch of crap!!!!
  19. I don't know if you have heard the following: "Renew Your Mind" "I am gonna believe for this..." "You're the best... God Bless" I also always cringe when I hear these terms. I am glad I am out of that &$*# and in no way I would join the offshoots despite the good things that I hear about them.
  20. My 2 cents: Not all Way Corps were arrogant pr*cks. When I first came in, I hung out and was friends with one (he's been out almost as long as me). There was also a family where the married couple were Way Corps and they never raised their voices when they taught or dealt with their children. In fact, in my first 2 years, most of the folks that went with to the Limb Meeting or other activities were pretty cool. It wasn't until my last year, when Way Corps from HQ (dare I say, Blind LCM wannabes) arrived, the &$*# really hit the fan. All the backgossiping, confrontations and bickering plus going to a teaching was no fun and no longer fulfilling as these HQ Nazis made a point that it is mandatory to tithe; it is mandatory to be formally-dressed (long sleeve, pants, shoes and tie) for SNS and Twig meetings when before it was all casual and laid back; on SNS meeting (phone hookup BTW), we had to stand up when the MOG came on the stage as if we were present at HQ (I never quite understood that one). You won't believe how gossips and misunderstandings got around like if I say something outside of twig, someone heard me and tells someone else and then tells someone else and finally telling the Twig Coordinator, who then talks to me about it. Another time, I overhear them saying crappy things about someone behind the person's back, but when they are together, they put that fake smile, fake pleasantry and fake acting like friends. Jeez... No wonder these folks don't have a life 'cause all they are doing is making things harder for all of us.
  21. No more Mark & Avoid in TWI??? Yeah... Right. Wait 'til their membership goes up. Right now, because their membership is dwindling, they are losing $$$. So, they gotta do something to curtail that $$$ hemorraghe (sp?) while at the same time, attract new people. I wouldn't be surprised if TWI had been there and done that before.
  22. I left TWI about 10 years ago. In my 3 years with them, I used to believe everything they taught. IMHO, there was nothing wrong in what they taught, but in my last year and half, I questioned about their practices in my heart. Regarding the trinity, it's a non-issue to me nowadays because whether you believe it or not, it doesn't mean that you're a bad person. Is the Trinity the Truth? I don't know. Do I believe in the Trinity? Does it matter? Is JesusChrist God? I don't think so, but I don't have a problem if you believe so.
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