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Everything posted by RumRunner

  1. Thanks Dooj - it all comes back now... LOL Think I'll order that and play it for the kids
  2. Heh - what was the album with the commentators on the Russian olympic gymnast and the guy confessing to a priest?!?!?! - LOL - You talk to your mother with a mouth like that? I wont quote anything from the gymnast gig...
  3. I would - under a couple of conditions. If I was with a bunch of lunatic GSC'ers in a room with that Cheech and Chong paper nice and loaded up, we sparked it up and after about 30 minutes put on one or two of those oldies while stifling laughter. Otherwise - he!! no.
  4. Like thieves in the night Groucho....
  5. My thoughts exactly Groucho... Funny that in every third world country I have travelled to a minister is someone who holds a high government position usually acquired through graft, corruption and unethical use of power/money. Odd how TWI now looks like a third world country. Glad I have been gone so long as to not recognize more thana couple of those names. One more odd thought...the only other Christian organization that appoints leadership for life (that I know of anyway) is the Roman Catholic church...and didn't we always hear that the pope was satan's child or some such snot?!?!?! Thanks for posting Belle. That was kinda funny....
  6. I am as reasonably sure as everyone here that he is committed the crime - or at least was the instigator of it. I never watched the trial when it happened and I am not gonna watch anything now. Murders happen every day - and you don't hear about them unless you turn on the local news in the town it happened in. So what is wrong with our justice system? Celebs, rich, famous do not get the same legal treatment that "the rest of us" are afforded. That bothers me even more than the murder itself. Yes I know that sounds cold - but like I said - murders happen all the time and society just nods it off. Every network covered the helicopter following his SUV. Every network had nightly commentary during the trial....so glad I rarely watch TV anyway. Every network had talking heads who were all "experts." The prosecution could not have botched it more if they had tried - WAIT - I think I'm ON TO SOMETHING. How could a TOP prosecuter fail so badly? Think they would have failed if YOU were on trial????? Just some random thoughts on our "justice" system which IMO is not about what is right but about what is legal and those are two very different words. Flame on.....
  7. Alex Groucho Alex - and what was that chicks name you caught looking at me in the morning?
  8. Fellow I worked with for many years was the original Scarlet Knight! He is putting together his memoirs and send me a copy of the original news paper article and photos of him in full regalia.
  9. RumRunner


    LOL I caught the Rye too - it was minda funny
  10. RumRunner


    http://www.helpmegetag5.com/movie.htm Jonny and Ron - enjoy...heh heh heh
  11. Can't remember where the topic came up in chat but how many really used that paper from the Cheech and Chong album back in the 70's. I and another who posts here did.
  12. Amen Sudo but dont forget the capers - lots and lots of them. And when I lived in the Baton Rouge I found a brand of lox that was better than Nova - cant remember the name- Laskins or something like that - came in a green box cut paper thin.... BTW LSU is gonna win
  13. Note Dooj Bowtwi not only shows good taste but the ability to make correct choices....
  14. I have nothing good to say about him...I'll refrain, in this thread, from saying what I would like to.
  15. When I was growing up it was legal in NY state to shoot deer as a crop predator. Central NYS has a large agricultural economy based on various fruits mostly tree bearing,, eg apples, peaches, etc. Some years later the bambi folk decided this was cruel. The deer population grew out of control, the herds were becoming weak because of competition for food and the agri-economy was in terrible shape. The population got large enough that deer began to encroach in urban areas, even large urban areas in search of food. Now along the those increasingly weaker herds came more susceptibility to blacklegged ticks; i.e. the primary vector for Lyme disease. If you go here: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/lyme/ld_rp...asesbyState.htm you will see a table of incidents by state for a number of years. The critical stat is cases per 100,000 of population. Just counting raw indicidents tells little but cases per X tells a lot. Take a look at where NY state ends up. So much for protecting Bambi....hurt the deer population at large, hurt the NYS economy at large, and hurt humans at large...
  16. I dunno Groucho - wasn't that an old NRPS song??? "Somebody robbed Old Groucho's crib this morning at half past nine...."
  17. RumRunner

    Texas BBQ

    Hmm server not found.....
  18. I'm really not the person to ask Vegan... I would ask Paw though. He may have issues with some pictures made public if they are of people who are/were in legal controversy.
  19. Most Kinko's will do scan them onto a CD for you - but it is not really cheap. You should probably go through your pix and choose the ones you really want to keep digitally. Alternatively I can scan some in for you and I am sure others on GSC will offer to as well
  20. His letter of apology smacks of the same tone used by Jimmy Swaggert in Baton Rouge. He was turned in by a prostitute he had been seeing after he asked to have her 9 year old daughter have sex with them. But of course since his ministry brought in $135 MILLION a year into the Baton Rouge economy all was forgiven and forgotten. So we got popes with little boys, new life church with meth and guys, Swaggert with a 9 yr old girl and drambouie boy and his team of molesters and rapists.....what a nice picture of God... I don't know much about God but if he could cry he is doing it now...
  21. Now that was one wierd movie....
  22. RumRunner

    Caption Contest

    Datin' yourself suda
  23. RumRunner

    Texas BBQ

    Probably had something to do with how Dooj messed up a perfectly winning recipe...at least that is what I heard...
  24. RumRunner

    Caption Contest

    HEY!!! I can see Chr(s G33R in there!!!
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