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Linda Z

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Everything posted by Linda Z

  1. I love The Little Drummer Boy as sung by Bing Crosby and David Bowie. Makes me teary every time. One of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Christmas CDs is playing as I type. Love it! I love O Holy Night...oh heck, I like most of the traditional songs. And, out of respect for our fellow GSers with Jewish roots...I love Adam Sandler's Hanukkah song, too!
  2. David, it's so good to see you posting here! I've missed your fascinating narratives and I've enjoyed reading what you've posted in this thread. I once read that oxygenated water was good for fibromyalgia, but I dismissed it as a quack remedy someone was peddling. My doc wants me to do sleep studies because he thinks my condition is exacerbated by low oxygen levels as a result of sleep apnea. The thought of wearing one of those blasted sleep masks really turns me off, but if I could get more O2 pumping through the "river" of my body, maybe that would be a good thing! Mainly I wanted to pop in and say welcome back to David. Don't be such a stranger! Love, Linda
  3. Reikilady, I'm glad you're here. You add something positive to this place. I don't go in for many "alternative" type treatments, but I can see why reiki would be beneficial. I believe that when anyone touches anyone else with the intent to love and heal, something good happens. I wouldn't go so far as to ascribe intent to the energy that passes between people, as if it's a sentient being (like I read on one reiki site), but I absolutely believe such energy exists. To the skeptics among us, haven't you ever met anyone whose very touch was soothing? Call it "energy" or call it whatever you like, I am convinced people give off something that affects other people. When the motive behind the touch is loving or intended to help, it only stands to reason that it could be conducive or supplemental to healing processes. I remember VPW talking once about how people need to be touched and urging us to lovingly touch elderly people, especially, because they tend to have less human contact and don't get hugged, stroked, held, etc., as much as they might have in the past. I believe he was right. I have fibromyalgia. Lately it's been a lot better, but in the summer of 2003, it was really bad--my muscles hurt every day, from my neck all the way down my legs. I asked my old gradeschool friend I was vacationing with to rub my back. Now, Chuck seldom had rubbed anyone's back, and his technique was a little clumsy, but after he finished, I felt so much better. I don't think it's because he knew how to manipulate my painful muscles. I think it's because he loves me and wanted me to feel better. Love is a powerful force in this life. It's not just something we feel emotionally, but one that I'm certain has physical effects, as well. Whether or not I agree with reiki's proponents' explanations for why reiki can help people, it certainly makes sense to me why it would, for the reasons I've said above. Anytime anyone does anything out of love and kindness, I believe there is a benefit to the recipient of that love and kindness, as well as to the giver. So hats off to you, Reikilady! I think it's a good thing you're doing. There are plenty of people in this world who wish to do harm to others. Anything we can do to offset the evil and the negatives is a plus in my book! {{{Reikilady}}}
  4. Here's what I found: "Built by the Graham family on land purchased in 1644. The present house dates from early 18th century and a fine example of William Adam's work. There is a cemetery in the gardens of the house were some of the Graham family rest. In 1900 the house moved into the ownership of the Cayzer family. A pupil of MacIntosh, David Barclay was commissioned to re-design the building. He designed the west front altered the roof and added the tower. After being commandeered by the army during the 2nd World War, the house became a List D School at which time many outbuildings were added. The school closed in the 1980s and the building remained empty for 3 years until purchased by the Way College of Biblical Research. They moved on in 1997." Doesn't say who owns it now, but it appears to be a Christian charitable organization.
  5. Speaking of office party memories.. Many years ago, when I was but a lass of about 18, I worked for a loan company that had several offices around the city. I hung out at the company office party one year with a guy from another office whom I'd had lots of dealings with over the phone but didn't know very well. The guy asked if I'd give him a ride home, and I said sure. Never mind that I lived in a suburb about 15 miles on one side of town and he lived in a subburb about 20 miles on the other side of town, where I'd never been. One problem. The guy was apparently drunker than I realized, and he passed out in my car on the drive to his house!! It was a very rural area, and I had no clue where he lived, where we were, or how to get back to my familiar side of town. An adventure, indeed. Eventually I got him to wake up and show me how to get to his place, then I managed to find my way back home. The moral of the story is that if you decide to be a designated driver for one of your workmates who's tipped a few too many, make sure you get a map while he or she is still able to draw one. :D--> :D--> :D-->
  6. I go to mine every year and enjoy it. Our office is a bit of a pressure-cooker, what with all the deadlines and crises that come up most days, so it's nice to get together in a relaxed setting! We only have about 20 people in our little company, so I know everyone well and like them (most days ;)-->). This year we're going to an Irish pub for dinner, then to a comedy club. Should be fun. The fact that this event is where we get our annual bonus checks only adds to our anticipation of its arrival! :D--> We also do a summer outing. This year we went to Six Flags and had a blast. The boss chartered a "limo bus" for us--a bus with cushy bench seating along both sides and a TV in the front. We played games on they way to the amusement park for cheesy prizes (I won a camping tarp!). On the way home, I called the local oldies radio station from the bus and dedicated a song to the boss on behalf of all of us. We all got a laugh out of hearing our company name on the radio. Ah, memories.
  7. Your wit is flawless Your laugh, a treat Your grace is ample From a heart so sweet. May your birthday bring A smile to your face Like the ones you give us In this GreaseSpot place. Happiest b'day, My~, and may you have many, many more filled with joy and good health! Love, Linda
  8. Eek, Song! The ravens??? The a -->rch rivals of my home team? The team built by that little weasel Art Modell. I'm sooooooooooo disappointed in you. --> --> :D-->
  9. I was casually acquainted with a couple of dancers (hippie street performers) in the late 60s who named their boy Godot (at least it's a name) and their girl Groovy!
  10. Mike: Thanks for sharing your tribute with us. Your father left a wonderful legacy in you and his other children. You and your family continue to be in my prayers. Linda
  11. Song, unless you're joking, I'm guessin' you're not a football fan. Cheese heads are Green Bay Packer fans. They can often be seen wearing cheesy hats in the shape of a wedge of swiss. Wisconsin's the land of milk and cheese...and cheese heads.
  12. Well, Geo, there is that. :D--> I guess I was thinking in terms of their well-being. Wasn't thinking of the citizenry!
  13. Check this out: http://www.snopes.com/horrors/cannibal/tapping.htm Galen, your stories about makeshift methods of booze production remind me of the good old M.A.S.H. 4077th. Given the sailors' fondness for strong drink, maybe it's a good idea that they're out in the oceans rather than marching with the ground troops!
  14. Have the happiest, most fun birthday yet!
  15. Thanks, Song, and Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I heard on the way home they're playing Alice's Restaurant on our local oldies station at 9 am Thursday. I'll be listenin'. Happy Thanksgiving, Arlo, wherever you are, and thanks for one of the coolest songs ever!!
  16. Linda Z

    Christmas Shopping!

    WB, when I was on staff in the mid-80s, there was always a Santa handing out gifts at the kids' Christmas party, and I seem to remember that Mrs. Wierwille gave everyone on staff small gifts (like candles and such). There was a big Christmas tree in the OSC lobby and decorations around HQ. At one year's party, Mrs. Owens, with a twinkle in her eye, whispered "Merry Christmas" to my friend who helped her with wedding planning. :D--> I never knew anyone who could really say Happy Household Holidays with a straight face.
  17. Sounds like you two are having a great time! It's so nice to see my Aunt Casey's hat being enjoyed and now making the charity circuit with you, Becky! She'd have been so pleased. I'll have to print out the article and show it to my dad and mom. They were glad A. Casey's hat found a good home! I'm sure it's having much more fun than when it was stuck on a shelf in my coat closet!! :D--> Enjoy, ladies!
  18. Linda Z

    My turn to brag

    That's weird, WayferNot! Usually Real Player is a free DL and then they just bug you to death to buy other services. Did you try googling "Real Player" +free to see if there's another site where you can download it?
  19. Linda Z

    Wrong Target

    I'd have a hard time "getting over it" if my little child attended that school. Thank God it wasn't when the kids were in the school and that none of the janitorial crew was hurt. I'd repeat Geo's question: Why in the he|| is a school that close to a bombing practice site??
  20. Linda Z

    My turn to brag

    You have reason to brag, Bowtwi! What a handsome, self-confident guy you have for a son! I don't wanna talk about spyware. My good computer is with the "Geek Squad" even as I type on my ancient machine. I had spyware up the wazoo, even after I was naive enough to buy SpyWare Doctor online (I don't recommend it--easy to install and use but ineffective). It wasn't powerful enough to keep the damn bugs out once it removed them.
  21. Linda Z

    Expired Meds

    Akshully (see! I can misspell without fainting when I want to), if the whole sentence is a question, the ? mark goes inside the " mark. It goes outside if only a phrase is in quotes. Example: Do you think we should "get jiggy"? It's a tricky one, but them's the roolz. But you're right, exsie. The period always goes inside. Did anyone else just have a Pat Saund*rs English class flashback?
  22. Hi Dan: I think I know who you mean. I'll e-mail you the address I have for him. Not sure if it's still good, but worth a shot. Linda PS. Please let me know here if you got it. I'm having computer problems and e-mail woes.
  23. Linda Z

    Expired Meds

    Oh no! Now a typo in my anal post. If you knew how much I hate for one of my typos to stare back at me from the screen, you'd know what a weirdo I am. --> But you probably knew that already. Sorry for the derail.
  24. Linda Z

    Expired Meds

    Arrrggghh I can't edit for some reason. Pretend "However" isn't sitting all by iteslef at the bottom of my previous post. Sometimes I'm so anal I scare even me. :D-->
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