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Ron G.

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Everything posted by Ron G.

  1. It's hard to answer your question. Not enough information. How big is the yard? Is it Brush? Scrub? Sage grass? Saplings...about what diameter? Tall grass? Sumac? Maybe you handle it with a push mower or a kid with a machete or you need to hire somebody with a brush hog. There's no way to tell without a little more info.
  2. Actually, father and adolescent son clashes are normal and actually healthy, despite anything we may have heard in TWI. A boy has to "test the waters" for adulthood and develop his own autonomy in his growth to manhood. It's just part of growing up. To deny the boy this interaction with his father would do a great disservice to the boy and set him up for failure in later life. I couldn't agree more, WW!!!!!
  3. Ron G.

    60's Sites

    I remember going off to college in 1966. In 1967 a friend handed me a sugar cube and it was delicious, but the next thing I remember was seeing John Travolta dancing around in a white suit and people were wearing white shoes. I'll check you link to see what I missed.
  4. Ron G.

    It's Earth Day

    Happy Earth Day one and all! Today is Earth Day when the eco-theocrats and gaia worshippers engage in their annual circle jerk. Celebrate! Put on some Aqua Net, then hop in your SUV with the A/C turned all the way up (you can always wear some fur if it's a bit cool for that) and drive to the nearest plastic bonfire and maybe enjoy some barbecued eagle. I'll be cutting some wood today as as my Earth Day celebration just won't be right without the smell of freshly cut timber and two-stroke exhaust. Be sure to wear your "The world is my urinal" tshirt!
  5. In the harsh light of morning (and coffee) I see that I got off on a tangent in my previous post. Although I still think it's valid, I should add that your spark of intution in the above quote tells ME....very loudly...that you are vastly more qualified to teach your children than those who "don't believe in learning disabilities". This is just my opinion, but I see, all too often, where intelligence is commonly measured by the childs ability to conform to societies norms, when, in fact, brilliance and genius are found in the flaws to that conformity. That's just my take on this and your mileage may vary (as they say). Edited to remind you that our prayers are with you, but you should already know that.
  6. This is a tough call. Offhand I would suggest you let the other people tutor Isaac without actually living with them. I have a friend named Susan who is a retired high school math teacher. Due to my inability to do things with a mathematical precision (anything beyond fingers and toes and I'm lost) I agreed to let Susan tutor Andrew for his homeschooling in math. Twice a week she would come and pick Andrew up and keep him for about 3 hours. It didn't cost anything...I just gave her husband, John, written permission to come thru my land and hunt on an adjoining property that's landlocked. It all worked out very well as by the end of the year, Andrew was doing college level calculus at age 13. As sort of an experiment, last year he enrolled in the public school and is now at the top of his class. What I'm saying here is I understand your concern and how Isaac would benefit from the outside instruction as did Andrew. What I don't exactly understand is WHY it's necessary for him to actually live there. Even the public school doesn't keep him there 24/7, as much as I'm sure they'd love to. Since it's just about summer, you have some time to mull this over. I think it needs to be seriously considered befor a final decision is made. Remember, there's a lot more to schooling than "readin' writin' and 'rithmetic". There are things that only YOU, as the parent can provide in the atmosphere of your own family. Your son is NOT chattel property of society at large nor is he to be a subset of a "village". He's YOUR son. Once again, WHY must he live there? What is the purpose of this? Does this "former high school teacher and stickler for good education" have some agenda beyond teaching Isaac basic academics? I'd be a little (maybe more than a little) suspect, knowing the guy's been trained in the public school model of education. I don't know how steeped he is in it, but maybe you should find out. Here is an excerpt from an essay entitled "The Public School Nightmare: Why fix a system designed to destroy individual thought?" I recently read by John Taylor Gatto... "The structure of American schooling, 20th century style, began in 1806 when Napoleon's amateur soldiers beat the professional soldiers of Prussia at the battle of Jena. When your business is selling soldiers, losing a battle like that is serious. Almost immediately afterwards a German philosopher named Fichte delivered his famous "Address to the German Nation" which became one of the most influential documents in modern history. In effect he told the Prussian people that the party was over, that the nation would have to shape up through a new Utopian institution of forced schooling in which everyone would learn to take orders. So the world got compulsion schooling at the end of a state bayonet for the first time in human history; modern forced schooling started in Prussia in 1819 with a clear vision of what centralized schools could deliver: 1.Obedient soldiers to the army; 2.Obedient workers to the mines; 3.Well subordinated civil servants to government; 4.Well subordinated clerks to industry" 5.Citizens who thought alike about major issues. " To see the end results of this in the United States today, just flip on your teevee and watch the news. I may be overstating all this or maybe I'm missing or misunderstanding something (it is very late and I'm very tired), but it's something to consider and I'd be VERY wary of allowing my son to be raised by another under the guise of education.
  7. I felt a little shake and I heard dogs start barking. Is that place shown on your map anywhere along the New Madrid fault? That's always a concern here in the Ozarks. We record about 1000 very minor tremors each year.
  8. Aw Shifra :( I was going to come back in here and say that, but you beat me to it. HARRUMPH!
  9. This is one of those things that pops up in the email from time to time and it came to me from a good friend. Some here might find this interesting. It's not relevant to VPW's plagiarism and I didn't want to derail that thread with it. I know there are a number of writers, artists and musicians here who could be affected if such a thing would, could or should occur. http://www.sellyourtvconceptnow.com/orphan.html Mind Your Business You Will Lose All The Rights to Your Own Art Mark Simon As you know, I usually handle the subjects in my articles with a sense of humor. That is not the case this month. I find nothing funny about the new Orphan Works legislation that is before Congress. In fact, it ....ES ME OFF! As an artist, you have to read this article or you could lose everything you’ve ever created! An Orphaned Work is any creative work of art where the artist or copyright owner has released their copyright, whether on purpose, by passage of time or by lack of proper registration. Like when parents give up their child to be an orphan, you can give up ownership in your creative work to be an orphan for others to use without your permission. If you don’t like to read long articles, you will miss incredibly important information that will affect the rest of your career as an artist. You should at least skip to the end to find the link for a fantastic interview with the Illustrators Partnership about how you are about to lose ownership of your own artwork. Currently, you don’t have to register your artwork to own the copyright. You own a copyright as soon as you create something. International law also supports this. Right now, registration allows you to sue for damages, in addition to fair value. What makes me so MAD about this new legislation is that it legalized THEFT! The only people who benefit from this are those who want to make use of our creative works without paying for them, or from large companies who will run the new private copyright registries. These registries are companies that you would be forced to pay to register every single image, photo, sketch or creative work. It is currently against international law to coerce people to register their work for copyright because there are so many inherent problems with it. But because big business, like Bill Gates, can push through laws in the United States, our country is about to break with the rest of the world, again, and take your rights away. With the tens of millions of photos and pieces of artwork created each year, the bounty for forcing everyone to pay a registration fee would be enormous. We lose our rights and our creations, and someone else makes money at our expense. This includes every sketch, painting, photo, sculpture, drawing, video, song and every other type of creative endeavor. All of it is at risk! If the Orphan Works legislation passes, you and I and all creatives will lose virtually all the rights to not only our future work but to everything we’ve created over the past 34 years unless we register it with the new, untested and privately run (by the friends and cronies of the U.S. government) registries. Even then, there is no guarantee that someone wishing to steal your personal creations won’t successfully call your work an orphan work, and then legally use it for free. In short, if Congress passes this law, YOU WILL LOSE THE RIGHT TO MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR OWN CREATIONS! Check the above link for more info.
  10. Ron G.

    Naomi 32

    From the album: Ron's picture album

  11. Ron G.

    Julia 12

    From the album: Ron's picture album

  12. Ron G.

    Julia 15

    From the album: Ron's picture album

  13. I have a question. At the time of the LEAD accident, I was in Florida and quite active in TWI. I attended ALL the meetings, ate the cookies, drank the coffee and read all my Way mags and Grapevines faithfully. How come I didn't know any of this stuff until I wandered into this thread the other night? Both the local Baptist Church and the local Methodist Church both publish lists of people who need prayer and/or concern for whatever reason. Such an accident occuring within one of those churches would have been widely known so people who cared could pray, visit the hurt and comfort the injured. Obviously, those churches are much more spiritually in tune with God's Heart, Word and Will than TWI ever could have been. When will the TWI apologists and sycophants recognize this?
  14. I generally don't pay much attention to these discussions, but last night at about 10:30 or 11, I wandered into this thread. I finally finished at about 3AM. This is the most interesting, telling and compelling thing I've read at the GSC or at Waydale. It made me realize just how much on the periphery of TWI I was. The first thing is, no matter HOW you slice it, responsibility goes straight to the feet of the BOT. Even that poor guy who walked in front of the semi...what the hell was the point of making all those people HITCH HIKE across from Kansas to New Mexico. The guy, probably with little or no sleep...hitch hiking with his wife...probably a little dazed or "out of it"...well, I can easily see it happening. Why? Because the powers that be were too damned cheap or whatever to provide transportation. Yes, the BOT is culpable. Even the most rigorous wilderness survival training doesn't require the participant to hitch hike across the country with $10 they can't spend and a sack lunch just to get there...that's totally insane. I do believe, now, that when Jesus Christ returns that He WILL be holding a copy of the orange book (borrowing from another thread), for our benefit, anyway, and proceed to shove it up the authors foot, demanding "How DARE you misrepresent Me this way and use it to hurt and abuse those who wanted nothing more than to be faithful to Me?". And Rochelle will be on the front row! Thanks for the thread HCW. I really respect you and your bravery, compassion and candor. The whole thing was very enlightening and appalling.
  15. If the cats won't train, I'd consider cat hide furniture.
  16. Ron G.


    I replied to your poll with "not sure", however I did a Google looking for something later and discovered Amazon was the only place, anywhere, that it was available. The Google was a search to see if such a thing I was looking for even existed...and there it was on Amazon. Armed with the knowledge that Amazon sells stuff besides books, I checked on a few other items I buy regularly via internet/mail order and discovered I can get lot's of things I order regularly...and the prices are very much in line, if not better. So change my vote.
  17. Ron G.

    Native Americans

    you're absolutely correct. I'm a Native American (of Scottish descent) and I don't live like that and neither do any of the other Native Americans I know. I seriously doubt all American Indians live like that, either.
  18. I've seen "Waco, the Rules of Engagement" a number of times and it CLEARKLY shows how the fire started and it CLEARLY shows BATF agents firing on and dropping unarmed people trying to escape the inferno...including children. Janet "Shake and Bake" Reno claimed it was "doing it for the children". Unfortunately, burning the children alive in order to protect them from a non fedgubmnt approved religion isn't in our Constitution. As I said, I've seen the film several times and since Michael Moore or Al Gore had nothing to do with it, we can reasonably assume it offers truth. I know one of the snipers for the gubmnt was Lon Horiuchi who was decorated for his actions...just like he was for killing the 14 year old unarmed boy who was running away, his dog and later his mom by shooting her in the face while she was standing at her front door holding her infant daughter in Idaho. I seem to recall Koresh was acquitted of any firearm charges and any child abuse/endangerment charges just a few weeks earlier in a Waco Federal Court. At least Randy Weaver got to sue the gubmnt on behalf of his deceased son, wife and dog and was not only acquitted of all charges against him, but was awarded $13,000,000 (I think) in damages. That's small compensation for his loss at the hands of murdering thugs, but when the gubmnt is run by socialist murdering thug libtards like the Clintons, that's quite a bit, I guess. I guess ya gotta give ol' Horiuchi credit...when he shot the 14 year old boy who was running away from him in the back, he hit dead center blowing the boys heart out of his chest...at least he's a good shot and the boy didn't suffer too long. Any good HITLERy supporter should be proud.
  19. WOWZERS WTH, Neo etc... That hasn't been taught since the first century! How blessed am I! Do tell more... It never ceases to bless me that after Jesus went up yonder and then Paul, the ensuing 2000 fog years were swept away when VP took over for the absent Christ and now you guys are doing a FINE job of taking over for the absent VP. I guess this means the world may not have to wait another 2000 years to hear the truth again. Deliverance is as far away as your next post. (Uh....Groucho?....Ham?...What am I doing in this thread?)
  20. Ron G.

    Native Americans

    That's all very sad...the history and all...but I doubt any Indians today have any personal recollection of it as I, a native American, have no personal recollection of it. When it happened, nobody consulted me nor did I know anything about it. When it happened, I wasn't born yet. For that reason, I owe nothing to the Indians. I wonder how many liberals feel personally responsible and guilt ridden for all those innocent people Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow terrorized and murdered. I had an aunt who had to lay on the floor while they were robbing a Piggly Wiggly store in Oklahoma, once. Maybe I should seek reparations and a formal apology from somebody for mental cruelty to my, now deceased, aunt. Where does the cultural marxism end, anyway?
  21. I went to that "Christ in the Tetons" web site and it doesn't seem to have any "wayisms" in it and they are decidedly trinitarian. Nevertheless, Andrew and I are set to go to Philmont next summer. It's a Boy Scout thing and has no affiliation with TWI or any of TWI's bastard children, just like us. In order to help pay for all this stuff, however, I'd be more than willing to allow anyone to come to my place and pay me a couple grand for the priviledge of cutting and stacking firewood this summer, working in the garden, cleaning up, removing stumps etc. and sleeping down by the pond in your own tent or whatever. I'm sure I could persuade Ham or somebody, if I offer them 50%, to come and teach the word like it hasn't been taught since the first century, as I'll be too busy sleeping, watching teevee and staying inside out of the heat. Just a thought.
  22. I saw the movie. The sequels sucked, tho.
  23. Forecasts of the Past (These are Real Statements) 1. "Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949 2. "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943 3. "I have travelled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year." The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957 4. "But what is it good for?" Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip. 5. "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977 6. "This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." Western Union internal memo, 1876. 7. "The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" David Sarnoff's associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s. 8. "Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927. 9. "We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962. 10. "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895. 11. "So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said, 'No.' So then we went to Hewlett Packard, and they said, 'Hey, we don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.'" Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs on attempts to get Atari and HP interested in his and Steve Wozniak's personal computer. 12. "Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." Marechal Ferdinand Foch, professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre. 13. "Everything that can be invented has been invented." Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899. 14. "Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction." Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872 15. "640 K ought to be enough for anybody." Bill Gates, 1981
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