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Posts posted by cman

  1. Post 412 (the previous post) is a response to whoever wrote that letter back to Oldiesman.

    Be it J. L. or J. S.

    It's a long friggin thread...lol....

    It don't matter to me who wrote it really. What was said is no answer at all.

    Straight crap from a crap dealer.

    Who has been dealing it so long that there seems to be no other choice in the mind.

    But there is other choices.

    They Just DON"T WANT TO DO IT!

  2. Separate truth from error - bull crap J. L. !!!!!!

    Where did you get that idea anyway huh?

    You are not as smart as you think you are.

    Read your book.....HA...

    What? Did you forget what is in your own book?

    Sick of books from SELF-proclaimed prophets or apostles or whatever.

    You just can't handle yourself without your bull peddling,

    and mind bending, numbing, hypnotic crap.

    Talk like a friggin person for Christ's sake.

    And shove that book.

    The truth is so friggin SIMPLE!!!!!!!!even I can get it.

    Error is your own error, not mine buddy.

  3. I'm dying too George. We all are.

    This present world will melt away giving way to new light and more then most have seen.

    The truth is we will be with you some day and are with you now.

    So really we will never leave you, nor you us.

    Forget about that stuff from Ecclesiastes about their memory is forgotten.

    He only spoke what was true then.

    And yes don't give up hope for now.

    Although sooner or later we will all face this.

    The hurting inside is for others and not yourself.

    A quality that is rarely seen so abundantly in this thread.

    Thinking of others before yourself, that is the true road to heaven.

    Now or Later, it will happen to us all.

    And don't you worry none about hell.

    This is from a loving God.

    This hell is good and peacable and full of good fruits.

    Love Always, and may peace dwell in your heart and mind.

    And as a side note, use any pain killers they give you.

    You don't have to worry about getting addicted, even the bible says give strong drink to those dying.

    For good reason too. And I don't mean alcohol.

    I mean the pain killers or whatever you need to think well of yourself.

    Cuz you are certainly thought well of here by many.

    Looking forward to hearing from you again.

  4. The Spirit of the Lord is working in these people here.

    Twi and the rest of it's offshoots don't have anything to say.

    Just wrap yourselves around and in books.

    Hide in them and don't come out to really hear and see.

    But rather they hide behind the dead letter.

    While the living epistles soar the heights.

    How long will you remain under a schoolmaster?

  5. And the right to assemble peacably too...ha

    Can't sit around and talk over there in ces or what?

    All your leaders have avoided talking right here where it's being discussed.

    You know why-Because this Scares the crap out of THEM.

    They have to be overlords over whoever they talk to.

    Jesus specifically warned against being like this.

    Still they spit in His Face.

    42But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. 43But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: 44And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. 45For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
  6. I meet prophets and prophets who are women a lot.

    None of them tell me what to do or think.

    Depends on what a person thinks a prophet is a suppose.

    psssst....it ain't what we were taught in twi

    And as for those who think we at gsc should get a life, as i heard somewhere on this thread. Thank you i am perhaps you should quit telling me what to do in such vague repulsive venom, and check out what really is happening with a lot of people here at gsc.

    It's not their lives, but a small portion of it. Look a little deeper then your shallow empty words.

    People will live and have died here at gsc.

    God knows the contribution to each individual this place has brought.

    No allegiance is required nor membership.

    Those who run this forum do it from their hearts,

    expecting nothing in return.

    God is not unrighteous to forget their labor of love.

    No tapes, no books, no weekly newsletter.

    But real life experiences and documentation by the hundreds,

    and even thousands.

    Thousands of great truths from the real prophets.

    Those who speak from the heart.

  7. Hey Mr. Hammeroni,

    Every one is properly qualified to give themselves to God.

    And make Godly choices.

    No one is properly qualified to choose for someone else.

    Someoneelse that has gone so far to the point of not being capable of making decisions. There are such people. People are to help them get back to where they can decide and make choices.

    Some times these people never recover from insanity.

  8. From my previous post I must say that physical and mental abuses can be resolved.

    Though most, not all, have ended in divorce or the lives of the two married and their children are threatened and sometimes end in death.

    So i'm not saying stick it out and endure the abuse, but try to resolve the problem-If possible .

    Unfortunately for most they are self willed, self seeking people who will not change by choice.

    Choose to solve the problems honestly.

    You have not figured them out.

    A higher power then you must be called in.

    And this power is not you.

    Or another person.

    All you have to know about God is that he is.

    And it ain't you.

    Seek his help.

    Suggestions from others who know this power,

    will inspire courses of action, things to do,

    and things to maintain.

    May God keep you in His Holy Hand,

    As we keep ours in His.

  9. The 'church' is not ces or whatever name you want to give it.

    The church is within.

    And it is within an individual to work out problems.

    Be it marriage or whatever.

    If more then one is involved, the person must be honest.

    Admit his faults and weaknesses to God the other person and,

    if a third party, Not a 'church' was to be involved by these two asking their help.

    The most simple thing to do is to help these two help themselves.

    They are not to make a ruling in such a matter as marriage.

    It's outside of their, the third person's responsibility.

    Though the two have made it the other's business.

    That does NOT mean that that person has the right to say what to do.

    Offering alternates and courses of action to take to resolve the problem.

    That is the only way it will work in a GODLY manner.

    Otherwise it is self seeking, gratifying of the flesh under the pretense of

    Godly direction.

    The direction for one to take is in that person.


    There is not an easy way out of hard situations.

    These things are to be handled in a Godly manner.

    If someone is involved in helping my marriage, it is still me and my wife to discover and find the answers within ourselves and not from within another person.

    Even if divorce is a suggestion from this third party, it must be whole heartedly from the heart of the two that are married.

    Clearly the scriptures declare that if one is married to not seek a divorce and another wife. Unless the unbelieving depart.

    And that's the tricky part what is being believed, God or what someone else is saying God says.

    If one goes by what someone else says God says then it is plain to see that it was not their decision but someone elses'.

    Thanks for bringing that up Raf,

    Divorce should always be the last resort.

    Leaving CES would have probably solved a lot of problems while they were married.

    In fact I suspect these [edited by modcat5] stem from what ces and the rest of the group was doing to them.

    Remaining ignorant of the causes, and still the problems are not solved.

    Divorced or not.

    Running from your problems is never the answer.

    They always follow you whereever you go.

    Taking an honest and thorough look at themselves would help.

    Righting wrongs.

    Facing the challenges that will come no matter what situation one is in.

  10. Allan, thanks for sharing that. If folks who have been hurt ( and administering the hurt) would've followed Wierwilles advice in this instance, think of all the trouble that would've been avoided.

    All the gossip, the evil surmisings, the meddlings in peoples lives, could all have been avoided.

    It was all right there in PFAL :) (aka "mind your own business")

    Yeah Oldiesman...and we all followed "doctor" cuz of what he said God told him.

    Funny, I see no difference here.

    Except no snow on the pumps.

    followed Wierwilles advice in this instance, think of all the trouble that would've been avoided

    Yeah, no difference.

    Either they back peddle, ignore or change the 'revelation'.

    And selectively following advice from one who has his tombstone-

    'I Wish I Were The Man I knew To Be'

    What a loser, if he knew to be it, then he could.

    But he didn't cause he wanted his own way and not God's.

  11. So the phrase itself is really not the problem.

    It's meaning that the speaker has behind it is.

    If I say I apologize if I offended...

    Then I hopefully mean that the 'I' is the problem.

    Meaning I didn't communicate well.

    And not the 'if'.

    Implying that the other person has the problem.

    Good subject to bring up Oaks.

    I'm sure I'm as guilty as anyone.

    Will try to communicate better in that regard.

  12. So the point is to communicate without indicating or implying or saying that there is something wrong with the other person I suppose.

    And what if the person is wrong and it needs to be pointed out. Like the abuse from twi and things of that nature.

  13. Belle,

    So the question is,

    how do we make them non offensive, yet still say what we mean.

    Though some will be offended anyway for whatever reasons.

    And we can't control another's response,

    but try to help communicate.

  14. Garth,

    Who claims that they speak for God

    I would add regarding how and what we are to do and think.

    If a person who is no less or more then me would just lay it on the table.

    Then I can decide for myself what I need to do.

    And it might be something totally different then what is said.

    Someone else's words could inspire other thoughts and directions.

    And no one speaks for God imo.

    He can do that himself very well.

    Sure we speak the word.

    But as God inspires.

    But that don't mean that it's instruction.

    Far from it, to enlighten the eyes is his purpose.

    Specific instruction will come from within yourself.

    Wether from the spirit or just common sense which is the spirit too.

    Some crazy stuff going on there, looks like.

    Going to extremes.

  15. I'm not familiar with 'antivert'.

    But you can make a new page file system.

    right click 'my computer'

    left click properties

    left click 'advanced tab'

    left click 'performance settings'

    set it to no paging file

    then reboot

    after reboot repeat process

    but set it to system managed

    this will make a new paging file


    Forgiveness from others is not required.

    I just have to do what I have to do.

    I can't control what someone else thinks.

    It all still boils down to being honest and thorough.

    Not a half-hearted attempt, but really doing it from the heart.


    And to add this-the more I learn or am shown by God the more I know I don't know.


    And this is some things to do all the time and what I should have been doing anyway.

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