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Posts posted by Bolshevik

  1. Lately twi doesn't call on people to SIT, they ask for a volunteer. Usually there is one or two who jump to the occasion. Afterwords the leader wil usually point out that the readiness to SIT or Prophecy is a sign of quality in that person's life.

    What about the other manifestations? I've seen on TV ministers like Joel Osteen, talking about the still small voice and other things that he say are God working in or talking to you. Obviously forms of revelation. (He's so clear in his teaching too.) At twi, it was demanded that I receive revelation. What about revelation, gifts of healings, etc? Can anyone testify to these in action?

  2. I wonder what percentage of current followers are still with twi because of family reasons.

    In fact, I know those in twi because they feel too old and tired to look for a knew church.

    I know those who seem financially stuck to twi.

    Does anyone really follow twi because the love God?

  3. Remember it?...I lived it!

    When I married a fellow wow, I thought that it would be a piece of cake but instead, it was a poop sandwich

    We had clashing personalities, different goals, and NEVER should have been married. We both thought that having twi in common and the teaching on "any two belivers yada yada yada"...would be enough...it was not only NOT enough, it was the main cause of our downfall!...Twi ruined many marriages.

    aarrrghhh. :asdf:

    My wife and I recently each came to our own conclusion that twi is poo-poo. Now we've suddenly realized we need to rethink what marriage is. How to define our marriage (not to mention who the hell we are individually) is a challenge. We got married intending to go Corps. We were raised in twi "knowing" that the purpose of marriage is for witnessing. :asdf:

    We agree twi is a cult. But all our fights seem to revolve around twi.

    We're considering getting remarried under a different church so as to start over.

  4. I think this thread goes a little too far into speculation and alot of BS. I would think a mans dying breath should be personal and not have to fall under a microsope some 20+ years later. This is something that should be left alone

    I understand your point but,

    I bring this up because I believe current TWI leadership is using it as part convincing young people to stay with The Way. There is a huge push at the gulag to focus on attracting young people. It's even alluded to in their new "family class". Many of the current leadership came when they were young. There is an obvius infighting about who knew VPW longer or better. They are pushing to go back to VPWs teachings and only VPWs teachings and are trying to convince us gullible young people there were glory days and we just need to go back to how VPW did it.

  5. Yep.

    I've told them I don't care for twi and it's built on false assumptions, but they live in la la land. They even asked me for advice on how to get another wayfers kid to come back to fellowship.

    arrrgghhh :asdf:

  6. To respond to two comments to my post

    how do you see SIT is real? Come-one guys - Figure of speech for understand.

    As far as the number of repeats in content being inspiring. Furthur on in my post I said that some started filling in by habit or made it up "something from the bible was usally safe". Maybe I should have made that clearer.

    And sometimes I think God keeps repeating the same thing in hopes that sometime, someone will "get it." and act on it. I honestly believe, and I admit I could be wrong, that the content and accuracy of the manifistations is often dependant on us. IF we do what we are supposed to do they change. If make them up, they may change but do us no real good. At least no more than we would get quoting the word to each other.

    I was taught at the gulag that the quality of your prophecy depends on how much you SIT and study the Word. My issue is that I am not inspired or comforted by manifestations. I receive nothing. I noone receive, what good is giving. I didn't see them as instructions or report backs on progress.

  7. Regarding Interpretation of Tongues and Prophecy, I have to admit that while there were definitely lots of repetitive uninspiring messages, there where other times where the relevance of the words was uncanny. It was those times where it was so timely and relevant the lent credibility to the premise that these were messages inspired of God.

    Regarding the other manifestations, one thing I have observed is a superstitious attitude among wayfers. So eager for signs, miracles, and wonders and receiving revelation from God, they look for these things in the random coincidences of daily life. "I know it was God working in me to do such and such, because look how well it turned out." "It was really 'of God' that I got to the store when I did - just in time to get that last jar of mayo." Maybe these are dumb examples, but you probably know what I mean. Seeking after signs, you will find them everywhere.

    I know I've caught myself doing that. In particular the prophecies at weddings and dedications. Looking for some sign that that so-and-so will be the next president. I know a lot of people record the prophecy and put it on the wall, or in their wallet. (My wife and I began to realize how wierd this is and have decided to stop the practice)

    I saw the prophecy LCM gave over RFR during her ceremony into the trustees/directors. He prophesied she would "heal this ministry".

    Prophecy? or an act?

  8. On the upside (at least this is what I try to focus on) .... I was once told that we get two shots in life with family. The one that we are born into, and the one that we create for ourselves as adults.

    Since we were screwed out of the childhood and parents that we deserved as children...the only option that we have left is to be damned good parents ourselves and make sure that our kiddoes are our priority and safe from the damage that was inflicted upon us.

    There is quiet peace, dignity and contentment to be found in that.


  9. are you a New Englander? maybe we can catch a game or two this year. You may have to carry the Red Sox baton this year around here-- for some reason, maybe because Ive been so darn busy lately, Im feeling alttle less enthused this year, although I do want to see my first Gyroball. After they finally after eternities won it, the pressures is off, maybe I like Hiway can just be a normal baseball fan now...

    other news:

    I hadn't heard of Kuhn but it sounds like he was a smart guy.

    Yes I miss the homeland. The mystery train took me here to Auschwitz and I'm struggling to migrate back. God forbid my son becomes influenced by the midwest.

    Have you ever been ....ed off at leadership for lecturing a New Englander on what loyalty is?


    Let's Go Red Sox!!!!

  10. I don't know how many times I've been "called out" for snoozing at ministry functions. :sleep1: Once I was instructed to stand for an entire fellowship while everyone else sat. People used to through things at me in the PWA during the Advanced class when I was sleepy. :yawn1:

    That reminds me, does anyone remember when we used to have to stand when we sang in fellowhip? (It was supposesd to help us practice following the leader or something)

  11. Well I was in the Way most of my childhood. My parents weren't so stringent about us attending fellowship. I think they were more absorbed into the Way. We used to have lessons and sports before the way and after that we didn't have any fun activities outside of fellowship anymore. No dance no baseball no piano lessons etc. Now that we are all out of the Way my mom has apologized over and over for getting me in the Way. However, I am thankful for what I learned while in. Furthermore, mom never pushed any of her children. She did encourage my brothers who weren't in but never pushed them to be involved against their will.

    I guess it depends on the parent how they handled the pressure of the Way. I would suggest to you that you talk to your parents. They may be feeling pretty badly about how they responded as parents while they were in the Way and just don't know how to let you know how sorry they are.

    I should add that I've been trying to get on some sort communicatable level with my folks and I'm starting to get bits and pieces of info that let me now understand why getting along is a pain. first, they talk wayfer. that's clear. A bigger problem is their obedience to leadership. I've found out decisions that they made concerning me were not their decisions in the first place. It was TWI leadership. Leadership would tell them they were bad parents and then tell them what to do. They are so obiendent that my folks are just puppets for leadership. I don't see how it would be possible to really know who my parents are untill the virus is erradicated and systems are rebooted.

  12. We all want lots of stuff for our kids. A lot of it is around being like us (or not being like us) at a certain age. Oh well. Get over it. Kids have their own mind. The best thing you can do for your kids is teach them to decide for themselves (because they will anyway) and let them know you'll love them no matter what choice they make. You have to show them this - not tell them for it to be effective.


    I just found this thread tonight. I was raised in TWI. I've never had a good relationship with my parents. My impression of parents in TWI is that the only thing that matters to them is that their kids go to fellowship. They may say they love and just want the best and yada yada but,

    The only thing that matters to them is that their kids go to fellowship.

    not that they understand the Word not that they have a relationship with The Father not that they can develop real relationships with human beings not that you can function in society not that they feel loved

    The only thing that matters to them is that their kids go to fellowship.

  13. Yes, I believed.

    I also believed that what our leadership did was good & without ulterior motive.

    It seemed solid and real.

    Weirwille betrayed us, & he did it with malice & forethought.

    So VPW was a theif. What is it that keeps current leadership motivated?

  14. A BEER THREAD!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!

    A family from Germany moved in next door to me on some sort of exchange program with the military. And they came bearing gifts.

    Man, are they critical of American beer.

    But I'm not critical theirs. Anyone heard of Franziskanner?

  15. ABS still remains in the country of origin, but no country is producing much. The U.S. doesn't need the ABS though and the BODs don't care much about that. They are sitting on millions from invesments.

    millions? I had a free ride to college, they had me convinced if I didn't go corps I would suffer eternal shame. School is for the weak. Now I take out loans to buy family's groceries. But debt sinful. I should ABS more of my measly paycheck. They gave me a peanut and potato skin when I left the gulag.

    millions? I want my damn cut.

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