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Everything posted by Galen

  1. Well hello, and welcome onboard. :) as you have no doubt already seen, you may have to hold on tight as the onslaught begins anew. LOL Nice to you see, may God bless you and keep you.
  2. If a woman is married, then yes. If a woman is betrothed, then yes. If a woman is a virgin, then the man who layed with her must buy her and she becomes his wife. So the blanket statement that The Law forbid 'rape', is in fact not correct. Sorry. :)
  3. BTW Numbers 21 is not it. Lev 21 talk about the laws for priests and who priests can marry. But nothing about captives. :)
  4. I am confused how could you marry a woman, and then make her your slave. These are two entirely different statuses [in my mind]? They did marry women from among their captives [when permitted], and they also did take slaves [when permitted[. But I am confused over marrying AND enslaving the same person. :)
  5. One of the biggest things that I have seen upon moving to Maine, has been the 'tree growth' laws here. When we lived in Washington, it was 'The Law' that when you cut timber it mus tall be re-planted within two years. But not so here in Maine. I now own a wood-lot, and in getting a 'Forestry Management Plan' from a state forester to keep it in timber growth, I learned that such is not required here. Also the local officials would very much fight you at any mention of the idea of re-planting timber trees. The local thought is to allow nature to decide if nature wants trees growing on the land. So instead of 'wood-lot' properties that are all timber in various stages of growth, much of it is: open fields, and brush and softwood/hardwood mixes of no commercial value. The only thing the sate really seems to allow, is spraying broad-leaf herbicides to limit tree growth by species. The forester that I bought my land from, sprays herbicides by crop-duster to do this. He sprays many square miles with herbicides to kill everything but conifers, every summer. We moved here thinking that we would be re-planting a few acres each year, but only if we want to buy nursery trees out-of-state and smuggle them in. :)
  6. LOL And as it rots, or as it burns all of it's Carbon Dioxide will be released back into the air, again. :)
  7. Or to limit STDs [sexually Transmited Disease]. It was common to take all women as slaves and concubines, in this case they could only take the virgins.
  8. Hey all I just read an interesting article, and I would like to see what you folks think about it: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13938178/site/newsweek/
  9. I see a direct 'military' mindset, though for some reason in our culture that is seen as bad. Any officer in-charge of others, must respect those 'underneath' him. If he does not, it is at his own peril. Very intelligent men, with high levels of training and years of experience work for him. Each technician is a highly valued part of the team. An officer can in no way, understand everything there is to know about a system. So before making any decision he must ask for recommendations from the system experts. If I say to him that my system can do 'X', but it will fail when doing 'Y'. then he has the information. and he can do as he desires. If he ignores my recommendation, it will back-fire and I will see revenge done [simply because he will fail and we will have to shutdown everything to make repairs due to his arrogance]. Bonnie is good at what she does. I can in no way do what all she does. So I do feel that I need her, to better prosper my household. I respect her and value her opinion. As well as I value her efforts. To ignore her opinion is stupid. She also requires direction and enough materials or supplies so that she can do whatever she is doing each day. Bonnie has a different viewpoint on things than I do. She has a different background of training and expertise. So whenever I am 'stuck' she can commonly look at what I am doing and she will often 'see' another method that would work out better. I learned from my military career, to always ask for things to be done, in a manner that gives the other person the option of saying 'no' or suggesting a better method. As our children grew up, we did this more and more with them. To show them respect. For example: "Would you please pass the salt?", could just as easily be followed by "I could, but wouldn't you rather have the potatoes first?" Lately we have been working on our new house, I have been blowing insulation onto the interior walls. And Bonnie has been helping me a great deal. Helping me move scaffolding around and passing things to me, and I commonly ask for her opinion on all that I do. And she in turn asks for my opinions when researching things, or new projects for herself. and she will ask for me to decide from among various options. :)
  10. ??? Surely? My DW [bonnie] is submissive to me. I am the head of our household, and she submits to my desires and decisions on various matters. We have been married for 25 years this December. I know of many other marriages that are likewise. :)
  11. Co2 is only locked up inside of material for so long as that material remains intact. Forests which provide lumber and heating fuel; are cycling their co2. It all gets released to the atmosphere each time it gets burned. In nature, annual forest fires, burn the rotting wood and brush so again it gets recycled back into the atmosphere. Only by taking wood, coal, oil [or some other natural material that holds CO2] and burying it in a sealed fashion, could we make it hold it's CO2 forever. Even lying on the forest floor, wood rots and releases it's CO2. That amazon forest, still burns in nature, it still rots, it still recycles it's Carbon. And many species of plant depend on their annual burning before they can reproduce [Redwood trees for example]. :)
  12. Gee, I was just listening to a radio program this past Saturday, with a thermal-dynamic physics prof who teaches ecology at U of M, they were talking about the dozens of variables that all have to be looked at. And that you cant really interpret any one of them without taking into effect all the other variables. It is a dynamic system. They were definitely 'anti' global warming' not to say that the earth is not getting warmer, but that it has done this before, and it will do it again, and that we have no idea why.
  13. You want a link to a discussion of how we need to lessen our oil dependence?
  14. Goey has a good point. We do know however that the last hot-spell which ended the previous ice-age was brought on by the dinosaur's and their industrial period. Unless the dinosaurs did not have an industrial period, in which case it was all a part of a natural cycle.
  15. Come on now, you can trust the man who personally invented the internet. LOL
  16. I have not seen it. My SIL has seen it, she is very politically active and got onto quite a soapbox the other day, about 'Gore / Hillary / free-trade / 10,000 villages'. She is very upset that we buy American goods rather than South American goods, and was terribly offended at the idea that the earth is still coming out of it's last most recent ice age, so of course it is still warning up. I did listen to a local talk radio show talking about Gore's movie. The radio show is primarily about heating and cooling systems [called "hot and cold"], the host is a heating contractor and his permanent guest is a University of Maine Ecology and thermal-dynamics Professor. Together they insisted that the over-whelming majority of studies, trade journal reports, and general opinion among those engineers who study this; is that we really have no idea what is causing the Earth to continue to warm. IT certainly does appear to be in the middle of many different cycles. Some cycles are decade, some are century, and some appear to be stretched out over many millenia. They were saying that while monitoring CO2 is interesting, it is only one out of a field of dozens of variables, and nobody has any good idea of what causes them to change.
  17. Usually we call around for quotes, each time we move. But this time we did not. Just did not think about it. ??? When I was getting new license plates on our vehicles, I remembered that I needed to tell the insurance to change. Ooops. I do like Maine's license plates, they do one Veteran's plate with a spot for combat medals, so I have a big Kosovo Combat medal on each of our cars, front and back. LOL Connecticut did not have that. And it did not cost me anything extra. Down in Connecticut I could have gotten veteran plates but they would have cost me an extra $40 each.
  18. Galen

    my date

    Dont forget to shave your back :)
  19. Novia Scoria having nukes? I dont know. :)
  20. I find this odd, so perhaps someone else can share some light on this issue. We recently moved to Maine, and have been shifting our vehicle insurance policies to Maine. Now we currently have policies with Geico, and do not see any need to change, but each time that I move to a different state they want to re-write the policies saying that each state has slightly different liability laws. So we got the 'new' policies and various ID cards in the mail. Bonnie read through them to see what [if anything] had changed. Well they added a phrase to my policy. Note, these changes did not appear in our automobile policies, only in my motorcycle policy. So these issues appear to be 'problems' only for insuring a motorcycle, and only while in Maine. Now these exclusions were not a part of the motorcycle policy in Connecticut, and they are not a part of the policies for our cars, even though the cars are insured in Maine. Does anyone have any ideas or explanations?
  21. My tat: The design was approved by BuPers in 1924, after the Army Air Corps had began using a 'wings' breast insignia in 1915. Even though by that time we already had a long history of submarine warfare. http://members.aol.com/brittvanm/ssn596/doltr3.gif http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us^sss.gif http://queenfish.org/noframes/images/dolphin1.gif :)
  22. Okay fine, yes, the career sailor has a tat. Happy? LOL I have two sea monsters riding the waves sucking food out of a garbage can. On my left chest pec, in the exact placement where I wore it on my uniforms. :)
  23. Most of that still happens, I do must that [plus a few things] and I still see it in others in this area. :)
  24. Tally-sheet? Score-card? No, I dont think so. I may still be 'way-brain' but I envision more of a family environment, where how close you are to Dad counts. I may screw-up this idea or that idea, but the fact that I am trying and that I talk to Dad often 'counts' for way more than my goofs. Regardless of each person's doctrine, some will never really be seated at the Heavenly Dinner table. Whereas many of us will be there seated across from each other after having held totally opposite views on doctrine. Sorry that that was to harsh TWI speak. :)
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