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Everything posted by ChattyKathy

  1. Ted, Hey you get back to work you, sounds like fun stuff. Recording studio stuff. Cool stuff. Yepper cool stuff indeed. Let me ask you a question that I may have asked before but heck in the size of this puppy could have gotten loss. What you think about words of songs today versus past where today a 50's song that use to make us blush would be okay for a 5 year old. But todays words can nearly be rated like a movie or something. Or is this a huge question and will be addressed in your continuance anyway? Kathy
  2. Ted, Actually Hopper and I are fooling around here. But reading my reply one may think they could have come and visited me and hubby, and we would have been thrilled to have em. Can't wait for your added words to this, the funniest thread of all time. Well what can I say, I am totally pumped about this thing. It will remain a cherished print out, of one million pages. Hahahaha Okay back to topic, man I am really the worst at derailing my own threads. Kathy
  3. Hopper, Haha. Yea it ended up being an awesome time by all wasn't it? No worries mate, the DVD now shows hot and spicy shows, glad it was the hot and spicy mustard they put inside the machine. Well Cliff said it was you smelling the whole time, but I didn't want to embarrass my guest by saying so. And I love those pesky little rats of yours. Now you could have done without saying you weren't making a pass at me. Ya know girls like that stuff when they been married since birth. Found the gi-goe for ya, well rather the plumber did. And I wanted an excuse to buy another roll-out couch anyways, yall did me a favor on that one. But still trying to find out how that picture got drawn way up on the ceiling over the couch. I could tell your wife was going to get frisky with ya, she had that look women get. Mexican food is my fav, what can I say. So we coming to your place on Christmas? I will bring the little rug-rats gi-goe then, and I did clean it up real good. Your a blast my friend, and you never told me how awesome of a guitar player and singer you were. These folks here don't know what we have in you. But now they do, cause I just told em. Love ya too, Kathy [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on November 29, 2002 at 18:26.]
  4. Wolf of the Word, In all my computer messing I failed to replace my sound card yet. But sure all the others will enjoy. Thanks, Kathy
  5. I am going to make this thread so huge just with my pic's alone but.......
  6. John, I got in my car and headed north, telling my mom I would be stopping off at my cousin's house in Lakeland on the way. When I arrived at my cousin's house I was told by my aunt. "Well your mom let you get this far just to see if you were going to smarten up", "but you aren't going so just turn around and head back home". Same here, my friends that did go said it was terrible. Mud everywhere, had to use the bathroom whereever you felt you could get away with it. Could not see the stage and the music was not the greatest sound set up either. But they said the grass was kick***. Kathy
  7. They're Coming to Take me Away, Ha-Haaa! Napoleon XIV - 1966 Remember when you ran away And I got on my knees And begged you not to leave Because I'd go beserk Well you left me anyhow And then the days got worse and worse And now you see I've gone Completely out of my mind And they're coming to take me away ha-haaa They're coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha haaa To the funny farm Where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those nice young men In their clean white coats And they're coming to take me away ha haaa You thought it was a joke And so you laughed You laughed when I said That losing you would make me flip my lid Right? You know you laughed I heard you laugh. You laughed You laughed and laughed and then you left But now you know I'm utterly mad And they're coming to take me away ha haaa They're coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha haaa To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds And basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes And they're coming to take me away ha haaa I cooked your food I cleaned your house And this is how you pay me back For all my kind unselfish, loving deeds Ha! Well you just wait They'll find you yet and when they do They'll put you in the A.S.P.C.A. You mangy mutt And they're coming to take me away ha haaa They're coming to take me away ha haaa ho ho hee hee To the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those nice young men In their clean white coats And they're coming to take me away To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds And basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes And they're coming to take me away ha haaa!
  8. In doing some drawer organization I just ran across my notes from Mrs. Owens "Song Service" class while in-rez. Thought maybe is of interest in this thread. Want to say this now: I loved Mrs. Owens so this is meant only to add here, I am not slandering her good name in any way. *Song service is as important as the Word taught. *Purpose is to build toward the Word. Spiritual temperature. *A long intro is not needed, because the words in the song should cover it all. *Nothing succeeds like success. *Never apologize to an audience. It will make them uncomfortable. *Background music should be songs people know so they can be singing words in their minds at the proper pace. *Don?t sing the last verse yourself, because you don?t want to be out of breath. *There is no special music in a service. Soloists or groups participating must contribute to that build-up for the teaching of the Word; otherwise they are entertainers. Okay back to my organization. (Also found my hand out materials for The Biblical Principals of A Believer?s Family. Had to just put it down, was laughing too hard to do my work ) Kathy Edited to add this: what the heck did this have to do with this thread. LMAO [No copyright note needed, as these are my personal notes] [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on November 28, 2002 at 16:06.]
  9. Ted, Words to songs, and we use to think some of the ones that today would be okay for our 5 year olds were rated R. What does that say for lost youth of today? Sunesis, Quit, sell your guitars, God has other things in store for you, geeezzz. The Emporia shop owner had more spiritual understanding than twi did. Your quote on being a rocker?and don?t wear a dress, is just the greatest. Your post was just incredible, you captured the whole meaning of this thread, thank you so much for posting here. ex, hi kiddo. Hope, my living history lesson. Thanks for the wonderful talk tonight and God bless that hubby of yours, he just listened to me as I voiced my computer cares on him. And thank you for your heart, I know this subject is a tender one for you. You folks could have been dealt a better hand. Such talent and love for music, and some would chose to use and abuse you folks. (Alp)Mon amie francaise, c'est merveilleux! Ton mari a besoin de joue sa trombone. A tout a l?heure. Ta soeur. Socks, Part of my despair of tonight was not being able to read you folks from today. This thread is just Ephesians 3:20 for me. Kathy [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on November 28, 2002 at 22:53.]
  10. Socks, yepper whole again. Still have not read yall, playing with emails and AIM, before the night/morning is over will be back, but yall will be asleep by then. Hahahahahaha
  11. Grizzy, I swear I am hopeless when it comes to being cut off from yall. Which is not healthy is it? But all is well now, able to fly thru space again. Now just have to fix my stupid head. Is this a girl thing, or a ChattyKathy thing? Kathy
  12. Okay, here I go yall. Last night I did one of those 10 steps backwards gig, today at worked sucked like you would not believe, came home and the dadgum computer cable would not connect. Of course told "hey lady it is a holiday weekend so who knows", Bite Me! (Well thought it anyway, I was very nice to the guy, what a wimp I am at times LMAO) Now their stupid sight is down and I can't even retrieve email sent to new email addy. But can access old email, at least I have some contact with the world. hahahahahaha And we won't even get into how thrilled hubby is about my state of mind. LOL Okay, need to cool it down, back later when I can read yall and not be so stupid. Kathy edited to add this: OKAY WHO PRAYED FOR ME. CAUSE NOW THE CABLE JUST HOOKED UP BY ITSELF AFTER I MADE AN APPT FOR THEM TO COME OUT, WHICH THEY ARE STILL GOING TO DO NEXT WEEK AND MAKE SURE ALL IS WELL. BUT WHO OF YOU PRAYED AND GOD ANSWERED YOU DESPITE MY STUPID ATTITUDE. [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on November 27, 2002 at 20:16.]
  13. So much for cable. My second phone was turned off today, not able to get my cable to hook up now, so resorted to my main phone line and and now can't get my email to work. I am not having fun at all. So to anyone who has emailed me at new email addy, I can't access your email. If you tried my old email addy, well heck can't figure that one out now either. May be days before I'm corrected and can email again. I am not having fun at all.
  14. John, First time I saw that happening someone in pc tech was wanting to fix something in my pc and as I sat and watched he moved things around in front of me, and he was on another floor in the building. It was so cool to watch, heehee. And I think it would be a great idea for you to have control of my pc, that way I could call you real quick and go my dearest John I'm fixing to be stupid in post, hurry quick and take over my keyboard and stop me. LMAO........ BTW, this speed is almost making me dizzy. How did I live without it? Kathy edited to add this: John I have a problem, I am going to seek help at work today first, but if no answer can I call you sometime? Later, walking out the door now. [This message was edited by ChattyKathy on November 27, 2002 at 5:25.]
  15. 7390, Awesome and you are right on with that song, being it is a music thread, and a heck of a one ain't it. Very nice to meet you. Welcome and thank you for answering a question I have had for ages. Very cool indeed. Not sure why the site is not updating my email addy yet, but since many of you already knew the old one anyway , what the heck. Here is the new one. musicrules@insightbb.com Well need to close my desk down and get the heck outta here. See yall later and again thanks bunches 7390!! Kathy
  16. Ron, Cool, thanks for the pic of Alison Krauss. Now Hopper can enjoy her eyes. And if like most men, will love the red hair as well. Although it use to be blond. Ya think her popularity rose due to O Brother Where Art Thou? Which today remains to be one of my fav pieces of music (soundtrack). My dad and uncles sing just like The Soggy Bottom Boys. If I close my eyes while listening to em, I think my family is singing. Way cool for me. John, LMAO! Bruce Springsteen is listed under "Classic". That is just too good. And you guys are just way too awesome as parents. How great for those wonderful girls of yours. Socks, Wolfman Jack, oh my gawd what fun. For me he was kinda like listening to the forbidden fruit, he made music have life, his enthusiasm and excitement was contagious. And The Stones, gee whiz, they were kinda like the Elvis in that their appeal was something the parents cringed about some. Still remember when The Beatles made a comment about being more popular than Jesus. Boy did that get some folks pants in a bind. Kathy
  17. Hopper, Good for the soul wasn't it? To think of great memories like those. Alison Krause has the voice of an angel. The best, just the best. Kathy (ps I am being lazy and not sending new email addy to all like I said I would, if ya want to email me can you check my profile, when it finally gets to update status. )
  18. Ted, Don't actually have it, I obtained it from the web. Sorry . But so glad you enjoyed it Sir. Kathy
  19. Ted, not much I can do to thank you for all you are giving us here. Maybe a pic of Eddie will make ya smile. Kathy
  20. Socks, Great stuff on drugs. I went looking for a quote of Santana?s more recent interview but could not find it. The basics of it was him saying when he was younger he got frightened while performing cause he knew when all drugged up that it was not him in control of his fingers. But did find this quote I thought was interesting. Ted, I have a club? Hey when I emailed you I sure hope I didn?t say get here pronto. Hubby said, makes no sense, now I'm in cable mode myself, moving around the house a bit quickly. So hope I was not really pushy. heehee Kathy
  21. Grizzy, I am going to email that dude and tell him to get back here pronto. I need my stories as well. We are direct west of the windy city but no doubt we have been at state events together. I thought you looked familiar, hahahahaha. Cable is grand, what did I do yesterday without it. Yana, Cool, was wondering where you were. Kathy
  22. Socks, Total decadence! Actually though with me dropping the second phone line and the provider fees I am almost to the same penny now using cable modem access. Man have I like derailed this puppy or what? I am so pumped over this speed I can hardly stand it. Kathy way too much fun for any one to be having now
  23. Mister P-Mosh, Yepper, it now begins for ya man. Hey I am cable modem now, this sucker is flying around cyberspace. I am pumped!!!!!!! Kathy
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