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Posts posted by brideofjc

  1. I haven't had read all of the posts in this thread...don't know if I will have the time, but the last post with the quote about the Episcopal church caught my attention:

    The Episcopal church has been in great turmoil and conflict since the election of Eugene V. Robinson? as a bishop who openly admitted that he was a homosexual priest and was living with a same sex companion in that particular way. Since they have that particular type of brochure hanging from a professor's door, it should be clear as to which side of that denomination that professor resides, namely the liberal side that agrees with the practice of homosexuality. However, the conservative side has openly decried homosexual practices.

    It should also be understood that the Lord Jesus may very well have discussed homosexuality amongst his disciples. One must remember that the NT is a compilation of the events in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ and not a blow-by-blow account of his earthly itinerary. It should also be understood that His primary audience was a Jewish audience and they all knew well the prohibitions of lying sexually with the same sex. If your audience already agrees on a particular subject, why rehash what is already understood? Rather redundant, wouldn't you say?

    I think the Bible is very clear on this subject: God said it was not to be condoned.

  2. Well, on the one hand I see the necessity for having church buildings and the need then to maintain them and to pay for a minister's salary etc. There's not a lot of people who wish to devote their lives to the study of the Word of God, ministering to people at all hours (literally), which is why they came up with the salaried ministers.

    What should happen ideally?? Twi did have it right with the in-home fellowships, but again....how many are really interested in providing an open home 24/7? When push comes to shove, people will back out even if they start it gung ho.

    Then how many are willing to take in the strangers and the homeless? How many are willing to take in ex-cons to help them get a good foot up on life again? Not too many, I dare say.

    So with this in mind....this should explain the reason for the need to donate to shelters, churches, nurseries, etc. etc.


  3. Yes I long ago recognized that the workplace is kinda a war zone.

    The politics and backbiting are common, its best not to trust too many "friends" at work, but rather put more trust in relatives, and friends outside of work who you know well.

    Dont worry bout it, we all (at Greasespot) feel for ya, and I'll bet we're better friends than they are! :cryhug_1_:

    I don't know about relatives either....sometimes they are worse!

  4. JC - "Where'd these Greasespots come from?"

    me - "From TWI!"

    JC - "I say to you Greasespots...be healed!"

    Seriously, when there is too much immaculate living, at least for me, it is a sign of spiritual uncleanness and trying to keep the cup and platter clean on the outside, while the inside is filthy.

    After I left TWI, it was soooooo therapeutic that I let my home go to a total mess before cleaning it up. I never felt so free!

  5. Oh my God!

    I could feel a heavy weight of oppression descend upon me as I read. The deeper I went, the heavier it got. Please, Please, Please, I beg of you; delete those words from Hell before it's too late for all of us.

    If you haven't all figgered it out yet.....



    MUWAHAHAHAHA! They're coming to take me away, ha ha he he ha ah!

  6. Okay, once again.....

    Melanoma can actually originate almost anywhere, including in internal organs. It does widely originate in the skin. All those news reports that melanoma is exclusively a cancer of the skin are oversimplified and somewhat inaccurate.

    Ocular melanoma, a primary tumor inside the eye, is one of the most common primary neoplasms of the globe.

    Ocular melanoma, if it metastasizes, will very very frequently metastasize to the liver. No one knows exactly why; it just likes the liver.

    VPW had a primary ocular melanoma, hence the enucleation of the eye. It metastasized to the liver, and that was it.

    I wouldn't wish melanoma on anyone. It's a real nasty SOB and hard to get rid of. It can lie dormant in the body and pop up in some other unlikely locale years later.

    And no, I'm not a physician, but I worked for a damn fine cancer physician for nine years and learned a lot.


    I got the info from WebMD.

  7. When I think of at least a couple of thousand dollars that I wasted on books, collaterals, classes, prints, clothing et al, and then think of the

    number of years that I've been out, coupled with the greatest bull market that we ever experienced up until 1999 or 2000....

    geez, I bet a simple mutual fund would be up to about $20,000.00 by now.

    Yeah Jeff, I know what you mean!

  8. Flawless - stop at 1989 and end as follows:

    Last of the movie footage fades at 1989…

    Narrator’s voice comes on in a monologue – no background text.

    In later years The Way continued its spiritual decline coupled with increasing moral depravity [insert picture of the bus].

    With the change in senior leadership the environment only got worse. Oaths of loyalty [insert picture of Hitler Nazi youth group]. Mass purges [insert picture of Jews being loaded onto cattle cars during World War II]. As the organization continued to decay many of the top leadership fled the failing organization [insert picture of Nazi in Brazil] but continued in their firm belief in the core Nazi doctrines.

    The final blow never came to be and the core of spiritual and moral depravity continues today in splinter groups [insert picture of modern day neo-Nazi].

    Credits roll.

    Yeah-ee-iiiii.....UH-HUH! I can see the picket lines forming already from the Holocaust Museum's BOD and every synagogue from here to Israel.....

  9. Wierwille was obsessed with finding devil spirits in everything.

    He taught in the AC that alcoholism was caused by a ds yet he lived his life in a constant drunken stupor, squandering the ABS on gallon upon gallon of Drambuie.

    He taught in the AC that cancer was caused by devil possession yet he, himself, succumbed to it.

    Here's the death certificate. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/waydal...sented.....html

    We had to sing Roll Away after dinner EVERY night in Fellow Laborers.

    Thank goodness we didn't practice any "rituals". :blink:

    It is interesting that melanoma is a cancer of the skin, the largest organ of the human body which protects the person from infections. So according to the death cert. it had spread to the liver and the eye(s). Kind of interesting that it would be in the eyes....spiritual judgment to say that it was the "blind leading the blind?" Also, once the liver is infected, it is a surefire death sentence....you only have one....and if there aren't any donors....well, death usually doesn't take that long once it gets to the liver. I would say that his alcoholism didn't help much and perhaps that is why his liver couldn't fight it off, so to speak, because it was constantly cleansing his blood of the alcohol intake. In ancient days, seers would "look into the liver" to be able to foretell the future....hmmmm.

  10. Bride, I believe he will appear human. Every appearance of an angel to humans in the Bible, they have all appeared human.

    Just as the "gods" of ancient babylon, sumeria, egypt, et a., also appeared human and were worshippped. The Sumarians carved pictures of them on their temple walls. Its the same gang of old and ancient "myth" being let out to make their appearance once more with Apollo, the Beast, as their head.

    I've even pondered on whether or not the body of this person would be one of the first successful cloned humans, thereby appearing to be human, but having the

    spirit of THE Anti-Christ.

  11. Hey I think it is neat. But what would be better, at least IMO is to have some kind of downloadable program that a verse a day would come up when you are loading your computer for the day. Maybe it's my popup blockers or something, but it would be more attractive to see the Scripture verse just floating and not confined to a box with a yellow exclamation point. I'm not sure if this is my pc doing it or your program. I'm not a geek by any stretch of the imagination. But I think you have a great idea.

  12. Thanks so much.

    In response to , "I knew you could," My boss knew I could friends knew I could, but I didn't. I was stunned that I passed. That's what so many years under the thumb of twi did. Success is so inspiring.

    Thanks, again.

    Congratulations again! Bless you, wish I could see you again. Hopefully, some day we will, this side of the return.

  13. Now where were we? :biglaugh:

    Africa was a trip, but how bad has the housing market in the good ol' USA become? The Euro hit 1.60 and has backed off a bit. Saw a couple of Americans today in Brittany but everyone knows the Euro is going to be too strong to support a lot of US travelers. Do you feel "recession" in your business, neighborhood?


    The price of diesel is about Euro 1.5 a litre, or about 9 US dollars a gallon! Feel a little better now??

    It's also interesting to watch institututional money and how they move in and out of the various markets. when there is a sharp decline and it's clear that the high rollers are leaving, it's time to leave also. Once, I had looked at a five year graph on Exxon and it seemed that when the high rollers were dumping their stocks, it causes others to leave too, and then when the prices fall, here comes the high rollers buying up the same stock that is now half of what they just sold it for, thereby making windfall profits by far and away and doubling their stock holdings.

  14. I was kidding about the squinting :B)

    I taught myself to read the Hebrew alphabet years ago...a lot easier than Aramaic or Arabic in my opinion

    So you changed your moniker? Tao is each? Am I reading that correctly? I've been squinting to make sure I was reading it right?

    Should I look in the ?Bhagdavich gita or gotta? Can't spell it either.

    And is that Ulysses S. Grant?

  15. Right! Compassion wouldn't fit with the "spiritual anger" we were supposed to have in the 90's. Even love became a rote definition only--nothing genuine to the "love" dished out in twi since the 90's. Love was "Love for God in the renewed mind in the household."

    Which probably meant, bend over!

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