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Everything posted by So_crates

  1. Let me see, you shelled out $100 for a class you already took, one which you've just stated was inferior to the written collaterals you already posess, and you're calling us bozos? Not only should you be fitted with green hair and a round, cherry red nose, you're also a patsy (as in sucker, as in a person that gets taken).
  2. Why would I need take Physics 101? You obviously never did. Otherwise you would know that what lifts an airplane is NOT the particles, as you claimed. You should take your own advice.
  3. Excuses, excuses, excuses. You're desperately trying and failing to hide the fact you don't want to address what I wrote in the rest of the post. Now, if I were playing gotcha, I be saying Gotcha! right now.
  4. His cult mentality does run into overtime. Playing gotcha is just his latest excuse for not looking at the evidence.
  5. No, it is your cornball excuse for not responding to the rest of the post as the whole post has nothing to do with free will. If it does, please show me where?
  6. Wrong again! I have no gotcha attitude. This is your victimization frame working overtime. Poor Mike everybody is playing gotcha with him. It gives you a ready made excuse for not considering what others are telling you.
  7. You did write these posts, didn't you? Actually determines what happens next. The physical universe is predictable. Including nerve impulses and the firing of brain cells. I believe you also refered to natural man being akined to beast. Here you doubt free will exists. So now your doing a 180 on your previous claims. Then there's the question of how free will affects telling people about Saint Vic and how would that prevent them from continuing the class. If you would admit you're contradicting yourself, the that would be the best way to proceed. But I don't expect that from you. It's okay if you don't respond to the rest of my post. I understand you can't and are just using this as an excuse to avoid those topics.
  8. Again you contradict yourself. Two weeks ago you were pontificating about how everything is already determined. So, by your own admission, what damage has been done has been done regardless. Any refusal for disclosure to any age would be bad. The longer you hold off, the longer people will get the feeling they've been had. People do have a right to know what they're signing up for. Loving family, know any more funny ones? The Way has always been a fly by night operation interested in one thing, how much of your money they could get. Stop giving them money (and I don't mean just joking about it, really do it) then you'll see how loving that family is. Two new corporations that would, as you said above, insist on hiding the truth. Yah, I'm sure they're holding their breath waiting for that essay. Okay. I'm sure you will eat those words one day. The Way Wii never change, thinking it will is playing a mug's game.
  9. You want hard hearts? Look to the ministry. They know whitewashing Saint Vic's "escapades" is wrong, but they still insist on doing it.
  10. Not answering the question Nate asked you. Waitress, can I get a table closer to the answer of Nate's question? And we should care why? You still haven't answered Nate's question. Still waiting for the answer to Nate's question. So far this is a shining example of The Way's bait and switch tactics. You set up the question, never answer it, and the pontificate on something entirely different.
  11. You're not the standard. Not telling people about Saint Vic's "escapades" could lead to feelings of misrepresentation and being had when new people find out. You want proof? How many people exited The Way when the found out about Saint Vic's hidden "escapades" the first time they were made known? How would they find out? Internet. Just because it happen in main street churches doesn't make it right. Read the verse in Romans where it talks of living in din that grace may abound. God forbid, Paul answers. And what makes you think your pleasing God by whitewashing the actions of an evil man? You think that'll cost you a thing or two at the bema? After all, God is all about truth, right?
  12. It says he looked on them, it doesn't say he bit their heads off.
  13. The above list reflects your cult mentality. The benefits listed did not come from Saint Vic's ministry, they came from God. Saint Vic's part in it was to steal others works and claim they were his discoveries.
  14. I could have been. I only leafed through JC:PS 11 years ago. Then I found an almost exact copy by another author in the local library.
  15. Remember what I said about the length of the post directly correlated with the effort to con someone. And like you don't have an agenda? So shall we stop reading your post too? Notice no mention of what the complaint was. Why should we care? This is intended to muddy the water as what does this have to do with you reading Charlene's book? Again, what does this have to do with the question your supposed to be answering? Again this has to do with what? Again, so what? Notice no statement answering why Saint Vic cheated on research. You got the answer? So what is it? Yah, like the story of the 1942 promise which has multiple versions. See Wordwolf's post above for the link. Something that was obviously so important to you and you forgot? But, hey, you didn't forget to pay yourself on the back. Conclusion: A long rambling post meant to muddy the water. A simple question requires a simple answer. Did you get back to reading Charlene's book?
  16. I didn't write it very clear, did I? No, I don't know.
  17. You mean all the works--and livelihoods--he stole from other people? Yah, he did good for himself; bad for the people he ripped off.
  18. If I remember correctly, he proposed it as a certainty based on the Star of Bethlehem being three astrological events occuring at the same time. He said these events came together only a few times in history and once around Christ's time. My mistake: that was JC:PS
  19. I do not play a victim. Yes you do. This whole post is on long poor me essay.
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