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Everything posted by So_crates

  1. That's not what you posted Again, not what you posted. I never made this charge. Oh, I don't know. Why do you waste time with telling everyone what a stand up guy Saint Vic is? Ignore my post all you want, I don't care as it's your voice you're silencing, not mine. I'll continue posting. What you call serious I have no interest in. So you're insulting now. You must see me as a threat. Alinski 101. Just a repost to set the record straight.
  2. Nice word salad. Do you have anything worthwhile to say? Or are you going to bludgeon me with idle words until I plead for mercy? Open Mic is about the only way you can do stand up: you have no sense of humor, no sense of timing, and you can't read a crowd. You prove this here every day.
  3. Just to keep the record straight.
  4. Odd, that's not what you claimed in previous posts. It's not a matter of you avoiding disagreement. It's a matter of you avoiding cognitive dissonance. So your under the delusion your helping. Have you ever considered we have no need for your help? You do know the three corners of the drama triangle are perpetuated, victim, and rescuer. If you're one you're probable all three. There's a very thin line between someone who wants to save you and someone who wants to enslave you. Apparently, you didn't, otherwise you'd see where you set yourself up for what you get.
  5. It had everything to do with you rightly dividing the word. It had to do with someone supporting one of your theories, the absent Christ, which you later said was not taught in the class or the collaterals. So you apparently divided the word wrong that time and were elated someone agreed with you. **Points over Mike's head** Look, Mike, there goes the point. Believing=Receiving. So, believe people are going to berate you and what do you receive? **Cups hand to ear, listening**
  6. You got this backwards. YOU were the one arguing for the absent Christ. The others were arguing for a personal relationship. So, what YOU think Saint Vic taught about the absent Christ is wrong. YOU were thinking of oral tradition, which is woefully in error.
  7. Says the guy that reads a post until he finds something disagreeable then he stops reading. Just where do YOU get off telling anybody to think long and hard about anything? I think you ought to think long and hard about that.
  8. So, Mike, where's you believing? If you believe people will berate you...
  9. You mean like that feeling of elation you got when you thought Raf supported your position? No guarantee for truth, right?
  10. Would it be deciving? The above sentence makes no sense. We don't put Saint Vic's word over the bible. That's your right. Just as it's our right to reject his teachings and your propaganda
  11. **Points over Mike's head** Look Mike there goes the point. I never said you said you were wasting your time posting here. I stated, in different words, if there was a choice between so many positive attentive people and people who offer you, as you claimed, negative attention, I would think you would choose the positive over the negative.
  12. Odd, I'd say the same thing about you. No, I don't know what goes on in your mind, I only see the results. I don't know you, but I know people like you. And usually, when I get the above type of response it means I'm on the nose Huh?
  13. I'll risk it. So, you're trying to tell me that rather than spend time with all those people that give you so much positive attention, you prefer to waste time in a place where you get negative attention. What do WW and T-Bone make long post about and what are you making long posts about?
  14. Yah, sure. You get so much attention in your private life you have to come here to get more. The length of your response is very telling. Remember what I said about the length of the post and the effort to con. Again the length of the response. And you shift back to rationalizing all the positive attention you claim to receive. Since your so entrenched in your duty to tell what's missing here, why aren't you so dutiful to tell what's missing in fellowship? What about it makes no sense? If you're talking duty, I would think one of your major duties would be to your employer. How? When your here most of the time. Your not answering the questions I ask. Why the avoidance? After a short Way commercial we return to our regularly scheduled program. Again, not a response to what I stated. Your avoidance tells me I'm probably right, that your going to fellowship and bragging all about how you "teach" those Greasespotters.
  15. Because, as any psychotherapist or parent of a three year old will tell you, negative attention is better than no attention. Nobody is so dedicated to duty that they would waste 20 years spinning their wheels. You prove this by things you've already bragged about. Why aren't you still operating the particle collider? Didn't you feel a duty to the organization that signed your paycheck? Why don't you still do stand up? Don't you feel a duty to bring some laughter in a sad world? We hear a lot about the sad side of things, don't you feel a duty to present the missing happy side? You said you were retaking the class and attending fellowship. Are you telling them about your escapades here? So you get twice the attention for little effort. Negative attention here and positive attention when they eww and ahh at fellowship.
  16. Or you're so ineffective at presenting opposing propaganda, that we have to waste bandwidth correcting you. You're a legend in your own mind.
  17. It's also attempting to move the goalpost. Otherwise, why didn't you mention surety sooner? And you know this how? You get your mind reading license? Again, you know this how? Sure, big bang isn't as proven as gravity, but then neither is drifting continents, the moon capture theory, or the creation of the solar system (according to your criteria that we can't rewind time and run it forward to redo it). Well, you failed. Because according to your criteria a lot of astronomy and geology are false because we can't replicate them. Further, how much in the bible can we replicate? Hey, you started it.
  18. Did we watch the same video? Or did you do your usual watch until you find something you disagree with and then stop the video? Did you get past 5:25 where he explained how science worked? It's not surprising it confirms what you said, as you hear what you want to hear and ignore everything else. The red shift is pure Doppler effect. Okay, I buy that. The red shift is cause by light waves being stretched out as the star or galaxy races away from us, as they would from a massive explosion. Seems to me this supports the big bang. If your protest about the big bang is because it isn't biblical. Does the bible tell us how God created the universe? Could the big bang be one possible way?
  19. I think your trying to bull your way out of talking yourself in a corner. Common sense would tell you if you could repeat a theory in all probability it's no longer a theory. The big bang theory is based on evidence and predicted evidence. Of course, if you kept up with the science world, you'd know since they sent up the Webb telescope there's been many questions to whether or not the big bang theory is accurate. Also, scientific method sticks with the best possible description based on the evidence until a better one comes along, i.e., classical physics and quantum mechanics. I'm surprised you didn't know that.
  20. No, you made a bull excuse about something you believe. For someone who claims to be scientifically trained, you sure understand very little about scientific method. Anybody who's been academically trained in science would know the difference between a theory and "real" science.
  21. If this accusation were any more ironic Andrew Lloyd Webber would be writing a song about it. Talk about projection! One could easily prove this is your agenda to the letter.
  22. As you were sure you were right before you got into the ministry, and again when you were in the ministry, and again when you left the ministry, and now...
  23. I'd say they're making a cause and effect error. It's how superstition get started: a black cat crossed my path and I had bad luck, so the black cat must have caused my bad luck. There is no connection between the person's feelings in Twi and a supposed promise made decades ago.
  24. Says the guy who writes 50 paragraph posts.
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