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Everything posted by So_crates

  1. I wish I could upvote the above post 30 times.
  2. Scatological? What? Because they say bull? What? Because people say you're delusional? Dude, you come to a known anti-Way, anti-Saint Vic site and start insist on teaching former class grads, WOWs, and Corps members about PLAF. What is that? The mockery comes from your constant attempt to lecture us on things we already know. Get rid of the condensention and watch how it changes.
  3. Nobody kidnapped you, you came of your own free will. As you tell that long story, you felt you were being misrepresented. So the guy always whining about being misrepresented misrepresents the truth. It has to make one wonder how many other "truths" you misrepresent. See, I told the story and didn't need a 50 paragraph essay.
  4. And we'll use the off topic emoji when you try to derail a thread.
  5. As I told you before: Believing=Recieving Expect people to make personal attacks and guess what happens. You need to start applying your own bull. No, I don't have your titanic ego warping my perceptions. We both know what happened to the Titanic, don't we? I challenge you to go back and discover the REAL REASON those so called "personal attacks" occured. HINT: it has nothing to do with your "EVIL WERE WILL" fantasy. Like you look at the evidence about Saint Vic, yet you pull your information from inattentive memory?
  6. You made the topic you when you answered Skyrider's post complaining about "personal attacks."
  7. According to your beliefs, your believing is such that you view any disagreement or questioning as a personal attack.
  8. There goes your be!ieving again. So, tell me, when a master's degree student has to defend their thesis are they put through a mini-inquisitions?
  9. So, God has all knowedge, right? Then why would He need JC present to intercede for us? He is also everywhere, right? So, why would JC have to be at his right hand to intercede?
  10. So you're saying Saint Vic was most in fellowship when he was being a phony, being hypocritical, and when he was ripping off other people's work. SMH.
  11. So, during this period growth, what was the ministry promising the people? I can't tell you how many times I heard, Wait until you see the life God has planned for you, and God will give you your heart's desire. Well, I'll be 68 in July (I got involved with the ministry when I was 28) and I have yet to see that great life God planned or recieved my heart's desire. I know of at least one wheelchair bound person who was told if he took the class he would walk. It turned out pretty much lie you would guess it would and the ministry was sued. Saint Vic himself promised sign, miracles, and wonder. "Signs, miracles, and wonders follow the Man of God the way a tail foliws a dog," he said. What did we get instead? If thing seem slow in the ministry, it's because romises are probably monitored to prevent lawsuits and people are a bit more jaded these days. Promising is easy, producing--well, that's something else.
  12. Yah, all three of you on this forum as opposed to the 18,000 he failed. So tell me, when he was roofing the ministry's women, the sheep in his flock which God entrusted to him, was he walking with God? And Hitler took a bankrupt, failed state and took it within a whisker of world domination. Think of the jobs he created; the prosperity the people experienced. However, there was that Holocaust thing. But he did so much good... Saint Vic was a failure either way, as he never showed his new man nature. So tell me, when you idolize Saint Vic are you walking in your new man nature? Really?! Who gets the glory? You? Or God?
  13. No the joke is the lengths you'll go to to protect a lying rake. Quelle surprise! Like you'd admit it was debunked. I notice you're still speaking in the abstract. Notice the debunking link speaks in specifics. Have you got any specifics for your rebuttal? If you were any more transparent, you'd disappear. Your attempt to minimize the debunking here is so obvious it's sad. Luckily, I wasn't doing it for you. I would encourage your "read only audience" to follow the links, read the posts, and decide for themselves whether or not the Research Geek's paper has been debunked.
  14. As far as you're concerned, anybody that agrees with you has great credibility
  15. This is the second time in this thread I've provided you this link
  16. As I said in the post, the link is in the post below:
  17. Joe Sixpack wouldn't, he'd hear Princeton and think Princeton University. You apparently didn't check the link. I only stated one of the most glaring errors. The errors in Research Geek's paper are far from puny, they border on deceptive.
  18. The link is in the post below; It would be hard him to respond, as when the debunking occured he hadn't been posting for a while. What does he need to respond to? When you write Saint Vic went to Princeton, rather than the factual Saint Vic went to Princeton Theological Seminary, you're either sloppy in your research or attempting to be deceptive.
  19. You didn't care where they came from?! So what your trying to tell me is Saint Vic could have lied about what the literals stated, you'd have no way of probing it one way or the other, and you're okay with that.
  20. You mean Research Geek, the guy that did the Saint Vic credential paper you tried posting in every active thread at that time until you were reminded it had been debunked five years earlier? Yah, Research Geek, a real credible source.
  21. This is apparently a definition of "enlightened" I'm not familiar with. I call it adding to the text. Everybody, add to the word of God and... Johnny Jumpup, Maggie Muggins, Snowball Pete, Palooka Joe, and Joe Sixpack (all at once) ...you no longer have the word of God!
  22. I don't think we're having trouble distinguishing between the two types of believing. I think you failed to clearly tell us you were referring to the manifestation. Hence my questions. Hence OldScool's reaction.
  23. So what about the sinner in the Law of Believing works for Saint and sinner alike? Are they manifesting to help others? Or are they applying it to themselves?
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