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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Back atcha, Dooj! "Sesame Street." I'll post one tomorrow. George
  2. [sigh] Amazon Women on the Moon Rosanna Arquette S.O.B. George
  3. I neither read the book nor watched the movie. It is the correct answer, however. You're up! George
  4. "Cowards take hostages. Klingons do not." "It is a warning." "A warning?" "To the spirits. A warning that a Klingon warrior is coming." "Why do you mock me? Why do you wish to anger me?" "Only to see if it is still possible." "You look for the battles in the wrong place. The true test of a warrior is not without, it is within." George
  5. I guess I have to do everything myself. Four pics (two on one line) George
  6. Your use of smileys has me confused. Since you've essentially given the movie title without actually spelling it, I would think you'd use a wink or something like that. Do you honestly not know what the movie title is? George
  7. Only if he says what the movie is... George
  8. No, this episode is much earlier, although I believe that the custom referred to WAS used, perhaps for the last time in ST when Kehlahr died. George
  9. "Batman"? (Michael Keaton version) George
  10. Well, wait a couple of years and use "Golden Jubilee"! A very happy birthday to you, Bow, and many more (or at least two...) George
  11. Don't you mean "It's not possible that I could be that old already"? My youngest stepson just finished college and got married. Now I've got nothing to spend money on but grandkids! Congratulations and best wishes for all of you, George
  12. Sounds like a Woody Allen-Chris Rock team-up! George
  13. Okay, this next is from memory... "It is a warning." "A warning?" "To the spirits. A warning that a Klingon warrior is coming." "Why do you mock me? Why do you wish to anger me?" "Only to see if it is still possible." "You look for the battles in the wrong place. The true test of a warrior is not without, it is within." George
  14. "Let’s go! I know what happened. Hey! If there’s going to be any bitch slapping on this team, I’ll do it. Clear? Good. Now shake hands. Shake. There we go. That wasn’t so tough. Was it? Now how about a little hug? Big buddy hug. Come on. Now a deep tongue kiss. (Both women hit him) Now we feel better." "This is so embarrassing! Okay, in my defense, what self-respecting drug dealer cuts his cocaine with potassium cyanide?" "Obviously one that doesn't care about repeat business." "You came all the way down here to see me in my court suit!" "No..." "You totally did!" "No, I did not..." "Your mouth lies but your red ears are telling the truth!" "Well, the psychiatrist examined him and is worried for his mental health." "I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me." "Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women." George
  15. Hey, JackDaniels! Welcome to "the game room"! James Earl Jones Coming to America Arsenio Hall George (I'm thinking JEJ counts, even though it's only his voice.)
  16. waysider was right with "Get a Job.' "Goodnight Sweetheart" goes Doh doh-doh-doh doh. :B) I have a feeling that no one is going to get the first song, "I Wonder Why" by Dion and the Belmonts. Since Raf got three of them, I suggest that he has the next turn. George
  17. Linda Hamilton Black Moon Rising Tommy Lee Jones George
  18. Here's more from the fourth song. What I gave before is the beginning of the song, but this part will be more familiar: Sha na nah nah, sha na na na nah bow dow (3X) Sha na nah nah, sha na na na nah, Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip, yum yum yum yum yum yum (then song title) The first song is my favorite doo-wop song (but that doesn't help, does it?) George
  19. I use The Greek New Testament, Kurt Aland, et al. Eds., 2nd Edition, 1968. I've had it since high school. If there are significant variations in the text, they are usually listed along with the "best" text. There are no variations listed for that particular verse, although there may be one ore two versions with different text. What I have is: "Panta______ischuoo_________en too_____endunamounti___me." "All things___I am strong for___in the_____who empowers___me." George
  20. The Countess prefers to watch Fox News, HGTV, and the History Channel. I prefer sci-fi/fantasy like Smallville, Painkiller Jane, Battlestar Galactica, etc. We usually watch "her" stuff when "my" stuff isn't on. She has gotten hooked on a couple of "my" shows, though! George
  21. Raf already got that one (and Blue Moon), waysider. Can you guess the other three songs? George
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