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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Your picture is Brainiac, but I'm not getting a TV title from that. George
  2. "What a doll. She's got everything. Too bad all girls aren't like her, oh well, somebody's got to be in the PTA." George
  3. Who sang it? Name AND performer, my dear. George
  4. Yes, Ma'am. GRAHAM + LYNNS. You're up! George
  5. Yep. MAI Zetterling AMY Yasbeck VISE Go, Dreamer! George
  6. Annoying, isn't it, that battle raging in your mind? George
  7. Assuming that that's your quote and not a response to my last post, it would either be "The Honeymooners" or "The Jackie Gleason Show" (which also had Honeymooners skits). George
  8. three pics. You need to know the people, but I suspect that the last pic will give it away. George
  9. Old Hickory said we could take 'em by surprise if we didn't fire a musket til we looked 'em in the eyes. George
  10. Perhaps, then, it was "The Cage." (The FIRST OS pilot.) George
  11. I originally heard this as one of those "A Priest, a Rabbi, and a Minister..." jokes. I honestly don't remember which two "walk on water" and which one sinks, but the joke was "Shouldn't we tell him where the rocks are?" This adaptation is rather clever, though it obviously loses something on the 99.9999999% of the population who doesn't think VP could walk on water.... George
  12. Now that you have 500 posts, you can do it. I think it's in My Controls, but I can't remember how to do it right now. George OK. So dmiller told you while I was trying to figure it out. That's why I "fixed" his rating!
  13. All right. Stevie Wonder: "I Was Made to Love Her." George
  14. I seem to recall a doctor saying this while offering a captain a drink (comparing a doctor to a bartender). I'm thinking it's the OS second pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone before." George
  15. It's also in the "Board Statistics" section of the forum front page. I presume that the default number of stars is zero. I'll have to go in and "fix" dmiller's and Sudo's ratings! :B) George
  16. Hmmm. MAD scientist Someone saying AHHH BOAT U-turn I give up. Just kidding. "Mad About You." George
  17. I was tempted to say "easy enough for hiway to get it" but I didn't want to tick you off. Since you've said that you're worthless for DS9 and Voyager episodes, a "hiway episode" would be original series or NG. :) Assuming you don't want to post a later-series episode, there are probably some 50 OS episodes and 170 NG episodes left! George
  18. On a lark, I clicked on the "Overall Top 20 Posters." I was a bit surprised to find myself there, hanging in at #20. I feel a little like Ken Griffey, Jr., moving up on the 5000-post (in his case, 600 HR) mark, feeling that I might pass mike and Steve! reasonably soon, but not likely ever to catch Hank excathedra Aaron. More to the point, what do the "rating" stars mean? I imagine that having five stars is good, but then why do others like dmiller and Sudo have none? George
  19. I thought this one would be pretty easy. "What would the life form do in a tranquilized body?" "Well, it might take up knitting – nothing more violent than that." "There's this bar where the women are so..." "I know the place!" "Let's go see!" "In your condition, Gentlemen? Don't be ridiculous." "I don't know who he is, but he sure talks GLOOMY!" "Don't be afraid." "With an armful of this stuff, I wouldn't be afraid of a supernova!" George
  20. Okay, one more quote to bide the time until WW or Raf is available: "The satellite is at present over... Kansas. Well, if we destroy Kansas the world may not hear about it for years. Perhaps New York, with all that smut and traffic... might give them a chance for a fresh start. Washington, DC. Perfect. Since we have not heard from them, 'they' will hear from us." "I give up. I know they're in the body, but where? "Alimentary, my dear Leiter..." "Weren't you a blonde when I came in?" "Could be." "I tend to notice little things like that - whether a girl is a blonde or a brunette." "Which do you prefer?" "Well, as long as the collar and cuffs match..." "The scorpion." "One of nature's finest killers, Mr. Wint." "One is never too old to learn from a master, Mr. Kidd." "That's quite a nice little nothing you're almost wearing. I approve." "I don't dress for the hired help. Let's see your passport, Franks." "Occupation: Transport Consultant? It's a little cute isn't it? I'll finish dressing." "Oh, please don't, not on my account." "Hi, I'm Plenty!" "Of course you are." "No! That's my name -- Plenty O'Toole." "Named after your father, perhaps?" George
  21. All right, I'll give it to Ca Dreaming. For the record, the quotes were from Stargate: SG-1. A spin-off show, Stargate: Atlantis has been on for about three years. You're up, Dreamer! George
  22. I know I've heard this one. The Susie reference reminds me of "Crocodile Rock," but I know that's not it. George
  23. We've had bucketloads of rain here, and it appears that it will continue through the evening. There goes the picnic. George
  24. Jim Belushi Real Men John Ritter George
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