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Posts posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Actually, Pat, that HADN'T occured to me. At least trinitarians have a way of explaining Jesus's prayers to God. If you are equating Jesus with the Father, the implication from his prayers is that he was schizophrenic. If you are allowing that Jesus had a God, why not worship Him, instead of Jesus?


  2. .If using a dictionary or textbook means "using" its author, then I advocate "using" people, though that wouldn't be in a bad sense, then. I have no idea how doctrine was taught at Emporia, etc., but I've never heard the same authors being quoted by TWI teachers being also slammed by them, so I haven't experienced any hypocrisy in that context


  3. Hey, Oak..

    You actually think that Marvel comics are better than DC. Does that invalidate everything ELSE you believe? icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    Seriously, I don't apologize for VPW and the evil he wrought. On the other hand, I still believe the keys to biblical interpretation I learned in PFAL BECAUSE THEY MAKE SENSE. And if using those keys makes me conclude something in opposition to TWI teaching, I go by what the keys teach. I could have learned it all from Bullinger's works, but I didn't. I probably would never have HEARD of Bullinger if I hadn't been in TWI.

    So, to alter the analogy a bit, I've chosen to throw out the hairball that was clogging the drain, but not the bath OR the baby.


  4. Trinitarians aren't "bad," just mistaken. icon_cool.gif And many are right on in other areas of doctrine (salvation by grace, etc.). And, since the trinitarians outnumber the one-Godders (unitarian means something else, unfortunately) by a wide margin, it's not surprising that they would have the greatest share of written works.


  5. My wife and I get to see her kids pretty frequently, since they all live within about 60 miles. I know that I miss my grandson more than the kids! I pray that you get to be that "calm" for your grandson more and more often, Yah-Yah! icon_smile.gif:)-->


  6. Kit,

    Just this past weekend, I volunteered at a workshop for those seeking jobs, either because of layoffs, or just to have a change in life. It's a particularly tough time in life, but good networks (professional AND PERSONAL) are a key to getting through it. I had a chance to browse the book "What Color Is Your Parachute?" I don't have a copy, or I'd send you one, but you can probably find it at a local bookstore -- or, better, at your library. There are many tips on searching for work.

    God bless you. You are both in my prayers.


  7. Being "just" a TC at that time, I didn't have any information about why TWI lost its tax-exempt status. I do remember, however, rejoicing when the decision was reversed, because I could file an amended tax form and claim a deduction for those years! icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

    I vaguely recall local leadership accusing LCM of "selling out," because he had released to the IRS some info that VPW had refused to release. I had to go with Craig on this one! icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


  8. Dot,

    Though I saw some of the fireworks in this site, I didn't read any posts that attacked you personally, until someone copied one of the posts at the XJW site. I have no particular interest in that site, so I don't know how much nonsense went on. What I DO know is, don't give up! Take a look at Stephen's example in Acts 7. He faced a crowd of God-rejecters and didn't budge. I hope to see more of your posts HERE soon. icon_cool.gif


  9. My 14-month grandson has wonderful parents. I know how horrible I would feel if anything were to happen to him, so I understand the hurt in your heart. I will keep your grandson in my prayers.


  10. Wow! Deja Vu, Oak! Sounds like my ousting: drumhead tribunal there to validate a preconceived verdict...

    On the other hand, Chas, if one has been reproved for good reason, then it was his faulty doctrine or practice that tore him down, not the reprover. That's why we are exhorted in Galatians to "restore" the wrongdoer.


  11. I remember a teaching years ago about Proverbs. The teacher pointed out that Chapter 31 is there for the young man to know how to choose a wife. When asked if there were similar instruction for women on choosing a husband, he replied, "That would be Chapters 1-30." Here's a hint, ladies: wise man GOOD, foolish man BAD. icon_wink.gif;)-->


  12. Hooner,

    The purpose of reproof is to get you to believe rightly and act accordingly. If someone offers you reproof, it's up to you to decide if there's merit to it. If so, change! (I guess we'll have to wait for the Vulcans to show up to handle Rascal!) icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


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