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Posts posted by cheranne

  1. i just was thinking about some people i knew that were in the way corp and it made me want to go in too. after i took that survey it remeinded me of 2 ladies that were the kindest people i have ever met in my life even now,one lady was named susan boulden,she would give you the shirt of her back,when i got fired from a nursing home at 18 after trying to race an old lady in a wheel chair at 3am cause she wouldn't go to sleep(mind you i had NO training for this job they were just short handed so they gave me a lab coat!!)that is how it was back then. I was up all night no home,no job and she said a few words and gave me her way corp shirt and said go lay down in my room,she was what i thought twi was about and that is why i loved it,and i loved her twig too. The other lady was claudette royal,who touched me with her music and i had met her and had coffee with her in dc ,they were on some tour cross country,soon after i left the field but not the ministry,ofcourse feeling shunned i ran into claudette a few times finally after a few states in phoenix she got a hold of me in the dressing room and asked me WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE,I SEE YOU IN ALL THESE STATES,SHE WAS VERY KIND AND CONCERNED AND SAID YOU NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE soon after that i left twi and joined the ARMY ,so thank you ladies wherever you are now.

  2. I made the DJ play that song at Steve! and Cindy!s wedding.

    I don't know, some of those lines sound "Rock"ish to me. :)

    They made up their minds

    And they started packing

    They left before the sun came up that day...

    ... And when the car broke down they started walking...

    TWI written all over it. ;)

    i know right! The children woke up and they couldn't find them they left before the sun came up that day,they just woke up and left it all behind them where were they going without ever knowing the way...i saw this group froom austin texas with the goo goo dolls and i like them no matter what they are a good band. I was just curious because of the lyrics. My kids have avideo of me singing this song in the kitchen...hahah

  3. Did anyone ever consider he might have had that adventure with suicide in mind?

    I personaly have witnessed several yes several people perform suicide willingly by starving .

    No not an eating disorder, suicide by the only means to the end of the circumstance they are in, in nursing homes or the elderly or terminal will DECIDE not to eat and barely drink to be able to die.

    Not hunger strike which is a behaviour to incite with the person losing wieght but not dying, true suicide with a sound mind.

    At a certain point in the process the brain becomes ill and literly starved to thepoint it is difficult to make choices or to think but when food is available they will still refuse and then die.

    If he did have food available and chose not to eat that is suicide, he may have gotten to weak to hunt or fish, but contary to what people think the feeling of hunger does NOT go away until they die neither does thirst.

    We see the third world countries and the babies with the extended stomach etc. they are malnutritioned not starving they will stay alive with minimal food and suffer brain and organ damage but they are not really starving to the point of death until they do... have enough damage the heart or kidney gives out. anorexia is about the same .

    true starvation is the most horrid and I mean HORRID thing one has to ever witness and endure it is painful and tormenting and just an awful awful thing.. the last few hours they scream in pain unless given very serious pain drugs such as morphine to minamize the discomfort which slows them down and makes death enter more quickly.

    If he had food available why didnt he eat was he depressed did he go up there to die? it does happen more than people want to hear about.

    he ate poisonious berrys.

  4. God first

    Beloved OKLAHOMA CITY WOW 78

    God loves you my dear friend

    why would think that because I share something with you that you mock the people that were willing to make a statement I could not make as if it was nothing

    making me think you were willing to do that because it was not that must blood but peace

    its not about the amount of blood but how far they went to make there statement

    while I see no need to go that far I can understand

    thank you

    with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

  5. The hote zone is described as something as to when an infection that is highly toxic is running loose and has to be maintained in a structured enviroment,with masks and suits and gloves and shoes like when dealing with ebola virus(stuff the army at ft detrick do and center for disease contral,again i write this for people who are looking to get OUT of the danger of cult teachings,people that need help trying to get to the other side of WRONG TEACHING sometimes in healing we have to get untangled from scripture abuse and that can create a hot zone (FOR SOME PEOPLE NOT ALL)it is very very hard to say try to go to a church for some if that is what they want to do,the trust level is blown out of the water(SEE SYMBOLIC WRITINGS on last 2 wks board)for some people it is life and death,you feel unworthy,you feel separated from God because the way told you this lie or another,still we have so much knowledge of truth,we just need to get rid of the lies and break that chains of way slavery bondage,whether you are a christian,or whatever you wish to be,i really don't care how you get there just get there and be free. personally i had to go thru the bible to get that virus out of my head,poison out of my heart..i am not a church going person but,i needed help like seriously i was sick ,and if you are thier as most of us didn't and couldn't just walk away without injury,i was lucky '"BLESSED" to find KAY ARTHURS precept teachings and a person to help me at FT BRAGG N.C protestant women of the chapel,bible studies,it was like pulling teeth sometimes but just give things a chance if that is what your doing. I am very thankful to those people as my children are to have a parent because it could have like a virus deadly destroyed me and my family.

  6. God first

    Beloved coolchef and OKLAHOMA CITY WOW 78

    God loves you my dear friend

    coolchef - yes that is right on my friend "jim i believe the difference between christ and your comment is that christ chose to do it the ones you mention did not that is why most christens hold christ to a higher level imo "

    OKLAHOMA CITY WOW 78 - so your not willing to try

    thank you

    with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

    are you high? are you going to play act that!

  7. OKCity, I'm sorry I misunderstood your time line when I read the original post. Thanks for clearing that up. Sounds like you did what you could with the information. I was just wondering, not attacking. Believe me if the shark decides to attack you will know it and this is not what I am doing right now.

    In fact this whole idea that you have brought up about "revelation" or something similar has me thinking about the whole "profit" angle that vp taught. If (and that is a big IF) vp was correct that revelation is given when there is profit then is it safe to assume that the profit could be for the individual and who they may personally touch in their lives? As an alternative not opposed to the thought that the profit was only for the entire body or for the sole purpose of changing the outcome of the vision. You may recall that vp gave the example of J. D!xon when she got the vision that Kenn@dy would be shot. He said that she got the information from ds because she chouldnt do anything to stop it. I dont know if I believe all that stuff now but you get the idea of where I'm coming from.

    So what's all this got to do with the orginal topic? I dont know, it was just a question.

    Waysider, I have never for one second disbelieved you when you related what you saw. That it was a vision and not actually physically seeing the man do these things made no difference to me. I actually physically saw him do something that to me was far worse than giving me the bird but it amounted to the same thing. I did what you did, I told someone and consequently was told to renew my mind. I totally relate to your acceptance of what they told you was correct over what you knew was correct. That's what I did, but I never forgot what I had seen. I just disregarded it.

    I just love how you got into the manifestations, so natural and comfortable. I think that is how it is supposed to happen. Somehow I just cant picture Paul running a class to get people (those who can) to SIT.

    As for the young VP, I have read the site and his personal page at "that other site". He sounds like he really wants to help people. If some of you have some advice to give him I think he would listen if it wasnt laced with arsenic. Remember he only bears his grandfather's name...

    EYESOPEN hey i was just trying to let people know if they had a similar experiance it is not uncommon,and anyone can get 'A REVELATION" you don't have to be in twi or a whatever,thats just human. At the time i was working things out and i believe in this FLASHBACK i saw vpw as he really was.

  8. Thanks so much you all for your responses.

    As you know I've been to Greasespot for about 5 years. I've been such a believer of God and thought that I have felt his presence. I'm truly wondering if that was my rose colored glasses playing a trick on my mind or if he is just not showing Himself to me lately. Or maybe if there is one he has decided for me to do this alone for a while as some parents have to with their children.

    My whole life and family have been having major downs lately. Life changing downs and I look around and don't see Him.

    Jonny and others truly brought tears to my eyes with the words used. But is it just words?

    George, I'm wondering if what you say is true if I could handle it with no hope? I've always said I need to have something to look forward to in the long run. So, if I stay on the route of 'I don't believe' I wonder if something good for that hope leaves me? This is what I'm afraid of.

    It is the most difficult thing i have EVER experianced,trying to get back to knowing God loves me. God loves you no matter what NO MATTER WHAT,the fact that right now you are wondering that is okay,it doesn't change things,God doesn't change, we all have been thru hell and back with this so called ministry and we have hurts and scars,we will never be the same as we were before twi,but keep the good,you found in friends and toss out the bad,you are a child of God and that doesn't get taken away,although sometimes we feel like orphans and walk alone ,...you can know your Not. all those years i was searching for answers i thought about the people of twi they were like family,i wondered how everyone was,where have they been,i felt like we had been thru a war togethre and we left others behind,i wanted to go back and get those others,it is tormenting knowing someone else is going through the same thing you did. i am not here to preach to anyone i am just here and if you want you can talk to me anytime.

  9. God first

    Beloved Jim

    God loves you my dear friend

    do not worry you did not offend me

    We do not have to hold Christ up its up to each person

    I think it not that Jesus Christ die but why he was killed

    thank you

    with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy


  10. God, gods, goddess, diety, divinity, spirituality...how much can we humans really understand?

    It gets to the point, I think, that the more someone attests to the absolute truth of their beliefs, the more they sound like they just don't get it.

    I believe we get glimpses--but not all the time, not on demand, and the experience can't be replicated for another, because it is personal, like a thumbprint...though we can try to communicate such things to others.

    As above, so below, a saying goes...this physical world reflects the spiritual world. What's happening around you, in your life? Is there a deeper meaning? A truth just for you? A pattern? Chaos?( that is part of life, too.)

    Looking within is not without value, as many of us were taught. Sometimes it is the only way to figure some things out to your own satisfaction. Prayer, meditation, contemplation.

    And then sometimes you get the greatest answers while folding clothes or taking a walk or some other task that takes no active thought, leaving your thoughts free.

    I remember feeling upset with myself at times for unrenewed thinking...but not thinking won't make it go away. And change is scary.

    been there too. why do you feel this way?

    :asdf: I don't think there is such a thing anymore. :(

    sorry, i've been there too,why do you feel this way today?

  11. I gotta say that this is a crazy thread!

    So having read the entire thing I have this question of Mr. OK City: Upon receiving such a vivid revelation what did you do with the information? Did you run away, did you dismiss it as too much rat poison in the kool-aid? What did you do with it?

    I am not trying to attack you but I am wondering because of what twi taught concerning such "revelation". Where's the profit? Isn't that what we were taught? If you didnt try to change the vision into something good or could not change the vision then why were you given it? Kind of makes a person rethink everything twi taught concerning the manifestations.

    I do not disbelieve anyone when they tell me that they got some revelation that manifested in a vision. But I am curious what a person does with such a vivid vision. It would have scared the daylights out of me.

    Now as for Jonny's little "revelation" of that website...all I can say is "And the beat goes on..." Unbelievable.

    On the other hand, if he really is trying to help some folks then I agree that he needs to dump the Corps principals and go with something a bit more from the heart and perhaps more "Spirit" minded. But I could be prejudice here.

    Edited 'cause Swatratra took my ability to spell when she left... :biglaugh:

    (Sorry I couldnt find a spot for any spiders...but she'll do)

    whoa! this is really getting to some people,what i did at the time at emporia kansas as vpw was telling us all about jonetown and how people thought the way was a cult(we laughed at it)how dumb the way a cult,at that time we just became stronger more committed,we stood together the whole musk ox thing! We drove back to okc and it was pretty quiet,felt like we had been bee stung in our head. However when i had this "flashback"that is what exactly that going back and it was not 1978 it was l992...i was trying to undo the web of cult teachings in a class about john l(PRECEPT MINITRIES KAY ARTHUR,outa chattanooga tn)it was warfare for those who believe in spiritual warfare(sorry for those who don't but i am writing this as MY experience.)so here it was 1992 ,i had 3 young children and trying to get all this crap straight in my head,i was attending a church at that time but inside i was still under WAY program stuff and wanted to believe jesus was God,then i had this flash back and all hell broke loose the details are kinda personal so i won't get it,...down the raod their were a couple a suicide attempts and hospitalizations,long long therapy and it was like pulling teeth.....now i am ESSENTAILLY NORMAL whatever that is...i have learned what didn't kill me made me stronger,how about you?

    I gotta say that this is a crazy thread!

    So having read the entire thing I have this question of Mr. OK City: Upon receiving such a vivid revelation what did you do with the information? Did you run away, did you dismiss it as too much rat poison in the kool-aid? What did you do with it?

    I am not trying to attack you but I am wondering because of what twi taught concerning such "revelation". Where's the profit? Isn't that what we were taught? If you didnt try to change the vision into something good or could not change the vision then why were you given it? Kind of makes a person rethink everything twi taught concerning the manifestations.

    I do not disbelieve anyone when they tell me that they got some revelation that manifested in a vision. But I am curious what a person does with such a vivid vision. It would have scared the daylights out of me.

    Now as for Jonny's little "revelation" of that website...all I can say is "And the beat goes on..." Unbelievable.

    On the other hand, if he really is trying to help some folks then I agree that he needs to dump the Corps principals and go with something a bit more from the heart and perhaps more "Spirit" minded. But I could be prejudice here.

    Edited 'cause Swatratra took my ability to spell when she left... :biglaugh:

    (Sorry I couldnt find a spot for any spiders...but she'll do)

    whoa! this is really getting to some people,what i did at the time at emporia kansas as vpw was telling us all about jonetown and how people thought the way was a cult(we laughed at it)how dumb the way a cult,at that time we just became stronger more committed,we stood together the whole musk ox thing! We drove back to okc and it was pretty quiet,felt like we had been bee stung in our head. However when i had this "flashback"that is what exactly that going back and it was not 1978 it was l992...i was trying to undo the web of cult teachings in a class about john l(PRECEPT MINITRIES KAY ARTHUR,outa chattanooga tn)it was warfare for those who believe in spiritual warfare(sorry for those who don't but i am writing this as MY experience.)so here it was 1992 ,i had 3 young children and trying to get all this crap straight in my head,i was attending a church at that time but inside i was still under WAY program stuff and wanted to believe jesus was God,then i had this flash back and all hell broke loose the details are kinda personal so i won't get it,...down the raod their were a couple a suicide attempts and hospitalizations,long long therapy and it was like pulling teeth.....now i am ESSENTAILLY NORMAL whatever that is...i have learned what didn't kill me made me stronger,how about you?

  12. Why was wierwille given a *free pass* on this "foundational claim?"

    Without any witnesses or substantiated facts, this claim ("vision") has been passed from nightowl to nightowl....to Whiteside's book The Way: Living in Love and Mrs. Wierwille's book Born Again to Serve. An excerpt of wierwille's account is as follows:

    After all this activity and reaching out to learn more, I must know to satisy my inner yearning. And so I stood in my newly rented office and prayed to the Father. "Father, teach me the Word, teach me the Word." He told me as plain as day that if I would study the Word, He would teach me the Word like He had not been able to teach it to anybody since the first century. And, of course, at that time I thought, "Now that's a dandy. Boy, if I learned this Word of God, everybody will listen to me. The whole church will be blessed; my denomination will grow by leaps and bounds because we'll have the Word of God." And I thought that was terrrific. But during the process of that revelation, I said, "Father, how will I know that this is You and that You'll really teach it to me? Because I had worked the Word in commentaries and the rest of it, and I couldn't understand it, couldn't get it to fit.

    And the sun was shining brightly. It was in the fall of the year. Gorgeous. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. And just on the inside of me it seemed to say, "Well, just say to the Father, "Well, if it'll just snow right now, you'll just know that this is God talking to you.'" Cause you see. I'd never had much experience with God's talking to me. And this business of His saying to me, just as audibly as I am speaking to you, that He'd teach me the Word if I'd teach it, sort of shook me. I'd been expecting to hear from heaven for a long time, but I hadn't heard that way before. Oh, my ears were perhaps clogged up. Since that time I've heard a lot of things from Him.

    And I said, "Lord, to know that this is true, I'd like to see it snow." And I opened my eyes, and it was pitch-black, almost pitch-black outside, and the snow was falling so thick. I have never seen it fall that thick since that day.

    And I sat in that little office, and I cried like a baby. Because I guess it was about my time to cry because I'd grown up but I didn't know the Word. And from that day on since He promised He'd teach me the Word, I have tried with all my heart to learn this Word.

    A black snowstorm.......?????????????


    i know ! He should have gotten do not pass,do not collect 200 dollars,and go straight to hell(i mean jail)

  13. I think that is a shame. people are so closed minded,i don't understand why the hang up with gay anyone,serving in military or whatever,it is just plain stupid to reject someone for race,and beliefs,those people need to be slapped upside the head!

  14. I was raised catholic and i have two cats that are catholic,........they go to catacysim. No seriously i like catholics,most of them are pretty laid back ofcourse they are not bible thumpers but at least ....they don't shove it down your throat, i am not a practicing catholic and i never really was by choice i just am saying i can sit and have a drink with them and talk of spiritual things. BUT, maybe if they didn't all teach the sme thing ALL the time alot of us catholic people wouldn't have gone looking for "biblical research" if i lead the catholic church i would be whoppi goldberg in sister act! how many of you ex twi peeps were raised catholic?

  15. Well, thanks WG. :) I appreciate the appreciation, you're appreciated!

    copenhagen, hopefully your still with us and your wife didn't throw you out. :biglaugh::biglaugh:

    "This old thing hasn't worked right in years, it's godda go!" :biglaugh:

    My stuff is my stuff. I like your reasoning a-Dan. Makes sense. Me, I really don't let anyone outside of our family get involved in my personal stuff to the extent anyone that isn't a blood relative or extremely close friend would feel compelled to advise me on what should stay or go. I have no spriritual advisors or the like when it comes to stuff. It's my stuff, I can't see why anyone would want to worry about it. I don't worry about theirs, y'know?

    That doesn't apply to someone walking through my garage who doesn't want to wear a hard hat - once you're warned ya gotta watch your step. But not all the time - right now I'm coming out of several projects, so it's a moderately mazed-out mess. I'll resort and organize a little and within an hour or two be back ready to go to some more extremely important and vital projects. :biglaugh:

    my husand and i burned ALL OUR PFAL STUFF in honor of uh day in the fireplace!

  16. have you seen the movie awakenings with robert denero? its an old flick but when i saw it i just sat and cried because it reminded me how i felt stuck in a body and couldn't get out spiritually out from under the thumb of twi,after taking pfal in the old days you were to go to NO other form or place to get 'THE CENTER OF REFERANCE FOR TRUTH"(GAGGING UP A FURBALL)If you did you were basically shunned like the amish or something,if you have seen this movie what are your thoughts? i won't give it away if you haven't seen it. Now a days i am curious to know how twi (what is left of it)do they consider themselves a non denominational orgaization or what,do they consider themselves to be a part of the body of christ,one body you know..like the bride of christ,just curious i have been away for 25 years,and just NOW being able to talk of this openely.

  17. Absolutely!

    It's almost too easy to get great pictures from just about anywhere in Sedona. I don't know which libm coord said that, but, of course, Sedona's a big "New Age" cultural magnet... something to do with vortexs (that's probably not the correct way to pluralize 'vortex').

    my sister lives in sedona,she loves it..twi likes us to 'BEWARE' of everything except themselves,back when i got in they didn't want us to watch tv, read newspapers,listen to the radio.blah blah blah ,,then it was okay you can go to the bar but you can only have2 drinks,then you go wow and you can't have sex,then they don't like gay people.....i think their is a debil behind the trunk of the way tree and it just got bigger and bigger and created a vortex so big like a big f!@#$ toliet bowl!! Like the wizard of oz said ARE YOU A GOOD WITCH OR A BAD WITCH(REPLEY)well...i 'm no a witch at all i am dorothy from kansas!

  18. I suppose I'll rub someone the wrong way for saying this but here goes.

    I feel that same "cringe" feeling when I try to listen to modern "Christian Rock".

    It's like they are trying to convince themselves(and their audience) that this is what they believe.

    I know I could be wrong(and probably am) but it just gives me a creepy feeling to try to listen to it.

    And it's not about the actual message or whether or not it's "On The Word".(cough)

    When I used to listen to some of the early way stuff that was being independently produced, I never felt like I was trying to make myself buy into something.

    Even today, if I put on that first PDST album, it evokes a pleasantness that doesn't force itself on you.

    Is any of that similar to what you experience in the various church settings or have I derailed this thread?

    edited 'cause I ain't such a goood speller anymore.

    yes,surprizingly i play guitar and piano and would write my own music and as a new church member they would let me play quite often ,it had a lot of way stuff in it and they would LOVE it,and just say play more play more,i stopped going to church altogether maybe 8 years ago when my kids became teenagers and i don't play guitar anymore,but i do sometimes listen to twila paris in the car,she was great in concert,the closest i have been to a true annointed concert.

  19. I know a lot of us have experienced this,if you have ever walked back into a church...first of all it is really difficult,especially if your mind is so twisted still from twi,but alot of churches i have been too in the past just put you to work as soon as you start going with some pattern,i was put in charge of a teen youth group maybe it was five years after leaving twi ,they seem so blown away at the amount of bible you know(little do they know we are sweeping every word they preach like a soldier seeks land mines,talking back inside our mind about how this clown doesn't know what he is talking about,really deep research..what i am saying they don't have a clue most of the time and of course I never went into a church and said hello...i was in twi and i need to erase everything and start all over again(if that is your choice to go the route of christianity)it took me a long long time to adjust ,my life to how i prefer it to be....but i went to a church basically because i wanted my children to know JESUS ,i went to mostely non denominational churches,and pentecostal churches were fun cause they would get fired up,i like the symbolism of the catholic church which is how i was raised in the first place but never learned enough bible as to why i was so intrested in twi right after high school. i liked bible studies at the army base because all the women were from all differant church homes and i still like to listen to some christian music but,not so much anymore,i stopped going to a church because organized religion just didn't work for me,but i most definatley believe! I prefer listening to audio tapes by the author of women who run with the wolves,and carolyn myss stuff like that. I went to a christian therapist about 7 yrs after my exit from twi and that just ....ed me off and i wanted to fight with him ,so i quit, did okay and later down the road i found i needed a new therapist,the unraveling of these cocoons takes time you know,so finally i found one that helped me just break it down and start from before twi,keep the good and basically what didn't kill me made me stronger...but there were a few attemps to be honest . At disneyland you see all those cute mickey mouse,donald duck etc walking around and everyone loves them hugs them takes pictures with them but on the inside they are hot,sweating and would rather be in a tshirt and cut offs..there is a mask

  20. Thanks penworks.

    Interesting......"VP conducted The Way Presents in an attempt to immitate Billy Graham's crusades....." I do remember when wierwille was spotlighting Oral Roberts' ministry as well......and later adapted The Red Thread teaching from Roberts.

    Wierwille always hyped twi as the latest and greatest..........critiquing and back-stabbing all-oncomers.

    No wonder that elitist attitude permeated twi.......and still does.


    cartoon network is good too.

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