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Posts posted by cheranne

  1. God first

    Tongues of Animals

    wrote 02-06-2008

    Here sat I year2027 known as Roy William Perry III a fleshly animal of breath life which flows in my blood. But before we talk of super spiritual things there is something I want to bring into the open which is God loves us.

    This love God has for us is not a animal love of a act of the moment but it’s a never ending act of giving so we can live to become more than animal kind. So that we can become spiritual kind and shine as a mirror of God.

    As I was looking out into the vast space along I saw and heard like a vision the very air talking to me. The air said “I give myself to you take me in and breath which will give you the here and now reward of breath life and me the reward of changing into air that the plant can live by.”

    I spoke back and said “yes that is a truth in itself but do not forget God is love and he will not forget the great gift you have given to me” then I wake up from by day dream. Thinking about how God might repay the air for its gift to me.

    I know God is love and which God there is a way but while my little mind can not see it I get comfort in knowing God has all things under his great loving heart. So I say to the air thank you for your gift and gift just so I can live here and now.

    I talk to my dad’s dogs as I watch them love my father who I care for very much they love to lay beside and comfort him. He seems to enjoy taking care of them on a day by day basic which blesses me to.

    Sorry about this pause in this words from my inner heart but the weather got bad and I put this off why I enjoin watching the lighting works. As it flash I could see as if it was daylight for a second which got me thinking.

    If spiritual insight come to us as flashes of love a lot like the flashes of light from the lighting from a storm. But back to my father’s dogs that I visit while visiting my loving dad.

    When I open the door to enter my father’s house they began barking to warn him some one is coming and to tell the person they will fight for their love one my dad. But when they see its me the tone of the bark changes to a welcome tone of good to see you.

    The dogs know me by the love I have for my father because they have witness me helping my dad around the house as he needed. Me and my dad and his dogs are close there is a love that nothing can break.

    So you can witness the tongues of animals around as you watch the tones of them speaking to you out of their many reasons. But what I love to hear is their tone of love that blesses my life and the life of my family.

    Thank you

    with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

    i love my dogs too

  2. That is a LOVELY account of the Mass. It is a pity when people lose that faith and only see the motions.

    i was in china town last night and i loved the place,so many multicultural people..the human

    race! I saw a people of all walks of life with ashes on their forehead(i had forgotten it was

    ash wednesday. Ashes to ashes ....dust to dust .

    The body of christ was alive and well,the FAMILY of God, like the human race is composed of

    all differant types of people and personalitys,but in the end of the NBA game.


  3. In by midnight? Yeah, I remember. Went WOW in 1982 and had always wanted to see Jerry E. Lewis perform, but had to leave promptly in time to

    fulfill that silly rule (no exceptions) and so missed most of his concert. Oh, and yes had to get permission to see my own Grandmother when she

    was just a few miles away at the PTL club. OMG, sometimes I can't believe I actually did those things.

    And now that I remember....having to hang the pictures....just so....cuz it might warp your mind to look at a picture that was off a mm or 2....LOL

    And if you made a mistake???? We won't go there.

    Oh, well, why not....I had believed big time to be sent to sunny California for my WOW year...but when I opened the envelope....North Carolina?????

    Naaawwww! But then....received a letter from this woman. "Dear Daughter....How do like San Diego????....Love Mom!"

    Apparently, that year there were two women with the same name and they switched cards....Now that was REAL SPIRITUAL! So they sent a

    family WOW to a single family and what do you want to bet, the other woman was "SINGLE and got sent to a family WOW home. Then later they

    must of realized that they mis-filed the cards and so sent the other woman's mail to me, where she was probably believing to be sent and couldn't

    understand why the Lord sent her to sunny California. Probably hated California, too.


    Also, I let my place get sooooooo messssssyyyyyy...and if anyone said anything???? I told them it was THERAPEUTIC!

    Reverse brain washing. My My, the looks on their faces.

    I think twi decided where to send wows this way.

    As soon as someone would sign up to go wow, they would go play COW PLOP BINGO WITH


  4. Mom was a quiet Christan, Dad was a scoffer. My siblings were mostly main-stream Christians and when I joined twi they were scared for me because they had folks who told them cult stories of twi stock-piling guns at Emporia, and things like that. Of course, I assured them they were wrong.

    When I showed up engaged and they didn't like the guy much they were afraid to speak out because they thought it would force me to defend him and therefore drive me deeper into the group. And it might have at that moment. Little did they know, though, it was being married to this hard-liner that kept me in twi about 10 years longer than I would have stayed solo. Who knew?

    They pretty much kept their distance for the years I was a twi-let but I'd say that was my fault...

    one vacation a year? go to ROA, of course

    Easter? Thanksgiving? go to WIBP of course

    spare money? send more ABS of course

    visit your family? witness to them of course

    become a leader? move around the country of course

    Once I left twi, my whole family welcomed me back with open arms. Completely willing to forgive and commiserate. Taught me a lot about human compassion.

    Its gotta be difficult for family to try to understand what happened to us,and here we were just working ourselves into the ground trying to move the word of god,may as well been a hamster on a hamster wheel!

  5. Perhaps Mstar, then again post something considered pro way and see if everyone starts their own thread in response, Won't happen. This is a discussion board and if one puts out for discussion the loveliness of a groups doctrine then I would expect the same treatment any other cult doctrine gets here. Sorry but I did not invent the doctrine they did, and apparently there are more than a few besides myself who see this as an issue do a search and you'll see many others see and feel the same. Is there another kinder word for eating another's flesh? Because admittedly that's what the church says they believe. I don't believe that is what Jesus would have us doing I don't see that habit pattern in his life nor the lives of his followers. I find it odd that people are appalled at Jeffery Dahmer yet seem ok with the fact that Catholics every day promote eating the flesh and blood of Jesus. I think that qualifies as cult like activity and in fact has more in common with Satanic worship than Christian.

    You don't have a clue what you are talking about! Change your little sign from white dove to jack foot.

  6. I think perhaps your memory fails you. I believe what he stated was, that the Current Psychological Hoax was getting men to fear, he never called Jonestown the Current Psychological Hoax.

    were YOU there! Did you here it or just the tape? Why are you so mean!

  7. Then again when someone touts the loveliness of cult doctrine that is anything but lovely I think it is fair game for discussion. I don't recall seeing Jesus eat other peoples flesh and drink their blood it seems out of character for him to ask us to do that which he did not. Never mind something that is clearly against the law. I also wonder why this practice did not surface until the 9th century A.D. Just some things that make you go......HUM

    You just don't get it do you. TWI is a CULT , THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS NOT A CULT.

  8. Actually I really don't want to get into it. But when somebody wants to repeatedly shove his/her beliefs down another's throat, I think it's necessary and appropriate to make sure that the other side of the story is presented.

    I just think its rude,why don't those kinda people just go start a new topic..you know heRE at the greaseapot i thought it was for ALL PEOPLE WHO


    their are many people that for some reason are another may want to respond to sra abuse,to growing up catholic and the good things about,seeds planted along their lives,people just coming too this website like i just got here a few weeks ago,i am intrested in HEALING .

  9. I left twi three times AND went back(how insane is that!)

    The first time i left I wrote my wow sister a note(we were in d.c and i was their twig leader,,,,,,,,,,what a laugh i may as well been a brain surgeon!

    I told her not to worry that i was going back to oklahoma and all,and at The chicago airport o hara as i was getting on my next plane these hara krishana people gave me literature i said THANKS ! (AND MADE SURE THEY SAW ME TOSS IT IN THE TRASH CAN!!!!) THAT WAS FUNNY TOO.

    the second time i left myself and another shunned beliver that quit the wow field planned our escape,carrying as little as possible to the nearest truck stop in phoenix...ofcourse i had to bring along my guitar . (WE DIDN'T know abour the zodiak serial killer casue we never watched t.v)

    we were on our way to florida but got a ride to san diego(beautiful city ) the first thing we did was find her old friend and smoked a joint(we really needed it too)then we did that for three weeks and got back on our way to florida.

    We got to florida but didn't want to be there so we went to new york ,then delaware were we joined the ARMY! The she got out of the army and i stayed in got back into twi! Then went military wow and then I left for the last time because the said not to marry my husband becasue i had no committement(we are still married after 25 yrs thank you)and then I would drink everyday!

  10. I was not at a point where I expected to be supported. I was 19 and living with my parents when I took PFAL, they were not happy, but mostly respected my decision. I found out many years later that they considered deprogramming, but did not go through with it.

    I really meant more of am emotional parent support not,like my mother would not talk to me for 2 years. It is still sometimes dificult to talk,but nothing like before,my father knew i ws just growing up . I thought they were nots but it was me.

  11. What makes you think that I am not?

    There are some here that would disagree with your point of view there, some think that VPW was useless to God .

    Now Me personally, I'm not interested in a God or anyone else for that matter that uses me. I think someone said things are to be used people are not. "Lord use me" That sounds like something Saint Francis would say, it makes a nice song to wave your hands to, but no thanks no church with you.

    i was not thinking of vpw. I was not thinking of use in the way meaning abuse! I not here to quote scripture either dude

  12. Tell on........ I don't think anyone was stoping you from speaking. But just a question which is it? the title says for Catholics ,above you say you warned us it is not for Catholics. Which do you mean? Do you know ? Are you confused?

    for catholics only(yes i wrote that wrong)please forgve me sir.

  13. My brothers and sisters (two of each) acted as if I was their brother that they loved no matter what, treating my religion as irrelevant to their love for me.

    None of them are Wiccans :biglaugh:

    your lucky alot of people after gtting involved in TWI families disowned them. Would not support them and as you know a lot of these young very young impressionable wows going out on the field just relied more on eachother and the so called ministry, in my situation i was kicked out of the house,car taken from me,college tuition taken away everything!

  14. What makes you think that I am not?

    There are some here that would disagree with your point of view there, some think that VPW was useless to God .

    Now Me personally, I'm not interested in a God or anyone else for that matter that uses me. I think someone said things are to be used people are not. "Lord use me" That sounds like something Saint Francis would say, it makes a nice song to wave your hands to, but no thanks no church with you.


    OH! try not breathing AIR for 7 minuetes,now i just feel sorry for you you seem to have been a very sheltered child growing up and i don't know your story but..why don't you try to just let me tell mine and I WARNED PEOPLE THIS WAS NOT FOR CATHOLICS.

  15. my sister is a wiccan and i really like her. We were raised in the same house same beliefs and structure,i joined a CULT and she became wiccan.

    I left twi three times and went back to it,she was always there with an open door and heart for me and at times other friends who left with me.

    She gave us a place to sleep,food to eat and never ever judged us for serving twi,even though she new they were screwing us over..

    This is just thrown out there because i want to know if you had brothers or sisters when you got involved in twi what did they do?

  16. I am just putting this out there,because it is my story,this is the pattern of my life from SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE to being so afraid that God would never love me or accept me that i was bad on the inside,and a person who happened to be a nun in san antonio texas,reallly loved her work and touched the lives of children.

    I went to catholic school also,because my parents sent me there not because i choose too,my point i want to discuss in this thread is that when i found THE WAY INTERNATIONAL I THOUGHT I WAS THERE!!!!

    WHAT EVENTS LEAD PEOPLE TO JOIN A CULT(well..for me the beginning had a lot to do with,and i believe what i wrote could possibly HELP others that were in a similar situation)...that Nun was the first person to help me(even before my family)

  17. Even setting aside the large problem of Father Molester for the moment I don't think it is the lack of faith that is the problem here Mark.

    The Roman Catholic Church teaches that once an ordained priest blesses the bread of the Lord's Supper, it is transformed into the actual flesh of Christ (though it retains the appearance, odor, and taste of bread); and when he blesses the wine, it is transformed into the actual blood of Christ (though it retains the appearance, odor, and taste of wine).

    I don't see cannibalism and vampirism as any lovely family values. Eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood is by far worse and sicker than anything the Way came up with. A teaching on fear seems to pale in light of this sick twisted doctrine. Speaking of the mass let me share my lovely experience of the mass as shared to us at the tender age of 8 or 9, third graders. We were told the story of saint (? someone who's name escapes me) who during mass was interrupted by German soldiers who promptly executed the church clergy in the aisles. After ripping them to pieces with their machine guns they threw the communion hosts down the aisle. But when all looked bleak saint Tommy Gun here rose to the occasion despite being ripped to pieces by machine gun fire, he managed to crawl up the aisle undetected eating each of the defaced hosts. Just as there was one more host left a guard noticed what was transpiring and let out another blast from his machine gun but saint Tommy Gun in a feat of great strength managed to claw his way to the last host and swallow it before succumbing to the hail of bullets. Of course like Christ he declared It is Finished, and prayed for his killers to be forgiven in true priestly fashion, before he expired as well.

    Now this lovely little story caused me for the rest of the year to make sure I always sat on the end of the aisle where I had a straight shot to the confessional booths to hide just in case some crazed Russian or German decided to invade our church and mow us all down. I figured it was the best plan for survival because I was not about to eat any father ,son, or moldy toast if there were machine guns involved. I was not a big fan of the stale bread to begin with, (I mean they could have at least used wonder bread ,so it would build our bodies stronger 12 ways. And I sure had no plan to be fool enough to crawl up some aisle like saint Tommy Gun and get myself ripped to shreds in slow motion. I'll probably need years of therapy to get this vision of loveliness out of my brain. Yes what a delightful thing mass was ......

    Tune in next week for another story from school days where we'll see poor Joe get his knuckles split open by sister crazy and her ruler for committing the crime of making a pencil mark in a test booklet. Can you say cult? :rolleyes::rolleyes:


    to my knowledge and keep in mind i am not a practicing catholic, a lot of the old school stuff the new generation isn't buying that,i love the symbolism of the mass but i personally don't believe in the flesh and blood(for real) stuff like that and i know hundreds of people in the city i come from that don't either.

    I suppose thier are some really differant types of catholics just like their are many differant types of christian,baptist and pentecostal but we are all the family of God and the body of Christ.(I knew this would probably offend some of you guys that is why i warned you it was for catholics only,we don't all think the same exact doctrine.

  18. QUOTE( Microbe @ Jun 30 2002, 08:37 PM) *

    .....I recently saw "A Beautiful Mind" and wonder if that was not where our MOG was? (Not that he had a "beautful" mind, the delusions I mean.) I remember him telling the Corps about the times he would sit in a chair in his "room" for hours and hours, under such incredible stress that all he could do was hang on until it was clear that Michael had won that particular battle. It required his total concentration and nothing helped. People (his wife etc) had to just leave him alone in the dark for extended periods of time. He described it as something like mental torture. He stood in the GAP! He never mentioned Jesus Christ as far as I remember. At the time it sounded to me (not a doctor - ok) like the man was suffering anxiety attacks. He also said he had trouble sleeping and was seeking medical attention. His MD, a believer, of course dismissed this and calmed his concerns about mental stress. Of course he was sound minded-he just had to save the world!


    Thanks for bringing up those threads.... I looked at a couple of them and had to stop to pick my jaw up after reading what Microbe wrote here about VPW in the Psychological Hoax 1978 thread . :blink:

    And these lads want to carry on this man's legacy??????????????????????????????? :unsure:


  19. I began to see something was wrong with twi when i met my husband at army school. The army was discipline enough but then as a military wow i not only had to be up before i ran two miles ,and do more that anyone by 9am but if i went out with him, i had to be home by midnght,he said okay what will happen if your not! What if this what if that....the first thing i bought when i had money because before when i was in twi i really didn't have much of anything,living out of a suitcase (travel light,i think they meant in the pocketbook!)anyway i got this little tv to watch during guard duty and just couldn't believe how the world had changed in 4 yrs,i felt amish or something. How did YOU feel and what was the first thing you bought fr YOURSELF?
  20. Hi OklahomaCityWOW78,

    This is what it is in my mind very simply:


    Hi mstar1,

    I suppose that depends on the specific doctrine in question. For instance if it's the twisted doctrine that allows leadership to"lord it over the Lord's inheritance" it is directly related.

    If it's simply pointing out that nowhere in the bible is there a specific commandment to believe in the trinity, so I'm not. Then I don't consider the doctrine and the shipwreck directly related, even if others do.


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