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Everything posted by corrydj

  1. thanks excath... Anyone remember "sitmuch?" My goodness, that must've looked weird the outside world! Whoops, almost derailing this thread, aren't I?Now you guys can get back to the alphabet. corrydj NEVER KICK A COW CHIP ON A HOT DAY!!
  2. Let me abs this thought. When I think of SIT now, I get that picture in my head of Robert DeNiro doing it at the end of "Cape Fear." Right before he dies! Granted, the director took liberties by, yet again, stereotyping Christians into a fanatical character. But it's creepy nonetheless. Do I? Must confess I haven't in years. Although this thread got me to thinking about starting up again. corrydj NEVER KICK A COW CHIP ON A HOT DAY!!
  3. okay, that's not a dead song, but you'd want to die if you ate the yellow snow. NEVER KICK A COW CHIP ON A HOT DAY!!
  4. Get this...I was "discouraged" from taking it because I was married to a non-way civilian! haha, glad I didn't miss anything. corrydj NEVER KICK A COW CHIP ON A HOT DAY!!
  5. Watch out where the huskies go, don't you eat that "Yellow Snow." Frank Zappa corrydj NEVER KICK A COW CHIP ON A HOT DAY!!
  6. Timothy! ha, good one. That is one sick song. Good thread Dot...I just happen to be doing an oldies countdown on the radio tonight so I'm loving this thread. "The Stroke" by Clarnece Carter is another good song. The lyrics are nasty, but trust me it's a good one. corrydj NEVER KICK A COW CHIP ON A HOT DAY!!
  7. Gosh, I'm thinking a quick phone call, at the very least, to JP and finding out his true thoughts on this matter would've been more appropriate. All this back and forth letter writing crap doesn't seem to be answering questions. This the first acknowledgement of GS Cafe's existence by twi, right? I'm not holding my breath there'll be more of where that came from. corrydj NEVER KICK A COW CHIP ON A HOT DAY!!
  8. Ex...I hear it all the time from my sons: "It's just a (song/game/movie/book) mommmm!" corrydj As for Harry P. I don't know, just something about all the kids standing around bookstores with their pointy hats and wands in hand totally creeps me out. Christian bookstores have many, many kids and pre-teen alternatives. NEVER KICK A COW CHIP ON A HOT DAY!!
  9. ummm, sorry to go for the obvious joke here, but.... I'd rather have seen you post Uranus! corrydj (hey, ex said full moon!!) NEVER KICK A COW CHIP ON A HOT DAY!!
  10. But it's probably too late. Bye EX, I will miss you! Door is always open, come back in when you need a cup of joe! corrydj **'jes my 2 cents, I didn't abs that**
  11. I stated, when I started this post, that Christian marriage (for me) would be the ideal. The Evan, you have the ideal! Good for you and all those that have it. I tend to also think that those who say "trust in God" have some good advice, but unless you get off your duff, ain't nothin' gonna happen. Al Poole, that's what you said and I agree. And yes, I'm looking for a mate, not a lover. Anyone can get one of those. (btw, my age IS posted on my profile) OneLucky...I loved your story. Especially that part about a better understanding of God post twi. So true! And good point about the marriage stats for Christians and non alike. Hadn't even thought of that. Oak...I love Utah this time of the year! Goey....my ideal first date is a good old fashion tractor pull! Yee-haw. Kay...my sister calls that being a "fluffy female." We all should be loved for exactly who we are! Which brings me to Kansas. Finally, not in Kansas. At my age, (o.k. I'm 43), I'm actually in the best shape of my life. In fact, in two weeks I'm climbing to the top (what's left of it) of Mt St. Helens. Yesterday, I went and climbed part of Mt. Hood to prepare! And I'm not bad looking. It's just that meeting Christian men has been hard for me. However, I have met many nice, compatible "secular" men who believe in God. Maybe, I've been too hasty in dismissing them! Think I've gotten some good advice here. Thanks you guys. corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  12. But I'm not getting married just yet. Sudo-Glad you're happily married. What a blessing! And thanks for the kind words. NowOut-You never know! Glad you're there for the kid. Freebird-Thanks for the book suggestions. Bowtwi-Out of the mouths of babes! Goey-Don't give up! I'm not! corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  13. Well Ex...if I really, really, really can't find a man, then we'll talk! Until then, I'm on the market! corrydj ps I'm really not bad looking lest anyone thinks...yeah, I know her problem! ladda~dee ladee~daa
  14. lol...lol...hahahahaha...lol...lol...lo.....ooops, unless, of course, you're serious! corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  15. Qami...why didn't I think of that? In fact, I should start my own marriage cult! And tell my "friends" it's time to put up or shut up. MARRY ME, DA#@%IT!!!!!!!! (And pay my bills while you're at it, ha!) corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  16. I find myself perpetually single, 5 yrs. post divorce, I'm still alone! I've had assorted dates, about three serious boyfriends and joined a few dating services, etc. But after one recent major heartbreak, I'm back to zero! I'm o.k. with being single as I'm still raising my teenage sons and I usually have no problem meeting someone new....the question is is what direction to go? All my Christian friends/aquaintance's insist I find a Christian man! In my experience, this has been a lot harder than it sounds! It is the ideal, but not the norm. Soooo, my question is, is it really necessary in God's eyes that we end up with a Christian person. When I was married and going to twig, people would say "don't worry, your husband is sanctified by your believing." I know it would make life easier if you are both on the same page, but not even all Christian's agree on everything. So, what say you?? Help! And thanks! corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  17. But if I weren't I'd be there in dem beetiful smokey's, fer sur! corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  18. Those big ladies at the commissary better watch out for you! You're one sassy mija! (spelling) That's why I like you. corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  19. ...out of popsicle sticks and green cards. It sits in the closet next to my "vp and me" picture. corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  20. as seen on a previous post...(I'll paraphrase) "when one is hurting, the whole body is hurting." We love you man! Come back and post and let us help! corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  21. Happy "biggie" b'day Krys... 60! WOW!!! corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  22. To add a pix...go to your MySpot, then click on Profile. Then choose to "edit your avatar." From here you can choose from a bunch of pre-selected pix for your profile. Submit/save and you're on your way! corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  23. He's all better! Thanks everyone for asking. Vet said he's got a bladder infection, which I hear is pretty common. And furthermore, Vet said he can return to can food to get some moisture back in his diet! To which fat kitty said "thank you!" corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  24. Insurge... The cartoon song is by Chris Rice and the name of it is "Cartoons." "Can't Keep A Good Man Down" is by Newsong Both are really great and the kids LOVE the cartoon song! Megan.... Sonicflood is one of the best bands out there. "Write Your Name Upon My Heart" is just one of their great songs. corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
  25. corry is my name DJ is what I do! (thus) corrydj ladda~dee ladee~daa
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