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Dot Matrix

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Everything posted by Dot Matrix

  1. Or the extended version http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0B7XDhcgSt4&...feature=related Don't Worry Now that is some oldie you put up with Sam Cook If you want OLD Sam Cook How's this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWqnvu4A8Oo...feature=related I also like the way Neville Does A Change is going to come, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTzWO84FpnU...feature=related
  2. I love Knock on Wood But I like this version better http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1ztZ7WFo3nw Amii Stewart
  3. Cman I do not know how to do any of that. Somone else installed the stuff and it did work then one day it did not. I do not know how to uninstall or reinstall or see if firewalls are preventing things or anything. Sorry.. Just not in the know... How does one uninstall? Find it on my computer and hit delete? Word wolf they are trying to push the paid stuff so it might not be me?
  4. This comes up - I think my fire wall will not allow it - how do I know or change it? Server not found Firefox can't find the server at update.zonelabs.com. * Check the address for typing errors such as ww.example.com instead of www.example.com * If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection. * If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
  5. I don't think she was tipped off, I think she was frightened... And for a minute I felt bad for her But it was funny. Thanks Mosh
  6. Yes Rascal. You experienced WOW and an appr. corps year. You were in these flawed programs. You speak from experience WD was a twig leader and never left his city? Give me a break.... (not directed at you but him) His whole experience was that? And he says maybe my and Ex's memories are fuzzy and WE WERE THERE? Geez, he can .... and the horse he rode in on.... ya know?
  7. Abi I do not see the Amazon link on the home page Anyone else have the link? I just do not see it
  8. Brief aside Hi Raf, I have missed you and Zixar!
  9. OMG I never realized that WD never went WOW, worked limb staff or any FIRST HAND program. Corps spouse is nice but it is kinda like a 2nd hand program (no offense to Rascal) whereby you tap into the spouses corps training. Geez, and he gets on here and DOUBTS our stories because he knew Steve Sands or the like... Isn't that 2nd hand information? OMG, and we gave credence to his opinion allowing it to derail threads and disturb flow for years? And all this legal talk? He is not a lawyer either. And even if he were, how many guilty people go free and innocent are in jail the court system is deeply flawed. His arguments are troll like in nature and circular in execution. Sorry WD, you were a nice guy when you came here, but progressively became more brick headed, blind, and have lost the ability to go down any other track than the the one you are on - and that track is deeply flawed and not in the least bit compelling. Gosh, just stop it already. You have brought this upon yourself by your troll like appetite which feeds upon the emotionally lame, vulnerable or once injured.
  10. Anyone hear about these phones? A friend of mine is on his 3rd one as they get very hot (temperature) after about 10 minutes and he can hardly hold onto it (it gets that hot)
  11. CM if she needs to be pretty - then she is pretty, that is fine with me. My friends know me. Janis But my pretty, you really do not see clearly. You do flame bait, twist, fabricate and obviously can dish it out but cannot take it. I am not paranoid nor am I afraid of you. I fear very little, and you, my dear, are bush league. Now I see- the ignore button maybe something I hit, thanks for reminding me
  12. From Lucy: You told me I was as responsible as the molester VPW, I had never even spoken to you before. Again another fabrication from pretty "Lucy" using her real (Sarcasm intended) name. Pretty Lucy, as we can see in your lovely photo, when I responded to your mean accusatory post in kind, you got offended. Funny, how you get offended so easily but do not see how you offend others (Also a characteristic of bi-polar disorder. Honey, we are fighting with your chemicals. Get help. Do what Belle said and print this out and give it to your Doctor. I am not kidding about this or using it as fuel, you really need to seek help)You wrote: Not a very nice post? eh?
  13. Yes, Lucy and you are the pretty girl in the comic strip "Lucy" Belle Geez - she really does need a larger quanity of help then we can provide. Nice to see you Belle!! BTW
  14. you need help honey, yes you are much prettier than I am
  15. Lucy is J@niZ L@n9 remember her? She just pm'd me and threatened me Remember all the trouble she caused awhile back? Here we go again.
  16. Lucy There is a screaming child inside you which still needs to be heard - she is misdirected and trying to scream at Ex and me because perhaps your mother did not help you... Go ahead... let it out... We are not responsible for your childhood pain. Go ahead yell at your mother... Yell at God if you want. You need to get the pain out in order to heal. But I will not let you blame me. Blame the people who did nothing in your situation. The truth will set you free.
  17. Lucy said Yet you said if I read you as being curt it was something I was reading into it - Sure. You are really being sweet... For some other planet where Jeffrey Dahmer's eating habits are acceptable -maybe. You wrote idios that is what I asked about as you used my huh? against me. You must mean adios which means "good bye" as idios is not a word. Unless, of course, you were calling yourself and idiot because the spelling of adios escaped you. I know there are plenty of bi-polars - so what? It still does not excuse YOU from blaming Ex and I for the continued abuse - and that eventually affected you - as if it is our fault BTW the list of great people without bi-polar is very long as well. Your list still does not excuse what you accused me and Ex of, it is another diversion - to say "look over here" so you can appear right. You forgot Adolf Hitler was bi-polar - BTW You are grasping at straws, still trying to be right. Interesting that you ASSume me to be paranoid - when again that would be a triat with which you struggle. Do not transpose your illness, and bad behavior on others just to win an arguement. I suspect you will just become more and more angry. Feel free Lucy, you are fighting with yourself. Defending a position that was uncalled for and then tried to morph it into - well feel sorry for me cause I was abused... Half the people VP abused were already abused. Scream all you want. You made Ex and I into being responsible for VP actions. Your screaming and twisting is just a dance designed so you never have to admit you were wrong. Dance away Lucy. I do not care. edited to move a paragraph up.
  18. Lucy May God help you not hate the world because you had a rough life. Or slam into walls because your personal hatred has made you blind. For that hate can twist facts and cripple you even further. There are many here who have suffered abuse, you are not so different than many women who found their way into TWI. So, your personal story, although compelling, does not give you a license to prance your self-righteous azz into my life on the accusatory. Did you read your post? Do you think maybe you were a bit out of line in the way you presented? But I have read that you also have a chemical imbalance that you posted elsewhere in the cafe, so I am not going to engage you in battle. I am not shy of battle, nor do I think I would loose, its just I recognize you come ill equipped considering your past abuse and your "chemical imbalance" with which you are dealing. (I am not devulging anything you did not post and it truly is revealing to me, why you speak as you do, have a need to always be right, etc. is all part of that illness, I am not using this as a jab but as a point of understanding) I do not want to be responsible for pushing you to a place you cannot handle. I am well aware of bi-polars and how much they can and cannot handle. So, I said my piece. You can argue, twist, justify and or play the sympathy card... I do not care. Most are smart enough to see through that. Some may be drawn into the subtle twist of the perpetrator VP to Ex and I being responsible for the crimes by not getting someone to "stop it". Which is a mighty tall order from a woman who did nothing herself. (The whole glass house and stone throwing saying applies here) You were wrong in the way you approached Ex and myself. And it is obviously drenched in a pain, independent of TWI, with which you still struggle. Perhaps, if you get help with the identifiable abuse, and the identifiable abuser in your life you will also be delivered of your cult problems. See you say the problem with your brother is over and it feels great and yet it is the FIRST card you played in order to justify your treatment of me and EX when posters called you on it. So, you are either NOT over it, or use it to manipulate a sympathy in an effort to "be right" again, a triat of bi-polar disorder. A disorder from which there is no cure only continued medication therapy and counseling. It is a tough thing to struggle with and many people with sexual abuse in their past have that struggle. I hope you find wellness
  19. Nor do you know me. And yet you ASSume plenty.
  20. Thank you for your kind loving post to me and to Ex. I see you were severely abused and are angry nobody stepped in to defend you. I understand, how you might then think everyone may fall into some kind of a category, whereby, they could have stopped abuse if only they did this or that. Perhaps, you have played the “if only” scenario in your head, repeatedly. But I think you have unjustly clumped all things into too neat a package. People who know should speak up and all abuse would stop if they spoke up. I respond to you, painfully aware of your abuse, but in kind to the curt remarks you made to me and to Excathedra. For I shall not let it slide. I am “speaking up” to you for your judgment of me in your post. There were about 50 people there. We were broken into groups. The corps coordinator knew, the elder corps, the visiting clergy. They all knew. Exactly, whom should we have told; you? The sold out followers of the Drambuie king? The man who could no wrong? People like you? You can hardly navigate your way around here without asphyxiating on the vomit that was taught to you in TWI and defending it as if it were a holistic diet to be enjoyed by all forever. By your own post you knew something happened to your corps sister yet I never heard of your noble endeavors to fight for justice. I do not see you archived as one who made a difference and stopped the abuse by your declaration of truth or defense of your corps sister. No, you and your phariseedical behaviors, I have seen in your posts, would surely have believed Craig and the others at the lunchtime announcement that we were possessed. You have NO idea how I fought and what I fought and whom I confronted.. It seems that you, however, are still eating poop and calling pabulum. I truly hope you heal from the horrors of your childhood. But with your adherence and defense of the “cult” I think you are a long way from being healthy. So, I will disenfranchise myself from your post at this point – because frankly, it is just too easy. And I do not want to push you over the precipice on which you teeter. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel. In response to: You make the continued abuse Ex's and my fault rather than be shocked that the abuse took place - thereby, you have navigated people away from the issue, and have changed the victims into the criminals. So, by your own standards, I speak up now and say, "Oh, no you don't" Edited to add comas for clarity
  21. When I read the title to your thread I was realling hoping..... You were going to cult camp to get some help...
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