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Posts posted by fellowshipper

  1. What does an accountant do when they have constipation. They work it out with a pencil.

    tom strange what are the answers to your questions.

    Niki I was up in the city this weekend but couldn't make it.

  2. Do you know what you call a gaywad on a skateboard. Rollaids.

    I once heard that Rock Hudson was born in Indiana but reared in California. I need some clarification here.

    I will probably be banned but do you know what AIDS stands for? Either an A$$ Injected Death Sentence or Another Infected -ick Sucker.

  3. Me and my three kids went to see it yesterday. They wanted to stop at Walmarts but I said you need to let this soak in during your half hour drive home from McAlester. We all talked about it and my daughters asked if I cried it took an hour to confess up and I told them it was what he did for us and to see our Lord done in that manner that hit me. I too sat their with my Way brain trying to rightly divide this and that and thought Mel is the only person out of his only finances to put together something we could really see the Isaiah prophecy of his beatings like no other has. I recommend it to see.

  4. These two little boys were returning from the playground and was stopped by the teacher at door. She said that kind of behavior will not be tolerated on school grounds by putting your arms around each other. The little tots were confused and one of them looked up and said we were only playing Army.

    And we have so many many more.

  5. Ex that is pathetic. What does an airplane and a bleached blonde have in common?? My space and private only for the answer. I have my repition to keep on this thread, so if you have itching ears I am available there.

  6. I was thinking about getting that new operation. This is where they sever the optic nerve that connects to the rectal nerves. It is called an optorectectemy. Seems it is to keep you from having a crappy outlook on life.

  7. what do you call a bird that wears glasses.

    A birdwatcher. knuk knuk knuk

    When my kids come in and say Dad I'm thirsty. I say really I'm Friday come over Saturday and we'll have a Sunday.

  8. Taking it to the top, since we are not invited to the 7th corpse reunion. I think I will need counseling or therapy. Is there are any takers. All I have is a carry-on I have left my samsonite on the dock!

  9. Happy VD belated times for all of you ninth Corps girls or silent listeners too.

    Linda Z isn't that a country and western song,namely the cheap seat. We just had a new stadium built in Oklahoma city in brick town. I took the boys and we were on third base. I likee my seatee. We had a view and it did something for my boys I was with.We had a blast.

  10. After being in the military for some twenty years I do not of those that are gay because they hide it so well. When Clinton allowed the don't ask don't tell policy, many of the innies confessed and were booted out because of their identity. Let us not forget here that the main goal of the homos is acceptance. This is what they are after most of all. I can not accept this lifestyle ever. I just do not understand it really. Can they not find an opposite sex partner? I just have to stand on common sense and what is written of in Romans. To even question what it is talking about in those first chapters speaks quite clearly about it all. And I am not one to judge or condemn but I will keep my distance from them and those who try to water it all down of their perverse lifestyle.

  11. Simon go and sin no more, today shalt thou (in the future) be with in paradise. Don't touch me yet I have yet not ascended unto the Father.

    Niki I still to the day have not taken my books to the Gehanna hoping to provide my children with my books. It is so strange how we hold onto the past isn't it. oh and just for record I pray standing as my arthritis doesn't permit my bony knees to kneel anymore.

  12. Bush aint running for mars. It sucks when I can't vote today cuz it is only democrats on the ballots. Meanwhile the liquor stores are closed until 7:30 p.m. I am in a dilemma here. And a bit confused since I live or should I say under the oppression of Democrats. Please advise.

  13. Niki as cold it is today I wish I could have another batch of homemade buns. Meanwhile us single parents will provide some cooking all the day long just to make the house smell good as the kids will stay on their behind the scene junk food diet unbeknowst to me. I am getting all of the cooking done so I can watch the super bowl tonight

  14. tommie boy I was away on active duty trying to make it safer for the rest of us.

    Niki thanks for having me over to share time with your family, it was a home away from home. And oh yea me and some other airman chowed down on your homemade buns thanks.

  15. Rocky, rainwater in Phoenix Arizona. Is that an oxymoron? The only time we got rain when I lived in Yuma was the spring and the streets flooded because we were below sea level.

    Simon I almost bought that same year truck from a guy at work but it didn't have the power steering modification. My son did not like it but it is a classic and looks like you have pampered it to life.

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