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Posts posted by fellowshipper

  1. tuttle, it is weshack theyshack and to bed we go. It is a disgrace for me to have been in this fellowship this morning. I have no friends when it comes to the verd.

  2. Are we a little sac-religious here or what? You do know that Arkansas is still the holy land. Don't you remember when Noah looked out his Ark and saw.

  3. Tuttle it says drink a little for thy stomach sake and thy often infirmity. I know that wasn't a Corps scripture but I often remembered that one. Tuttle you are going down the path of Eve to add a word and and subtract one too. No pressure.

    I just wanted to tell you guys I love you (not your ways). I am a silent listener not a closet case. And no Simon I am not typing just to bring this to the top.

  4. It is my goal this year to write all of my sponsors and tell them what the Corps did to me and the rest of us. And although in the end when we were twigless and aimless in what to do with all of that training somehow it made us all a better person and our coping skills are in place. And that maybe in the future they should invest their money in something worthwhile. What do you all think?

  5. Thanks X

    (This message was edited by Zen Buddha to become one with the reader on or about 5 Dec 03 0956 cst, time is not important for the elect that are called for one purpose)

  6. Nike your mention of the pumpkin pie made my mouth water for some.

    Simon I just want sit around and share hearts, I had my tuition together, ( knock on wood ) thank you Lord.It is finished.

    Tom Strange you are one sick puppy and would love to share hearts with you too. That's Corp!!!

  7. Once after graduation I had sat in a branch leaders meeting with the coordinator and had requested an ashtray and when I observed the limb coordinator saw there was none available in his limb house I replied I will just use the floor. His facial expressions dropped and I reminded him I was only kiddding. It was a KODAK moment.

  8. I sure miss the morning runs around the Neosho river in Emporia while in residence. It sure seems like a lifetime ago.What have I been doing with my life to show anything.

    (This message was edited and nipped in the bud by the more affectionalely referred to Fellownipper Dec 02, 2003.)

  9. Oh Simon you are dotting about many things when you say so men shall cleave to your bosum. Is that out of context or is that the septuigant translation according to Simon Zelotes. No pressure! Just wondering and hope to visit telephonically with you soon.

  10. Simon it is all good. I am challenged to understand all of the Aussie words so she brought me a paperback on definitions of words. It blows my freaken mind that their English is not out English. And their words are not our words nor their ways our ways. Where have I heard that at? Anyway all's well. Especially the down under part.

  11. Happy birthday Simon! I just sorta want to go to the land down under. Is that wrong? And Fellowshipper will. And you can call and bug me anytime but not at night or the wee morning hours. Check your time zones.

  12. Yes, I remember Jeff Hess by face and spent time with him.. I have my girlfriend or should I say my fiancee coming in on Thursday for a month to do some bonding. She is coming from Australia and I am excited. We met on the internet on Chritian cafe a couple of years ago. I Have been to Australia twice and went to Tassy last time around, I am so excited. Can Ex correct my grammar as she worked in an office with PAT. Where did she go anyway.

  13. Sounds like he should of been a lawyer. To wordy just to cover their a$$. I am glad I never expected the Way to take care of me in my old age and sought a different form of retirement. Geez.

  14. I missed the times of taking off on annual leave (earned vacation time) and cooking burgers from 9;00am-1200 midnight I may be ate up and a little slow but I grow on you. It is a process. I could never do cashiering as I did not have the patients. Hence my career was limited.

  15. Oh my Simon you are a man after mine own heart. I do not mean to be redundant here (as you shared on return from our interim year at Gunnison), I was there and you made that statement. I just love you guys for these dusty thought momentos that we were raised on in our youth. And for this I am grateful, Is there a bonding connection here. I feel it..

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