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Posts posted by fellowshipper

  1. Johnny Lingo I did give up the Pall mall. And quit for eight years. until just two months ago to filter. The non choked me on my morning brushing. To think I only changed brands back then to keep the unprepared bumming smokers from borrowing from my habit. Oh how the motive was wrong.

  2. I don't know about this smoking thing but as I drove home today over this cemetary all I could see was this billboard with the caption millions now smoking. What is a believer to do. I came here to be the 20k veiwer and already I am beat out by the 2k replier. And to think this is only Ruby Tuesday. Once at Gunnison craig (little c) said that my whole secret to being a good runner was that I smoked. I pondered and thought my watch is waterproof but not bu..sh.. proof. I began to tell him after my one lung was removed form my T.b. it doesn't seem to bother me any more. hehe.

  3. As I read these threads and/or posts I just think what wilt this babbler say now. Where are the the other silent readers of the ninth corps. You can come out of the closet. Sorta a don't ask don't tell thingy. We are brethen with an ocean of love. I once spent a night with a 11th corps man from Ireland and heard how he grew up in his country trials of Catholic versus protestants and was enlightened of other countrys. I forgot more of rumors of wars than that boy will ever Know.

  4. Niki My heart goes out to you. Once when I was at Gunnison my father passed. After twenty four years I do not forget my time with him. What I am saying is you will get over the initial shock with a good cry I cried so hard myself, but you will never forget him. Often I want to be with him and visit, but no more. I want you to know niki I will pray for you and soon come down to visit when I am in the city.

  5. Niki I agree with you. Although we don't know any of these people that children have lost thier parents,with multilple situtions, my heart of understanding is before the Lord as there is no other but He. They have a great loss that can not be replaced. I heard all that was said, I could not but turn my head of the multipliciy of indivduals that vanished instantly. I personally can not fix this. This is "THE WORLD" as all of my hearings have been from since I was a child of what I understand. These people greive and my heart goes out to them.

  6. Simon of little faith. It's good to see your spending your structured evening in your daily after glow. When you get up for some more whiskey would you get me a cup a coffee about a bottom half.

  7. Yes Niki I am back. Took the kids to Pensacola Beach and out on a fishing boat eighteen miles out. Caught a lot of fish just waiting to be battered and deep fried.

  8. We don't mind if you're being a girlie girl Ex just as long as you don't start talking about your girlie desires to this congregation.

  9. That is right Simon I need to read my bible more. We were wondering what it would be like fishing on the beach and all of a sudden it started raining pigs. The other guys out hanging waves were tipped over by pig carcasses other seashell fans were disturbed by the froth of pig stew on their favorite seashell sites. Now I recall.

  10. Simon didn't you tell me a truckers worst fear is running over a herd of pigs cuz they roll under the wheel and get stuck making it impossible to steer.

  11. Ex, tonight I'll be on a ferry to go over to Tansmania. I wanted to check out the outdated penal colonys there to see if there was any outreach work to be done there or to hold it forth. I'll be there for less than aweek but it is an eleven hour ferry ride from Melbourne.

  12. I did run the stairs of kenyon hall and vowed the vow of celebecy to never partake in that practice ever again. The lactic acid in my legs hurt.

    Once I had remembered when I came back from lead that my stomach could not be satisfied with fulness and they served Borsch and noone wanted any at the table so they were blessed in giving me theirs. I ate so much borsch that I had to go to our Fran at third aid because I was urinating red liquid. I not being gross just my in-residence experience.

    Ex I really enjoyed your housekeeping article. We need more of them so the wifes can know their place as wives. barf,.

  13. niki, I guess someone has to take care of that dinasour exibit after all with that other adult you were eluding to.

    Rocky with all of those credentials on that Steve Tully candidate, I didn't see how many foundational classes he ran. Is this some kind of a joke?

  14. Igotout, I agree I am getting the impression that all males have small penises with the number of advertisements I get on a daily basis. And where is all of this viagra coming from I get two to three advertisements a day. There must be pyramids of it to sell. I am going to try this new program as I have children that are tired of looking at porn advertisements. Thanks for telling us about this site.

  15. Ex I didn't know there was a phone hook up this morning for "he is risen", Easter Sunday. I planned to go to church as we have a real big dinner at lunch and told them I would bring a big appetite.

  16. Ex I was just wondering if we could be buried in the Way Woods so we would be closer ot home.

    TOTO 2 you have given me some good material to work with now on all of those jackasses I meet.

  17. Excatheter, the only reason why they witness to each other over and over and over is cuz they are all in the same sunset corps home,medicated and not knowing any better.

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