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Posts posted by fellowshipper

  1. I got outta thar. Is that Knutson third from the far right? That girl in the middle looks familar but then again all believers look alike.

  2. Tommy I was going to suggest if you hadn't found anything on Monster.com was that McDonalds is always hiring. All the free food that falls on the floor too. If you can hold out till August you can work the burger stand for me at the rock. I wouldn't count on the rock to be a place to meet woman but your face muscle will ache from smiling so much because you are so blessed.

  3. Simon, Simon, this is why we have so many dust covered bibles stories. The Musterion of the blind man is twofold. First it was in the gospels read your bible, (no pressure). Second, after Jesus healed the blind man he said he saw men as trees. I don't know what this all means. One group says the man was so blind Jesus didn't do it right the first time, others say it was the mans understanding was healed since he never understood sight I don't know. Either way it sets there like a diamond.

  4. I remember doing that and feeling so foolish like what will others think. It just goes to show how gullible we were. Imagine what the Emporians thought. Like I really care.

  5. Ex I often thought of that kind of micromanaging as religious bondage. I never cared for it and being called Corps training, it was BS. There, I feel better.

  6. Rocky that's great to hear you can have your daughter now. I have three on my own and am often reminded from the class through that imbecilical illustration our fodder used is that they are cheaper by the dozen.

  7. Notonstaffanymore, can I come over too. You can have your strong drink and I'll have some ice tea and we can sit in your back yard as in olden times and watch your kids play or look at your herb garden.

  8. Simon I was reading a hot thread you and ex were writing on if that is the threadkiller you were talking about. I hope we don't have a threadkiller here we just need some new material or some fresh ninth corps to come out of the closet and quick being quiet readers. Were a family dagburnit.

  9. niKa I remember that exact incident and my very thoughts were not a matter what she did but why do these people (bullys) insist on embarrassing others to inflate their ego. I used to vonder vhy Jesus spoke of confronting a situation person to person not person to congregation.I always found those outbursts of anger unnecessary. Anger management could really do some help here. I know this is a fun run thread but it can also be an enlightenment one as well. thanks for allowing me get closure on that cold winter day at hq.

  10. Excathedra, that was very thoughtful of you to start us all off on the new year with such a beautiful song. Is that song a two count or a four count?

  11. TT, when I saw your post my first thought was what will this babbler say. Always must go with the first thought lest we get talked out of the great mystery. You and all the rest have a great New Year and if you're a wine bibber just drink a little wine for thine stomach sake and thy often infirmity.

  12. Ex looks like you were up pretty early. Were you working on your lift list or making cookies for a public explanation? Oh the daily chores of a doulos.

    Simon with your rendetion of a beatle clip all I can say is thank you Dorothy thank you Rhoda.

  13. Tommy boy,You make me cry. If you need some more of The Way "looking for love" title suggestions how bout, "Whats love got to do with" or love hurts" or looking for love in all the wrong places",emphasis on the wrong.

    Was your profitsee forthcoming or foretelling of your vision of a day with the president?

  14. Simon you said," by the way, what in the hell are we doing on a Friday night punching a keyboard,instead of being out....." I used to wrestle with that and now just except it. That is the true sign of aging.

  15. Paul I know and Jesus I know but who the buck are you? How did you know I had an "R" tattoo on my arm and my twin brotheres B. Who art thou? Come out. I still have my dam job.Someone has to work at these things to make electricity so people can sit in front of the put and post at GS.

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