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Posts posted by fellowshipper

  1. Simon as the baby leaped in Elizabeths womb so my heart jumped when you quoted "Mr. let me off right over there....unerneath that sign so fair..

    out on the corner of Weiwilly road and highway 69"

    You do remember those touching songs of the ministry.

    Rocky we have had one armed bandits and bingo on the indian reservations for some time now but the state is not allowed to gamble. I never figured that one out yet, hmmmmmmmm.

    It always amused me that we were able to squeeze our smoking habit, in even though we were on a tight budget and still have stamps to write oursponsors. I decided to change to pallmall non-filters. I seemed to always have smokes after that and never ran out. I did cough up chunk-of-lung at times but I had my cigarettes. I haven't smoked for over seven years but I do still dip copenhagen where swallowing is the best part. YUM!!!

  2. I got out, that song brings to mind the sweetness of our return and the fellowship from returning from the WOW field. I'll never forget driving for hours, tired,bitchy, needing a shower and parking in the back forty. Walking to the registration tent in the the sweltering Ohio August summer that seemed like miles and hearing that song playing over the loud speakers. The discounted WOW Rock of Ages passes and my own free WOW burger pass gave me the feeling it was all worth the faithfulness. I was so blessed my jaw ached from smiling and saying God Bless you. Oh the memories! Sigh!!!

  3. I wouldn't mind being a roving WOW Ambassador and go to the different fellowships to check out the new babes in the Word. I wanna do so serious undersheparding. Under the Shepard Sheparding. Spiritual Counseling has always been my long suit.I would hope to be on staff for forgo the twenty hour work week. I always came up short on the family finances. You do the math.

  4. Tuttle I am thankful for our Cisterns in the Lord. Whenever I feel more condensending than is appropiate I recall the verse "blessed are the paps that gave thee suck". Gods Word is alive today as back then.

  5. Simon if one speak shouldn't it be by the course of two or three but let the woman keep quiet in the church,( translation according to abusages," God says shut up"). Or should the self same one interpret. I didn't mean to make this a mathematical paradox. Just need to blow the dust off of my dust covered bible. It has been some time now since I have been involved in a believers meeting or an excel session.

  6. Excathedra, if we are going to have an on line fellowship in the comfort of our own home at our convenience even though these intenets can be so sterile and bland. If we are going to work Song of Solomon word for word and line for line. I just want to see how it is used in the greek to see how it is used so so. Did God really say that, did he really mean that. Your get the jist and sum and substance.

  7. Ex, was that pool bought with our 15% surplus tithes or our Corps tuition? Hey we were on time with our tuition.

    When you talk Song of Solomon dirty to us I likee. What does "open to me my sister" and " my beloved put in his hand by hole of the door" really mean. Is that what I think it means according to usage. Oh I wish I were the man I know to be. Your'e one suggestive puppy, I like it.

  8. The right Reverend so and so Tuttle, I had thought if you were with the right woman at the right time that she would send you to seventh heavon. I think after Simons nouthetaoen you, you will have a Sunesis. A river of understanding.

    Simon I came to fellowship for help and all you have done is drive me deeper into my problem. If you ever want to know about my condition I have forgotten more than that boy will ever know.

  9. Hey Excatheter, I know you don't have a thing for rivenbarf but some bedroom shots would sure be appropiate I would imagine. How do you work a full time job, care for a youngin and work your amateur photography for a hobby. Your are one sic puppy.

  10. All I need is a God rock to get me over this portion of the rock.

    After my duo alone just God and I. The quietness gave me such quiet peaceful seas, it sounded like someone yelled at me when they were picking people up to go back to base camp. I will never forget while walking back with the group that I had felt like I just got a lombodomi. I did not want no trouble and everything seemed so hecktic. We were given one baked potatoe without the sourcream or other cheesy condiments but it was so delicious. I had finished all of my trail mix and couldn' t help thinking " I have been young and now I am old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. Why did they starve us like that anyhoo. Oh yea and don' t tell me it was part of the adventure of roughing it.

  11. Poes' Ravenbark looks like she just got done smoking some wacky tobacky or a left handed cigarette. Or maybe she is just real blessed. No I don't want to party with her.

    I do not know who was the oldest or the youngest but one time Bob Wyda and I began doing match making and we decided that Dana King and Donna Ozarkiw would make the most uniquest couple due to the size and all.

    Simon can I be a wow rover with you I like to go to field fellowships and see the more abundant life on a part time job.

  12. Sounds like some of you are experiencing 3.2 flu as we call it here in okieboogie land and are having a six pack attack. If you should knock over your can in the process in a state of drunkeness I will accuse of alcahol abuse.

    Tonight I went to see Riverdance, an Irish dance team. There was a lot of toe tapping and those Irish girls sure can bounce around on stage but there were other things I saw bouncing around. Oh I wish I was young again.

  13. Excatheter I don't think you were glorifying the devil. God looks at the heart and although the heart is deceitful above all, I know you had good intentions to get us in the spirit of Holloweeny and to really hold it forth.

  14. Excatheter, didn't they bury tick senior in the Way woods? His devue, though short lived on Christian Family and Sex just to break the tension was much needed. I do remember tick junior all though he never made it to the lime light like his dad.

  15. Excathedra, thank you for sharing that picture. It stayed in my nous all day long. Can you provide a picture of her doing some projectile pea green soup too?

    Igotout, is that a rendition of a halloween battered wife. I have a pair of those bubba teeth I sometimes use on friends that my kids bought me. Such fine memories.

    Simon, you used to be on staff when the rest of us were out WOW and you can't even remember who Rueben or Uncle Harry was married to. It is a shame for me to be in this fellowship with you this morning. This is where the memory pegs come in handy.

  16. Simon let us not forget many feathers and all of his wisdom and insight. Besides it was 15% or more depending on how God has blessed your life. Logically we should give the net part rather than the gross because we will tithe with out retirement money.

  17. I do not readily recall the cfand sex class you guys are mentioning. Did I miss out on something? I do recall our last year when we had a meeting over the lunch room and vp showed a flick on two girls trying to get ole shep on them and had more sense on them. I scratched my head during the whole thing wondering what is the profit of this,ole shep aint my cup ot tea. When is uncle harry day. I need to depart with some stuff and maybe run it down to Acts fifth Avenue.

  18. Simon, the purpose for joining the Corps was for the bookstore discount. But you can combine your wow bookstore with it. I tried that that is imadmissable.

  19. I reached up into daddys cookie jar and was only left the crumbs. That is were you augment,enhance and enrich. Tuttle wasn' t full of the spirit but when I saw him walk out of the bar strutting his stuff he said he could woop any man alive. He had a different kind of spirit.

  20. I spent a year at that farm. I always enjoyed all of the inresidence corps coming down but it was a sad time when they left. It was my apprentice corps years. Believe me, I got so sick and tired of being told that it was my preparation for the Way Corps. Somehow, free room and board and fifty dollars a week and working twelve to fifteen hour days including weekends made me many times rethink what I was getting into. But when the next batch of Corps were sent down it made it all worth while.

  21. I think excatheda is loaded,you know full of new wine and off babbling something.

    Running a burger stand wasn't necessarily a mindless job. The biggest challenge was dealing with all of the excuses the assigned corps would shell out as being legitimate. I would just say Egor get in the back.

  22. Although I utilized my only two weeks of vacation time and spent a chunck of money to get there only to work in the August Ohio heat to cook burgers. I will gracefully decline the offer of running to serve and work till midnight and miss all of the teachings just so others could have a famous WOW burger. I just aint in the giving mood anymore.

  23. I have been checking everyday but this thread must have dropped off the cliff. We need some more material. No more gut spilling,gut wrenching sharings from me.

    Have been spending most of the week thinking and watching documentarys on 911. It is to much to think about and glad to get some closure of a one year anniversary. I have a lot of friends that got activated I was fortunate along with others that didn't get called.

    Will check in from time to time here.

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