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Mark Sanguinetti

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Posts posted by Mark Sanguinetti

  1. Erick:

    "What can I do to help you ask?"

    In case you were not aware of Grease Spot Cafe etiquette. About the Way is a good place to put to practice compassion for your fellow posters who have experienced harm at the hands of cult leaders. Doctrinal would be a good place to state your scriptural beliefs as long as you are open minded to others doctrinal insights and views.

    The above would be a good start here in your service to the body of Christ.

  2. Erick, I am sure you mean well. However, I don't think you are objective enough to the sins and doctrinal errors of VPW to be of much help in Christian ministry, yet. Have you written anything of biblical value that does not have Way Ministry theological blinders? Something that can be of value to all Christians and not just Ex-Way people. I have done this. So has Rafael and so have a few other people that have posted on Grease Spot Cafe. To the best of my knowledge you have not. And if you have why haven't you posted some of this in the doctrinal section here?

    Erick, I am sure you mean well, but you are still very new to being away from TWI hypocrisy. It is going to take you more time to break away from this snare.

  3. Mike:

    At the very least this is the wrong thread for you. You have not influenced anyone here. All you have done is prove that your position is absurd. And frankly the more you post the more people will see that your position is absurd. I guess that is good, but your ignorance is antagonizing some of the posters here. Some people actually want to have a bible discussion regarding which parts of PFAL are true and which parts are not true. Now is that to much to ask for?

    [This message was edited by Mark Sanguinetti on January 28, 2003 at 17:35.]

  4. Yea, Troubledwine Rocks. He is an excellent bible student. One of the very best that I have seen on Grease Spot Cafe. It has been a long day for me at my business. It is now my nappy nap time. I better go and locate my bankie.

  5. Hi Jerry:

    How is everything bro? Yea, I hear you Jerry. Actually though, some of us like Mike because he is a text book example of PFAL, when taken to idolatrous extremes, is very harmful. All we have to do now is point Wierwille Apologists in the direction of Mike's posts and say "this is where PFAL worship can lead you." They get one wiff of Mike's act and straighten up very quickly. Much quicker than by your or my persuasion alone.

    Thanks Mike. We greatly appreciate your input on Grease Spot Cafe. However, a few people actually take you seriously and are worried about your sanity. For there sake will you please occasionally write something intelligent. You know something that you have not read from one of Vic's books.

  6. Hi Buck:

    Yes, Buck Doop is who I was thinking of. The last time I talked to him he was a Way leader in one of the Dakota's as I recall. He is a good guy. A real people person. I was hoping to say howdy. Maybe I will run into Jim here in California some day soon. When I do I need to remember to ask him about Buck.


  7. Yea E.W. Bullinger. I have tried to tell Mike that his posts are too long a number of times. He just won't listen. He is on a mission from God I suppose. Only it is very clear that his God is the memory of Victor Wierwille.

    Mike what do you think of Georgio Jessio's posts? He has first hand experience regarding Victor Wierwille's very selfish sexual lust and he is not afraid to speak the truth about this.

  8. Geez Mike. That was a quickie response? I knew I should have studied harder in that speed reading course in school.

    But the most important thing is that the score was S.F. 49ers 39, N.Y. Giants 38. It was quite a game and I was at 3 Com Park in San Francisco today to witness it. Had to have been the most exciting football game I have ever seen.

    So Mike, what do you think of Georgio's recent posts? Specifically, what do you think of Wierwille's well known sexual lusts? I might add Georgio is only one of the many witnesses to this.

  9. Mike:

    Perhaps I missread your post above. Are you complaining about the way that you have been treated on Grease Spot Cafe? I and others don't mean to mistreat you. However, your posts perhaps seem judgemental to others. Perhaps, you should change your message. Perhaps, you are the one that needs to be more practical with your religious advice. Perhaps, you should try to help others instead of constantly preaching the word of Victor Wierwille to everyone.

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