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GreaseSpot Cafe

Mark Sanguinetti

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Posts posted by Mark Sanguinetti

  1. Hi Radar:

    Sorry for not getting back to you sooner about the restaurant that Pawtucket and I went to. After writing the post and clicking Post Now, the Internet just kind of ate up my post. Must of been all that bouncing around between servers. Anyway Francesco's is on the corner of Hagenberger and Pardee west of the Oakland Coliseum. Radar, you must be a little homesick for your old stomping ground.

    Chinson, I should have recognized Tigger, Winnie the Pooh's buddy. An old girl friend of mine loves the Pooh bear.

  2. For Shame on me Chinson. I did spell furry wrong. Leave it to a teacher to correct me. Can I get you to proof read some of my writings in the future?

    Some promotional agent I am, uh? Paw is probably going to fire me now. So what is that furry little creature jumping around on your posts anyway? Do you want me to guess?

    Hi Radar. How is everything going?

  3. Well, I got together with the mysterious Grease Spot celebrity Pawtucket last night in Oakland, CA. We ate at an Italian restaurant and gossiped about Grease Spot Cafe. He is a great guy and we had a good time.

    How would I describe the mysterious Pawtucket you ask? Well, he is sort of a cross between Paul Bunyon, Fabio, Bill Gates and Mother Teresa. Gee, I sure hope that helps. Truthfully, if I was you out in the heart land of America and had the opportunity to get together with our Father in cyber space (I say that very tongue and cheek) I would not pass this up. And yes, Paw is considering me now as his across the country itinerary promotional agent.

    [This message was edited by Mark Sanguinetti on November 05, 2002 at 12:30.]

  4. O.K. Chinson. I can play. But before I show how ignorant I can sometimes be. Can you give me a hint? What type of periodical? Magazine, Newspaper or other? We could try to play cherades, but this might be a little difficult.

    I did not notice the wording of that Zixar. Is someone pulling our legs or is there any science to the 10 listed? And Zixar, how did you get so smart?

  5. Actually Chinson. I did not say I needed the inspiration. I said that your words were inspiring. Furthermore, you don't need to send me any magazines. Perhaps your words are worth a thousand pictures. I am O.K. now. My blood pressure is back to normal.
  6. Hi Petrock:

    I have heard of something similar with regard to the stimulation of knee cartilage growth. Just make sure that they are careful not to weaken your good knee. I will definitely be praying for you. I have prayed for other people with knee injuries and they have gotten healed. You are next. After you are healed remember to give God the glory.

  7. Great Jokes Kathy. I liked yours also Yanagisawa.

    Here is one to add to the mix.

    A woman was so blond she did the following:

    1. Took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.

    2. Thought a quarterback was a refund.

    3. Thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats.

    4. Told a friend to meet her at the corner of WALK and DON'T WALK.

    5. Thought she could not use her AM radio in the evening.

    Kathy, are you blond?

  8. A funny thing Ex10. When I lived in Texas I had a girl friend that never told me her age. We dated for about 9 or 10 months and she never told me even though I asked. Finally, one day we were driving in my car with my roomate also. The car stopped and she got out to talk to a friend. My buddy wanted to know how old she was too so we opened her purse as she brought it with her in the car. Then we carefully found her driver's liscense in her wallet. Turns out she was 10 years older than me and about 6 years older than my buddy. We did not hold it against her though. She was a sweet heart.

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